THS Summer Update 8-13-24

Principal's Corner
We are a few weeks away from the first day of school on Wednesday, August 28th!
We have a busy week at THS- Band Camp, College Boot Camp, and the start of football will all be occurring. We wish our band students and athletes a strong start and congratulate our seniors taking advantage of the college Boot camp this week!
August & September Save the Dates!
Monday, 8/12-8/15 Band Camp 5 PM-8 PM
Tuesday, 8/13-8/15 College Boot Camp 9 AM-12 PM
Friday, 8/16 First day of football tryouts 6 PM-9 PM
Monday, 8/19 First day of many fall sports tryouts
- Field Hockey 8 am - 10 am Baseball Turf
- Girls Volleyball 8th & 9th Grade 8 am - 10 am Field House
- Girls Volleyball 11, 12th- 9 am Field House
- Girls Soccer-9 am - 11 am Football Turf field
- Cross Country 8 am
- Boys Soccer 4 pm-6 pm Football Turf field
Monday, 8/19 Senior Pictures
Tuesday, 8/20 First day of Golf @ Segregansett Golf Club 3:30PM
Thursday, 8/22 Principal Meet & Greet 8:00-8:45 AM (THS Auditorium)
Wednesday, 8/21 Link Crew Mentor Training 12-4 PM
Thursday, 8/22 Link Crew Mentor Training 12-4 PM
Thursday, 8/22 Grade 8 Orientation Night for Parents/Guardians Only 6:30-7:30 PM (Auditorium)
Friday, 8/23 Grade 8 Orientation 12-4 PM (students only)
Monday, 8/26 District Professional Development Day
Monday, 8/26 Principal Meet & Greet 5:30-6:15 PM (THS Auditorium)
Monday, 8/26 Grade 8 Orientation Night for Parents/Guardians Only 6:30-7:30 PM
Monday, 8/26 Senior Pictures
Tuesday, 8/27 District Professional Development Day
Tuesday, 8/27 Senior Pictures
Wednesday, 8/28 First Day of School for Students
Friday, 8/30 No School-Labor Day Weekend
Monday, 9/2 No School-Labor Day Weekend
Wednesday, 9/18-9/20 Senior Photographs
Thursday, 9/26 Open House for Grade 8-12 Parents 6:00-8:00 PM
Principal Meet and Greet
On Thursday, August 22nd from 8 AM until 8:45 AM and on Monday, August 26th from 5:30 PM until 6:15 PM, I will be available in the Taunton High School Auditorium (please note this is a location change) to meet with any parents/guardians who would like to meet with me as a group. I will plan to introduce myself, speak about my entry plan, and then ask some open-ended questions so that I can learn about everyone's hopes and goals for Taunton High School for this coming year and in future years. I will plan meetings with students once the school year starts.
THS Student Explores Health Careers Program
Ike Asiegbunam, senior at THS, is one of 19 high school students who participated in the 2024 High School Health Careers Program at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School. This four-week program provides opportunities for students to learn about health care careers. To read the article click below.
THS Student Recognized for Skills USA Leadership
Culinary student Logan Rebello was sworn in as Massachusetts SkillsUSA 2024-2025 State Parliamentarian this summer. Congratulations, Logan, we are so proud of you!
College Boot Camp
Starting on Tuesday, August 13th, almost 100 seniors came together to begin the college application process. Some of the work involved researching "good fit" schools for their college list and exploring Naviance and College Board resources. Students added schools to which they were interested in applying and created their Common App Account. After the next three days, seniors will leave the Boot Camp ahead of the game in the postsecondary planning as they begin their senior year.
Senior Picture Information
Please read below or on the pdf for information regarding Senior Photos and Yearbooks.
- We have a low cost option available for Senior Portraits. If you would like to make an appointment to be photographed by Prestige, they will be at THS on August 19, 26, and 27 from 9 AM to 1 PM. Follow the link to make an appointment https://schedule.prestigeportraits.com/
- All seniors will be photographed by Prestige. If seniors do not choose to make an appointment for a private session in August, they will be photographed by Prestige in September during school and it will be used for THS ID purposes.
- All seniors will be in the same section of the yearbook. The options, depending on whether they have a private photo, baby photo, etc., are shown below. This is the minimum (option 3) for all seniors.
- If students and family members want to submit photos, please use the following links. https://photos.jostens.com/8H8NN4
Yearbooks can be purchased at Jostens.
Any questions please email matthew.blennau@tauntonschools.net.
Bus Routes
The School Bus Routes and Pick Up Times will be posted on the district website, tauntonschools.org, two-three days before the start of school. You will also receive a notification through Parent Square with a link to the bus list when it is available.
Grade 8 Orientation
We are a few weeks away from the first day of school on Wednesday, August 28th. I am reminding Grade 8 students and families of the 2024-2025 school year orientation programming. Please note that the information below includes the accurate dates/times.
The Grade 8 Student Orientation event is on Friday, August 23rd, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., with bus transportation available. There is no need to sign up in advance for those Grade 8 students who need bus transportation for orientation. Bloom School Buses will run centralized routes starting at 11:00 AM for pick-up and then returning home at 4:00 PM. For pick-up and drop-off locations, please click here. These are not the bus pick-up and drop-off locations during the school year; these routes have been designed just for Grade 8 student orientation.
We will host a separate Grade 8 Parents/Guardians THS Orientation event (not students) on Thursday, August 22nd, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM in the Taunton High School auditorium. For those parents/guardians who cannot attend on Thursday, August 22nd, an additional informational session will be held on Monday, August 26th, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM in the Auditorium. This second session is meant to accommodate the parents/guardians who may need to attend the City Summer Celebration, also scheduled for Thursday, August 22nd.
Student Schedules 2024-2025
Student schedules will be released on School Brains sometime next week. Once schedules are completed, we will send a separate notification to let you know.
Summer Homework
Below is information on Summer Reading and Summer AP Homework.
School Supplies
Taunton High School does not post general supply lists in advance of the start of the school year. Each teacher will provide students with a list of needed supplies for the class once school starts on August 28th. The student's Chromebook, Chromebook charger, a pencil/pen, notebook, and folder are perfect for the first day of school. Grade 9 students will be issued new Chromebooks and chargers on the second day of school.
Fall Sports Information
Fall sports begin at the end of this week or early next week, depending on the sport. Below is a listing of the start times. Please get in touch with our coaches or Athletic Director Raphael Dowdye with any questions (RDowdye@tauntonschools.org).
8/16 Football 6pm - 9 pm
8/19 Field Hockey 8 am - 10 am Baseball Turf
8/19 Girls Volleyball 8th & 9th Grade 8 am - 10 am Field House
8/19 Girls Volleyball 10th,11th & 12th Grade - 9 am Field House
8/19 Girls Soccer 9 am - 11 am Football Turf field
8/19 Cross Country 8 am
8/19 Boys Soccer 4 pm - 6 pm Football Turf field
8/20 Golf Segregansett Golf Club 3:30 PM
Manet Family Partners
Manet Community Health at TPS
Does your child need a back-to-school physical or immunizations? Manet Community Health at Taunton Public Schools is a quick and convenient option located next to Parker Middle School.
Manet at TPS opened the week of August 5. Call (857) 358-7260 for an appointment.
Learn more about Manet at TPS and their services at www.manetchc.org/manet-at-tps/
To save time at your visit, you can complete the enrollment form online: