Arts Education EXPRESSIONS

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Off and Running
School Year 2024-2025 is off and running! I hope you've had a great start to the school year and are looking forward to a wonderful fall of making music, creating art, producing theatre, and dancing. No matter what subject you teach, I hope you enjoy having your students be creative, work together, solve problems, express themselves, and find the joy that comes from the visual and performing arts.
I've had the fortune to see some teachers and college students already this fall. I'm looking forward to being at professional learning days at the regional Educational Service Units or the many conferences upcoming. For more information on that, check out the Professional Learning page on the NDE Arts Ed website. Whether it's at an ESU day, a conference or workshop, or with colleagues in your district, I hope you take time to engage in sharing the things you are doing in your classroom and learning from others. There's no shortage of expertise in arts education in Nebraska. Together we are better.
Nebraska will start its review of the arts education standards in January. Be sure to watch your email for more information.
Thank you for the work you do as you share the joy of creating, performing, presenting, producing, responding, and connecting to the arts with your students and the communities you serve. -Cody
Nebraska Joins National Arts Education Data Project
Bringing the vibrant world of arts education to life through data, Nebraska’s Arts Education Data Project is part of a national snapshot of arts education. The interactive data visualization tool allows users to explore enrollment, access, and participation in the arts throughout Nebraska’s public school system.
Through interactive charts and graphs, users can uncover trends, identify opportunities, and begin to identify and discuss challenges. The goal of the project is to make this information accessible and to be an impetus for dialog, collaboration, and brainstorming.
Together we can ensure every student in Nebraska has opportunities to learn, explore creativity, and hone the processes, skills, techniques, and connections that allow for artistic expression and understanding, connecting all of us to the human experience. Visit Nebraska’s Arts Education Data Project to learn more about the project, see the data, and for a guide on using Nebraska's Arts Education Data Project.
National Federal of High Schools Shares Heat Illness Prevention Strategies
As performers strive for excellence with unwavering dedication, the threat of heat-related illnesses poses a significant concern, particularly amid the demanding schedules of practices and performances, intensified by rising temperatures in summer and autumn. Published by the National Federation of High Schools, this platform is tailored to provide invaluable insights, effective strategies, and essential resources aimed at ensuring the well-being of our high school musicians. Our goal is to mitigate health and safety risks, allowing them to pursue their artistic passions while maintaining optimal health and vitality.
State Agency Directors of Arts Education Introduces Customized Arts Learning Toolkit
The Customized Arts Learning Toolkit supports personalized learning in arts education. The toolkit provides educators with resources to support diverse populations, addressing gaps that impair learning. Customized Arts Learning focuses on arts learning to bridge academic learning and personal development. The toolkit has been created by the State Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) with support from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Congratulations Congressional Art Contest Winners
Nebraska's Representatives and the Nebraska Art Teachers Association congratulate this year's Congressional Art Competition Winners whose work is on display in the U.S. Capitol.
- District 1 - The Observer by Cheryl Z. from Lincoln East (pictured left)
- District 2: "Tinkering with Time" by Lola W. from Omaha Westside
- District 3: "Old Love" by Alyson A. from Southern Valley.
Introduce Big Band Music with Essentially Ellington from Jazz at Lincoln Center
Band directors check out Essentially Ellington (EE) from Jazz at Lincoln Center. Essentially Ellington (EE) is a program for high school jazz bands that is at no cost to your or your school. EE aims to elevate musicianship, broaden perspectives, and inspire performance. Band directors receive resources for the study and performance of big band music.
Any high school or college-aged jazz ensemble can join the EE network to receive printed or instant downloads of ten big band charts, rehearsal guides, and professional feedback of student performances of the charts, along with much more!
Poetry Out Loud Celebrates 20 Years
Poetry Out Loud (POL) is a poetry recitation competition that encourages teens to learn about poetry. The program helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about their literary heritage. Poetry Out Loud is an exciting way to bring poetry alive for both students and teachers. Program participation and materials are all free. Travel stipends are also provided to attend the State Finals for qualifying contestants and their teachers. State finals will be held on a Sunday afternoon in March once again.
New this year, stipends will be available to help teachers carry out the program. In addition to schools, libraries and non-profits may participate. There's also In-person visits by veteran poets and performers who are familiar with POL.
