Station Newsletter
September 10, 2020
Welcome back to school! The Station PTO hopes this newsletter finds you and your family safe and healthy.
You may always visit the Station website and the PTO's facebook page for additional details.
The PTO will host the September General Meeting on Sept 15th at 7:00 pm via Zoom
September Ski Club Registration - Open Registration Now
8th Grade
8th Grade Families,
We are currently seeking a few parents to be on our 8th grade year end team. Duties include assisting with 8th grade recognition, 8th grade video, 8th grade dance, picnic and a few other year end celebration events. If you are interested and know of a few other parents, please email Beth Wiggenhorn
8th Grade T-Shirts will be available on Friday September 11th in the regular spiritwear sale
Amazon Smiles!
Hey BMS Station Families!!! Did you know you can now link your Amazon app to Amazon Smiles and we will start earning $ back to the school!!!!
Turn on AmazonSmile
Open the app and find ’Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.
Thank you!!!
Thank you also to Joni Smego and team for organizing the school supply kit pick-up!
Barrington Giving Day
This year Barrington Junior Women's Club is accepting only NEW toys and games (or items in original packaging with all pieces) as well as used and new bikes and riding toys.
We are also accepting monetary donations via Venmo, @BJWC-Give (Please note “Giving Day” in comments.)
Drop off times in September: Saturday, 9/19 9 AM – noon and Wednesday 9/23 4 PM - 7 PM.
Collection is at 111 Lions Drive, Suite 210.
Be Strong Virtual 5k Run
Be Strong Virtual 5k Run or 1 mile walk/run until Sunday September 13
Register online at www.raceroster.com/30442 or through links at www.bstrongtogether.org.
Station Middle School PTO
How to check if I paid for PTO items and learn more about my child's iPad
Check out the Virtual Backpack
Look here for Station Athletics and Activities Information.
Click here to get involved with the PTO or on the PTO email list?
Email: ptobmsstation@gmail.com
Website: https://www.barrington220.org/domain/771
Location: 215 Eastern Avenue, Barrington, IL, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BMS-Station-PTO-227099777987089/
Twitter: @pto_bms