Parent Resources
Working to increase the well-being of students as a whole
In order for students to succeed academically, their physical and emotional needs must be met.
At Chickamauga City Schools, we want to educate families about available resources in our area.
Physical Needs
Research demonstrates that academic achievement improves in schools where students are physically healthy and feel physically safe. This includes a healthy school nutrition environment that provides students with nutritious and appealing foods and beverages.
To ensure that our students are getting the nutrition they need, we want to promote the Free & Reduced Lunch option.
Our hope is that we can help families feel that they can apply online to increase confidentiality. In addition, when students go through the lunch line, all students enter their lunch number so know one knows who has Free & Reduced Lunch. If you have questions, please contact our nutrition department at 706-382-3100 x4008.
Food Resources
Low Cost Medical Needs
Visit this website to help locate free and low cost health care in the Chattanooga area:
Emotional Needs
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "mental health is a state of well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn and work well, and contribute to their community."
Georgia Hope & Bridge Health
Our school has partnered with Georgia Hope, a community-based provider of mental health, substance use, and family preservation services in the state of Georgia. If your student is struggling with their mental health, a referral to Georgia Hope can be made by their school counselor or school social worker. A therapist and a client support specialist (CSS) will see your student at school and/or at home to provide therapeutic services. Students are currently been served at all three of our schools.
If you want more information, please visit gahope.org.
Chickamauga City Schools has also partnered with Bridge Health through the APEX program. This is an intensive, behaviorally oriented, short-term, in-school treatment service that serves children and families experiencing significant behavioral, relational, and other mental health challenges. By helping parents and children develop healthier relationships and positive communication skills, the Bridge staff hope to create nurturing family settings where all members can thrive. Services are free to families with Medicaid based insurance. For more information, visit Bridge Health or contact the guidance office or school social worker.
Mental Health Resources
Please visit glschools.org and click on "Parents." Scroll down to the Mental Health Resources for additional information.
Academic Needs
Parents hear it all the time: it's important to read to your kids. It makes sense that being read to would help kids learn to read themselves, and it's true that being read to supports that crucial learning process. Research has found that young children whose parents read to them daily have been exposed to at least 290,000 more words by the time they enter kindergarten than kids who aren't read to regularly. We are grateful for our wonderful libraries at our schools and in our community!
Our Chickamauga Public Library will continue their FREE tutoring program this school year. You can click the link below to sign up for a one hour tutoring session. You can choose your child's tutor along with the time. All sessions are held at the public library (right across the street from GLHS). Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Tutoring is for grades K-12.
Tutoring Options
Each of our 3 schools offer tutoring. Please take advantage of all of these opportunities. Always contact your child's school to confirm tutoring is taking place due to the end of year activities and testing.
If you have questions about any of the content, please contact the school social worker:
Stephanie Fitzpatrick
706-382-3100 x 3031