Thompson Friday Forecast
February 28, 2019 (Thursday Edition)
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
Tomorrow, March 1st, is a Teacher Institute Day and there will be no school for students. Our teachers are headed to various locations in Kane County and beyond attending or presenting professional development sessions. This is a great opportunity that our county provides our educators as they support on-going learning. We value the time given to improve our craft and learn from experts in our fields which will ultimately benefit students.
The St. Charles Women’s Club is collecting breakfast bars and juice boxes that help those students who do not get breakfast before coming to school. The club wants to make sure that all students start their day off right! Thompson will be collecting these items during the month of March for redistribution to all D303 schools. Please bring boxes of breakfast bars (no nuts) and/or juice boxes to either building and leave them in collecting areas. Thank you for your support!
Monday night Thompson Middle School will be hosting a Parent University from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the 6th grade center cafeteria which will include experts from the Psychology Department at Northern Illinois University. They will share their research and their work as part of a U.S. Department of Education training grant “Project Prevent and Address Bullying.” I look forward to a productive night and hope to see you there!
The 5Essentials Survey (Parent Satisfaction Survey) closes on Friday, March 15, 2019. I need your help! Only 13% of our parents have completed this survey and we need this percent to be over 20%. If you have not done so already, I urge you to participate in this process by clicking on the following link
Just a reminder to parents of current 6th and 7th grade students, that while we do not accept specific team requests, we do want your input regarding your child’s educational needs. If your child has a specific learning style need, placement issues, or social/emotional concerns that you want to share, please let your grade level counselor know so that we can find the best possible fit for your child as a learner. Please send this information on or before March 22, 2019.
This year’s 6th and 7th grade counselors:
- 6th Grade Counselor – Leigh Gary (
- 7th Grade Counselor – Christy Jolaoso (
- 7th Grade Counselor – Bridget Hult (
And finally, good luck to our Thompson student chefs competing in Saturday’s D303 Middle School Culinary Competition at St. Charles East High School!
Enjoy your weekend!
Operation Snowlake
Who likes to have fun? Who likes games? Who likes food? Who likes hanging out after school with friends? Who wouldn’t mind making new friends? Our annual Operation Snowflake event will be taking place on Thursday, April 18th from 4:00 - 9:00 pm at Wredling Middle School. This event is open to any 6th, 7th and 8th grade student that answered yes to any of the above questions!
The cost of the event is $25, however if you register before March 8th, your cost is $20! This includes dinner, games, fun, snacks, a t-shirt, food, more snacks and lots of memories! Transportation to Wredling will be provided on the day of the event. This is an amazing event that students don’t want to miss! If you have any questions, please see or email Ms. Fedyski in student support. Registration forms are available in the main offices, with team leaders, and attached to this Friday Forecast.
Fiction on the Fox
Fiction on the Fox, an annual community writing event for middle school and high school students, is being held on May 17th at the Baker Community Center. If your child enjoys creative writing, please encourage them to submit their piece to be shared at this special event. Students should send pieces to Please email Lizzy Vander Woude or Megan Keane with questions!
SCN Youth Football Camp March 16th
Great D303 Read
We need your logo design! If you would like to design a logo that will be used on promotional materials, please use the following criteria and include:
- Children’s literature and the love of reading.
- The year 2020
- The name The Great D303 READ
- If you plan to illustrate your logo using Illustrator or Photoshop, please send a PNG file, along with the underlying authoring files, to the LRC Director at your school.
- Hand drawn logos may also be submitted in person to your LRC Director.
- All submissions must be received by April 9, 2019.
A reminder from the school nurse…
State legislation requires that all Illinois children in Sixth Grade have a dental examination. A licensed dentist must perform the examination, and he or she shall sign the form. Dental offices should have the form available, but it is available online at under Departments, then Health Services, then “Health Documents and Forms”. Each child must present proof of a dental examination by a dentist prior to May 15, 2019. The exam must be dated within 18 months prior to May 15, 2019. If your child has had an exam already, you can ask your dentist to complete the form for the exam.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has established a waiver for children who show undue burden or lack of access to a dentist. Parents or legal guardians who object to the dental examinations on religious grounds shall present to the school a signed, detailed statement of the objection.
The deadline is quickly approaching! Please submit this if you have not already done so.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Diane Isbrandt RN, PEL-CSN
Thompson Middle School
331-228-3401 (fax)
Middle School Transfers
Families who wish to submit Middle School Transfer requests may do so through today, Thursday, February 28, 2019. The request form is available here on the District 303 website. Families must complete a separate form for each student they want transferred. Requests are granted based on space available so siblings are not guaranteed placement. A written decision will be communicated to families before spring break.
Once the request is approved, a student may remain at that middle school throughout his or her middle school career, as long as the student resides in District 303. Families of students granted permission to attend a school outside of their assigned attendance are responsible for their own transportation. Students will return to their assigned attendance area high school regardless of the middle school attended.
Revised 2018-2019 School Calendar
"Just Shave It!" Cal's Angels Event
Thompson Thunder will be partnering with Cal's Angels, a local non-profit organization, in a "Just Shave It" event. Students, parents, and friends throughout our community can raise money and shave their heads (or donate locks of hair) in order to increase pediatric cancer awareness and support a local non-profit in the process. Please click on this link to see the progress of our school’s fundraising. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 9th for an exciting event at St. Charles North beginning at 6:00 pm! Please contact Mrs. McKnight,, if you have any questions.
Upcoming Parent University Programs
Monday, March 4, 2019 (Rescheduled from January 30th)
Preventing and Addressing Bullying: Lessons Learned and Resources for Parents
Thompson 6th Grade Cafeteria - 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Faculty from the Psychology Department at Northern Illinois University will present practical information from their research and their work as part of a U.S. Department of Education training grant “Project Prevent and Address Bullying.” Thompson Middle School is partnering with NIU on this grant project, bringing resources that will be shared throughout the district. The faculty will present helpful knowledge, tips, and resources parents can use when navigating bullying situations.
Click here to register for this program.
Dates to Remember
- Friday, March 1 - Teacher Institute Day - No school for students
- Monday, March 4 - Parent University: Preventing & Addressing Bullying
- Saturday, March 9 - "Just Shave It!" Cal's Angels Event - St. Charles North H.S. 6:00 pm
- Friday, March 15 - PTO Meeting from 9:00 - 10:00 am at the 7/8 center
- Friday, March 15 - 5Essentials Parent Survey Closes
- Monday, March 25 - Spring Break through March 29
- Monday, April 1 - School Resumes
- Thursday, April 4 - Principal Coffee - 9:30 - 10:30 am
- Thursday, April 11 - PTO Meeting from 9:00 - 10:00 am at the 7/8 center
- Thursday, April 18 - Operation Snowflake at Wredling 4:00 - 7:00 pm
- Friday, April 19 - No school for students - School Improvement Day
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Sarah Cann - Assistant Principal
Mr. Shane Darnell - Assistant Principal
Dr. Alicia Honnert - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristy McKnight - Assistant Principal
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100