What are the benefits of Poetry Out Loud? Lesson plans and lesson plan videos are available to guide teachers in implementing the program. POL may help satisfy NCTE, Nebraska, & national standards. Students internalize the value of poetry and develop critical reading skills.
State-level winners receive a $200 cash prize and an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. to compete in the national finals. The national champion is awarded a $20,000 cash prize, with substantial cash prizes also granted to the second through tenth-place finalists.
Submissions Now Open for the 2024-2025 Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge for High School Students
The Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge, presented by the National Endowment for the Arts and National Alliance of Musical Theatre, offers high school students a chance to write and showcase a song that could be in a musical. A submission consists of one song. All Draft 1 submissions receive feedback from industry professionals. Students can revise their work for the Draft 2 round, where winning songs are selected. Winning songwriters attend Winners Weekend in New York City in June 2025.
Participate in free online workshops led by professional musical theatre writers. Past Guest Artists include Joey Contreras, Anna K. Jacobs, and Rob Rokicki. Visit the National Alliance for Musical Theatre to learn more. Draft 1 Submissions are due January 31, 2025.
Joslyn Art Museum Reopens
Joslyn Art Museum reopened Tuesday, September 10. Five thousand years of human creativity in art across three buildings, and 100 new works to the collection are on view. Learn more about school & teacher programs. The Joslyn looks forward to welcoming you!
Can't make it to The Joslyn? Check out some of the works on Joslyn's Digital Guide on Bloomberg Connects.
Apply for a NebraskaARTS Award
The 2024-25 NebraskARTS Award Applications are NOW OPEN! Each year, Nebraskans for the Arts honors two Nebraska schools or school districts that have supported and encouraged achievement in media arts, visual arts, dance, music, or theatre.
Winners receive a special trophy, a legislative resolution, and a celebration ceremony at their school. Applications are due on Friday, October 18, 2024, by 11:59 PM CT. Winners will be notified in December. Visit Nebraskans for the Arts for complete program information and to download the application. Nominate your school or a school you know!
Students Can Explore Careers in the Arts
Looking to turn the skills and abilities you learned from performing arts activities into a lifelong career? The National Federation of High Schools has built these careers pages to help bridge the gap for students looking to use their gifts after graduation!
Nebraska Theater Academy
The Nebraska Theater Academy (formerly the Nebraska High School Theater Academy) supports and celebrates theater education across the state of Nebraska. The Nebraska Theater Academy provides middle schools and high schools with in-person workshops, virtual workshops, and master classes with Broadway professionals that includes professional feedback on school theater performances. Participation in the program gives students audition and performance opportunities, and even a chance to represent Nebraska at the Broadway League's National Jimmy Awards, which is a celebration of accomplishments at a Tony Awards-inspired showcase. The program provides professional development and resources for educators, opportunities for free or discounted tickets to select performances, and more! The Nebraska Theater Academy is a program of Omaha Performing Arts. Contact the education staff for more information.
Samuel Back Museum and Learning Center
Samuel Bak Museum: The Learning Center has helpful resources available to support teachers and students. Tour of the current exhibit, explore educator resources, schedule a field, and begin a dialog. Visit the museum's website to learn more.
Call for U.S. Department of Education Student Performing Artists
The U.S. Department of Education is issuing a 2024-25 Back-to-School call across the United States and its territories for student performing artists who are currently enrolled in institutions of elementary, secondary, or post-secondary education or accredited trade schools, who exemplify resilience, diversity, and excellence and are interested in showcasing their talent, virtually or in-person, at internal and external Department-hosted events.
The Department is seeking student performances such as, but not limited to, bands/marching bands, color guards, soloists, choirs, dancers, poets/spoken word artists, National Anthem singers, and theatrical performers. Specific talent is needed to support National Hispanic Heritage Month (September), National Disability Employment Awareness Month (October), National Native American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month (November), and the following Special Emphasis Observances implemented by Presidential Proclamation, Executive Orders (White House Initiatives) and Public Law.
Be a Part of the Smithsonian's Democracy in Dialogue
How has your community played a role in 250 years of the American Experiment? The Smithsonian Institution is now accepting applications to join Cohort 2 of the Smithsonian Institution’s Democracy in Dialogue Virtual Exchange Program as a Virtual Exchange Facilitator. In this program, participants learn how to collaboratively design and lead place-based investigations with students to better understand the stories emanating from one's community. Students will share and reflect with others in another corner of the country in order to celebrate the commonalities and the differences of their communities, modeling and practicing civic engagement and civil discourse.
Professional and informal educators from any discipline who work with students age 13-18 are invited to apply. Once selected, the cohort will attend a 3-day training in Washington, D.C. to design their six-week exchange project that will take place in spring 2025. Facilitators will receive a stipend of $1,500 as well as CEU credits issued by the Smithsonian. All travel expenses will be covered. The deadline to apply for Cohort 2 is Friday, October 4, 2024.
Merryman Performing Arts Student Matinees
The Merryman Performing Arts Center presents the Scott D. & Rochelle Morris Matinees to 4,000 Kearney area students at no cost to the students or school each year. Morris Matinees present Arts and Culture experiences of theater, music, and dance for a diverse educational experience.
Inspiring Creative, Narrative, and Augmentative Writing with Art
Explore different styles of writing in response to contemporary American art. Leave with a digital set of artworks, three distinct classroom activities, and practical teaching strategies for your classroom. Inspiring Creative, Narrative, and Augmentative Writing with Art is an online recorded webinar from “Cultivating Learning,” a series hosted by the Smithsonian’s Office of Educational Technology.
Collaborate with the International Quilt Museum
The International Quilt Museum (IQM) would love to collaborate to host a field trip, special event, or partner with you in the curriculum that you teach. ICM has the world's largest publicly held collection of quilts that would pair well with any topic or lesson and excitedly seeks creative ways to engage the community with the amazing quilts and exhibitions.
Nebraska's Official Art Collection
The Museum of Nebraska Art is the official art collection of the state of Nebraska. Learn more about MONA and discover a vast collection of over 5,000 works by artists of local, national, and international acclaim reflecting nearly 200 years of history.
Take a Field Trip to Bess Streeter Aldrich House
Take a field trip to the beautiful 1922 prairie mansion home of Nebraska Hall of Fame author Bess Streeter Aldrich. Learn more about free educational resources and/or short story content and poetry contest from the Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation.
"Old Love" by Alyson A.
Congressional Art Competition Winner
District 3
Grants from the Nebraska Arts Council
The Nebraska Arts Council offers grants and programs for teachers! Apply now for arts field trips through the School Bus for the Arts grant program or apply for funding to hire a Teaching Artist to visit your school through the Artists in Schools/Communities grant program. Find these programs and more on the Nebraska Arts Council website!
"Tinkering with Time" by Lola W.
Congressional Art Competition Winner
District 2
Great Plains Orff Chapter
The Great Plains Orff Chapter is excited for another amazing year of music making. There's an incredible list of presenters lined up for this year including Chelsea Thiel and David Thaxton, as well as some opportunities to gather and be social. Looking for a lesson plan for your classroom? Check out the free library of resources!
Midwest Kodaly Music Educators
Join the Midwest Kodaly Music Educators in Omaha for the Organization of Kodaly Music Educators Midwestern Division's fall conference. Find the conference schedule and session descriptions on MKMEA's website.
Nebraska Art Teachers Association
The Nebraska Art Teachers Association (NATA) will host its 2024 Fall Conference in McCook on October 11th & 12, 2024. Participants will enjoy two keynote addresses, several member presentations and workshops, an awards ceremony, tours of several McCook landmarks and galleries, and the art educator show. Both members and non-members are welcome. Explore the conference schedule and register today.
Nebraskans for the Arts
Let's grow your program! Cody Talarico and Danielle Laurion will be on the road across Nebraska sharing the work from the NFTA Arts Education Committee on ways to help arts educators make connections within their schools and communities to elevate arts programing. You can catch this dynamic duo at various ESU's across the state as well as the NATA and NMEA conferences. Be on the lookout for a session near you.
Nebraska Music Educators Association
All music educators are invited to attend the annual NMEA Conference and In-Service Clinic in Lincoln on November 20-22, 2024. The largest professional development event in Nebraska for all types and levels of music educators, the conference features a variety of clinicians, performances, and student ensembles for elementary, middle school, and high school. This year’s theme is Building Connections - One Note at a Time and will feature keynote speaker NAfME President Deb Confredo. Discounted Early Bird conference registration begins September 1. Price increase begins on November 1. Find more information on NMEA's website.
