ACESA Newsletter
October 2024
Good bye Summer, Hello Autumn!
Autumn has officially arrived and with that comes all the seasonal celebrations. The end of the first nine weeks is right around the corner. We have also kicked off our school wide homework initiative for Kindergarten through 4th grade called Wildcat Warm-Up! Please check your child's folder daily and support them as they complete their daily work, just 1 math and 1 reading challenge each night. Our students are working hard each day and this is another way to help support them from home while being apart of your child's education journey.
We also wanted to send a huge THANK YOU to all of our families that joined us on our first Family Stem Day. We had almost 200 families join us to learn all about our design process and complete a stem activity in their child's class.
ACESA School Spirit Wear Sale
Our school spirit wear sale ends October 11th! Shirts are available in black or white. Short sleeved, long sleeved crew neck and hoodies.
STEM Career Day
STEM Career #2: All astronauts report for duty!
STEM Student of the Month
Congratulations! Elena Coker is the September STEM Student of the Month. She is great teammate, works very hard and listens to instructions like an excellent STEM student should.
Mrs. Price is very proud of you!
Walk and Roll to School Day
Join us for our annual Walk and Roll to school day happening on Wednesday, October 9th.
This is a Unified School wide event. Faculty, students and families will meet at Pinnacle Bank at 7:00am and walk together to school leaving around 7:15am. Please be on time and ready for some fun! A family member or guardian must remain with their child/children the entire time. This is not a drop off event. No bikes, skateboards, or rollerblades/skates.
STEM Reading Challenge
Last month we kicked off our first annual STEM reading challenge. Students will aim to read 20 STEM books by November.
Fall Break Reminder
We will be on fall break the week of October 14-18. School will resume on Monday, October 21. We hope our students, families and employees have a safe, fun and relaxing break
The Cheatham County Community Enhancement Coalition is hosting a free showing of “Monsters Inc.” on Saturday, October 25 at 6 p.m. at the Coalition office on South Main Street in Ashland City. There will be free popcorn, snacks and beverages. Attendees are welcome to wear costumes and there will be a photo booth and giveaways. The movie will be on the lawn of the Coalition office, 395 S. Main St., Ashland City.
Fall Fest 2024
Our schools are celebrating National Red Ribbon Week October 28-31. This year’s theme is “Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free.” The week promotes the importance of living drug, tobacco, and alcohol-free lives. Students will take part in a variety of school activities and special-themed days encouraging them to be drug free. As always, we appreciate the support of the Cheatham County Community Enhancement Coalition as they work with our School Resource Officers to make this week a success each year.
We will hold Parent Teacher Conferences on Friday, November 1 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meetings will be scheduled throughout the day. Each school will notify their families on how they can sign up or attend a meeting so please watch for that communication. There will be no school for students on this day.
Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 3. Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour on this date and enjoy your extra hour of sleep!
Mark your calendars! Our family Thanksgiving lunch will be served on Thursday, November 21. Families are invited to come eat with their child(ren) on this day. Our schools will be sharing additional information with their families about this special luncheon.
The cost for an adult to eat is $5.
Cheatham County Nutrition Information
The 2024-2025 application for free and reduced meals is now available. It is extremely important that all families who believe their children qualify for free or reduced meals complete the application. Only one application per family is needed. If you qualified for free/reduced in the past, the application must be submitted within 30 operating days of the new year or the student will be moved from free/reduced to paying beginning September 18.
Applications can be completed online via Skyward.
Printed applications are available at each school. Applications must be submitted and approved each school year for a student to receive benefits.
Families can click here for more information, including a Frequently Asked Questions document about free and reduced-price school meals and a free and reduced-price application for the 2024-2025 school year (both in English and Spanish).
24-25 Meal Prices
Breakfast Prices
Student (Pre-K-12): $2.00 (reduced 30 cents)
Staff: $2.75
Adult: $2.75
Lunch Prices
Student (Pre-K-12): $3.75 (reduced 40 cents)
Staff: $4.75
Adult: $4.75
Holiday, Adult: $5.00
Holiday, Student: $4.00
The 12-week Strengthening Families program will begin in September at Faith Community Church in Ashland City. The program is open to parents and youth ages 6-16. The sessions will be held on Mondays from 5-7 p.m. from September 9 to December 2. Families share a meal together and then break into groups to learn specific skills such as conflict resolution; how to discuss difficult topics such as drugs, peer pressure, etc.; and how to develop speaking and listening skills.
At the end of the program, a printed copy of the family mission statement is presented to each family during a closing graduation ceremony. Strengthening Families is an evidence-based program recognized by the Tennessee court system and Department of Children Services. Check out the graphic for additional information and how to enroll in the program.
We have updated our grading procedures for the 2024-2025 school year. The grading procedures will form a foundation for consistent grading practices. Grades will accurately communicate what students have learned, and each student will be an active participant in learning and assessment processes. For more information, click here.
2024-2025 Career Days
Part of being a STEM designated school, our students get to study different STEM careers throughout the school year.
Here are our STEM-focused careers dress-up days that students can participate in this school year. #futureisSTEM
Community Partner Opportunities
Would you or your business like to be a community partner with ACESA?
Here at ACESA our students love to learn about careers and how what they are learning in class relates to the world around them.
Community partners can help by giving guest speakers or participating in career activities.
If you are interested, please fill out the link below. We greatly appreciate it!
Upcoming Events
Report Cards
Report Cards will come home Friday, October 25th.
Fall Party and Dress up Day
October 31st will be our Fall parties and dress up day.
Teachers will be sending home information for plans for each grade level after fall break.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Friday, November 1st from 9am-4pm. There is no school for students this day.
Election Day ~ No School
There will be no school Tuesday, November 5th.
Career Dress Up Day
November 6th is Engineer/Scientist Day
Veterans Day ~ No School
Thanksgiving Lunch
Thanksgiving lunch will be served on Thursday, November 21.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports will come home Friday, November 22nd.
Thanksgiving Break
School will be closed Wednesday, November 27th-29th for Thanksgiving Break.
We want to remind our families that they can pay online for just about anything school-related (such as school meals, yearbooks, daycare, club/organization events, laptops, etc.) via our RevTrak payment system. We have individual school links on the district website. To access the RevTrak system, click here.
We are always looking for substitute teachers! For the past few years, we have partnered with ESS, and they are responsible for recruiting, scheduling, hiring, placing, and managing all substitute teachers in the district. This year, the company is excited to announce that it has increased daily rates for both non-certified and certified substitutes so start your application today. For questions, contact Carly Moore at cmoore@ess.com, follow ESS on its Facebook page at "ESS Cheatham County, TN" or visit www.ESS.com.
About Us
Website: https://www.ashlandcityccs.net/
Location: 108 Elizabeth Street, Ashland City, TN, USA
Phone: 615-792-4296
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACESwilcats1/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acesa_wildcats/