May 2021 Special: CCTE Innovation Showcase & Job Postings
CCTE Innovation Showcase
This year's showcase will be a live virtual event on June 3rd (Thursday)from 2:00-4:30pm hosted on Whova a professional conference platform. Open the Event Platform and register to explore before the event or day of.
The CCTE Innovation Showcase will feature CCTE and interdisciplinary PBL projects. Each team that enters has a web page featuring their project and the students' presentation of learning. At the live event, a team of students will discuss their project with showcase judges, you can access via the Whova platform linked above.
View the 18 projects on the 2021 Projects Page. Note: The webpages are in progress, with student work being added up until May 26th.
Job Postings: PBL & CCTE Resource Teachers
SDUSD Central Office Resource Teacher Assigned to Leadership and Learning (PBL)
Central Office Resource Teacher Assigned to College, Career & Technical Education
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