Nebraska Thespians
Nebraska Thespians next event is the Nebraska State Thespian Festival , UNLIMITED: EVERYONE DESERVES A CHANCE TO FLY at the Holland Performing Arts Center and downtown Hilton in Omaha, January 2-4, 2025. There will be a keynote address by actor/director/producer Jana Robbins.
Nebraska Theatre Students grades 6-12 and their teachers, as well as theatre professionals and teaching artists are invited to join us celebrate excellence in theatre across our state with professional workshops, national individual and group event competitions (aka the Thepsys), plays and musicals, Improv and tech challenges, a college/vendor fair, scholarship opportunities and more!! Registration is now open and closes November 1.
"The Observer" by Cheryl Z.
Congressional Art Competition Winner
District 1
Are you familiar with the multi-million dollar effort to save the Pershing Auditorium Mosaic Mural located in Lincoln? It's happening! Finished preservation and relocation of the mural at Historic Wyuka Park in Lincoln is slated for 2025. Check out the curriculum that has been written to support teaching and learning about the mural.
Involve students in creating their own reflections and writing their own narrative from this collection of resources from Nebraska Public Media.
Looking for poems to inspire students or use in your teaching? Check out the Poetry Out Loud Anthology from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Challenge your students to create their own stories, games, and animations with these classroom-ready resources from PBS KIDS Scratch, Jr. Engage early learners to practice their critical thinking skills and create their own media projects featuring characters they know and love.
Ever wonder about the Fullbright Teachers Program? Nebraska's own Emily Heisterkamp participated in the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms program led by the U.S. Department of State. This program consists of a global education course, symposium, multi-week international field experience, and capstone project. Visit Emily's website for more information, global education ideas, and music lessons/units to connect to your classrooms.
Looking for software for your media arts classroom but the cost is too much? Check out these alternatives.
You need poetry! Bringing in Nebraska's State Poet Matt Mason is easy with a grant from Humanities Nebraska or the Nebraska Arts Council. Poetry isn't always an easy subject to teach, so let Matt help out and show why poetry's been around for thousands of years and still matters a great deal in the world.
Looking for music from Appalachia? Check out the Appalachian Music Resources from the Virginia Department of Education.
NYMAEX is a national exhibition for student media arts productions across all forms and educational categories. This exhibit is open to all individuals and organizations that work with PK-12 students to produce media artworks - teachers, teaching artists. The newly formed National Association for Media Arts Education is the coordinator of NYMAEX.
Looking to bring cultural resources into your instruction? Check out the teaching and learning resources from the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of the American Latino.
- ESU Professional Development Staff, District Supervisors, Department Chairs, and Organization Leadership: Please send this information to the arts educators in your service area, district, or organization.
- Arts Teachers: Please share with your colleagues and friends.
- If you're receiving this newsletter from someone else and want to receive it directly, be sure to sign up to be on the NDE Arts Education mailing list. You'll receive newsletters, invitations to events, and special announcements.
Let's connect and work together for all kids in Nebraska to have access and opportunities in arts education.
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- Follow Nebraska Fine Arts on Twitter at @NDE_FineArts. Use the #FineArtsEdNebraska to highlight the many amazing Fine Arts Education opportunities, events, and learning.
- Find out more about Arts Education in Nebraska and view past editions of the NDE Arts Expressions Newsletter.
Nebraska Department of Education
Physical: 500 South 84th Street, 2nd Floor, Lincoln, NE 68510
Mailing: PO Box 94987, Lincoln, NE 68509-4987
Email: cody.talarico@nebraska.gov
Website: education.ne.gov/finearts
Phone: 402.314.7822
X: @NDE_FineArts
Links to third-party websites do not constitute an endorsement of the content, viewpoint, accuracy, opinions, policies, products, services, or accessibility of the sites.
Decisions about curriculum and instructional materials are made locally by individual school districts and classroom teachers. The Nebraska Department of Education does not mandate the curriculum used within a local school. The digital tools shared in this newsletter are shared with teachers to increase their knowledge on how the application or site could be used in the classroom; however, students should only use digital tools and resources, and only those tools and resources, that have been approved by the teacher’s school district for student use.
Pictures from canva.com (no attribution required) or provided by the school or organization and used with permission. Organization logos used with permission. Student artwork shared with permission of the competition coordinator.