D103 News
Lincolnshire-Prairie View School District 103; Oct 20, 2020
Board Of Education Briefs from Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020
D103 Learning Update: Dr. Scott Warren, D103 superintendent, provided an overview of the opening of schools for in-person learning. The district is building a local dashboard for families to view metrics related to COVID-19.
The district is preparing a family commitment form for November on learning preferences for the second half of the 2020-2021 school year. Learning preference changes for in-person or remote learning will go into effect at the end of January 2021. The Board discussed the format of the form.
Learning Survey Results: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum Katie Reynolds shared the results of a parent, staff, and student survey that went out to families in September regarding remote learning. There were 761 parent responses, 137 staff responses, and 491 students in grades 5-8 who responded.
The majority of parents commented favorably on the survey about the teaching staff.
75% of parent respondents agreed or strongly agreed that students were capable of accomplishing what was expected of them.
71% percent of parents said the assignments were appropriate for the child’s grade level.
47% of parents said instructional strategies were differentiated by students. Mrs. Reynolds said she will investigate how flex time and small group meeting times were being used and how differentiation was being communicated to families. .
Parents were concerned about student screen fatigue and would like more hands on materials for students away from the computer. Mrs. Reynolds said she will look into the possibility of providing more hands-on materials.
Staff Survey: There were two consistent comments from the staff survey.
Staff requested more professional development. Mrs. Reynolds said the district has started offering individual professional development through an online support system in August, and would survey the staff to determine their professional development needs.
Students: Most of the responses by students were positive.
67% of students said they felt comfortable or very comfortable doing schoolwork remotely.
75% of students responded that tools provided by D103 were easy to use.
60% of students responded that they found it easy or extremely easy to stay focused long enough to complete their assignments and 24% took a neutral stance.
60% of students said it was easy or extremely easy staying focused while on Zoom, while 26% indicated a neutral rating.
Staffing Review: Dr. Warren provided a revised staffing plan due to changes in remote and in-person learning attendance and number of days students are in the buildings. All revisions were made to ensure adequate staffing in both remote and in-person learning environments.
Transportation Update: Transportation Director Anthony Mendoza updated the Board regarding student riders since in-person learning started in October. There are 510 students registered to ride the bus. He stated that there is a driver shortage, which is being advertised everywhere including on social media as well as on the side of buses. He believes the shortage is due to the low number of hours drivers are guaranteed to work.
COVID Cost Update: Assistant Superintendent for Business Patrick Palbicke informed the Board that the total 2020-2021 COVID-19 related expenses are $378,997 with revenue losses of $760,172 due to revenue reductions from 103 Club and full day kindergarten tuition. Mr. Palbicke said the amount would have been higher without the CARES Act contributions.
The District is looking into purchasing or renting 4-season tents for the winter months. The District will discuss definitive pricing for purchasing versus rental at the Board meeting on October 27, 2020.
DW Stipends for Clubs and Sports: There are 175 students signed up for 12 clubs and sports for fall as of early October. The Board suggested offering in-person activities when possible.
Daniel Wright Facility Improvement Update: Ninety-nine percent of the Daniel Wright construction project is complete. The entire project came in under budget. The construction project included adding classrooms, redesigning the library, creating a STEM lab, refurbishing the Family and Consumer Science room, and renovating the front office space, hallways, and technology labs.
Other News
Board of Education Meeting
The next regular Board meeting will occur on October 27, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The notice and agenda can be found on the District 103 Board meeting webpage.
Fall Spirit Wear
The PTO now offers Spirit Wear year round. Check out hoodies, long sleeve tees, sweatpants and more.
Questions about Lake County? Your Answer - 211
211 is an easy to remember, 24-hour information and referral helpline in Lake County. It’s designed to reduce time and frustration by acting as a central access point to the health and human services in Lake County.
- Call 211 or text 898211
Without 211, people are often faced with finding services on their own. The result is a lot of time spent calling around trying to find the answer to their need. 211 can answer questions about housing, immigration, government, financial support, crisis management, and more.
The D103 PTO is a completely volunteer-run organization, dedicated to enhancing and enriching the educational experience of our students. Please visit the PTO store to become a member.
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Website: www.d103.org
Location: 1370 N. Riverwoods Road Lincolnshire, IL 60089
Phone: 847-295-4030
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