Horizon Eagles 2024-2025
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
9/3 Testing Make Ups begins
9/3 Beta & TSA Club 4:30 - 6:00
9/4 Beta & TSA Club 3:30 - 6:00
9/5 Beta & TSA Club Parent Meeting 6:00 PM Media Center
9/6 Swap a Top Dress Down Day $2 (see below for more information)
9/13 Progress Reports Go Home
9/13 Open Gym 4:30 - 6:00 ($3.00)
9/16 - 9/20 College Week Dress Down Themes FREE (see flyer below)- except 9/19!
9/19 Picture Day
9/19 Open House 5:30 - 8:00
9/26 Swap a Top Dress Down Day $2 (see below for more information)
9/26 SAC Meeting 5:30 PM ** SIP Input/ Approval
9/27 No School for students- Teacher Inservice Day
10/4 Swap a Top Dress Down Day $2
10/11 Swap a Top Dress Down Day $2 (see below for more information)
10/17 Hispanic Heritage Festival 5:30 - 7:30
10/21 PTSO Meeting 6:00 PM
10/28 Report Cards go home
10/28 - 11/1 Dress Down Week (Themes to be announced)
10/30 Halloween Dance 3:30 - 6:00
11/2 SAT Day for selected 7th grade students
10/24 SAC Meeting 5:30
Student ID's
Student ID's are required to be visible each day. Students who ride a bus are required to scan their ID on and off the bus each day. If a student loses their ID, they can obtain a new one at lunch each day. Students will be provided 1 free replacement ID card.
Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO)
The PTSO is a parent organization that helps support our school by planning events, fundraising, and helping us build a stronger community.
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
PBIS Donations Needed
Our PBIS committee is looking for donations for our SOAR store: Games, stuffed animals (good condition), school supplies, trinkets, etc. items can be dropped off in the front office.
All middle school sports require students to have a completed physical. Please note a physical is only good for 1 calendar year from the date of the physical. Parents must complete all paperwork on https://www.aktivate.com.
Questions? Check out the district athletics website first! Athletics / Athletic Paperwork (osceolaschools.net)
Quarter 1 Sports:
Cross Country : Coach Lett -
Practices will be Monday - Thursday 4:30 - 6:00 PM.
Soccer: Coach Helman-
Practices will be Monday, Tuesday & Thursdays 4:30 - 6:00 PM.
Quarter 2 Sports:
Quarter 3 Sports:
Basketball, Cheerleading
Quarter 4 Sports:
Flag Football, Cheerleading, Track & Field
Athletic Director: Eric Rothchild eric.rothchild@osceolaschools.net
Beta Club and TSA Club start meeting this week! Interested students can just attend! Beta Club will have a parent meeting Tuesday 8/27 at 6:00 PM & TSA will have a parent meeting 9/5 at 6:00 PM.
Beta Club: Mondays 4:30 - 6:00
TSA Club: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 4:30 - 6:00/ 3:30 - 6:00
Swap a Top Information
Aleks Expectations for Students
Students are expected to complete 8 activities in Aleks per week to help them improve their Math skills. If a student is below grade level, students should complete more than 8 activities per week.
Achieve 3000 Expectations for Students
Students should be completing 2 article per week in Achieve 3000. This will help improve their reading abilities.
Morning Drop Off/ Walker Arrival Procedures
Student drop-off begins no earlier than 9:00 am in the car-rider loop. Students are prohibited from being on campus before this time. The school does not have staff on duty until 9:00 am. Walkers are also not permitted to come around the gate until we open at 9:00 am. The YMCA provides before school care for parents that need it for a small fee. Any students on campus before arrival time need to register with the YMCA. Feel free to apply online through our website or inquire in the front office between 7:30 and 8:50 am daily.
Exiting Horizon: The left lane is for left turns and straight, and the right lane is right turn only. Please also be aware of the crossing guards. The county is working on installing a light at our intersection. In the meantime, please be patient and cautious!
Need Parent Access to Canvas?
School Expectations Reminders
Laptop Expectations
- Students should bring their laptop each day to school fully charged.
- If a student has a technology issue, they will be able to see a tech during their lunch
- If a student loses or breaks their laptop, they must immediately report it to the tech or a dean during lunch/ complete a student statement on how the device was broken.
- Lost chargers and damages will need to be paid through myschoolbucks.com
If your child does not have a computer yet, please complete the Borrower Form. Borrower forms must be completed by a parent or guardian in order to check out a laptop to students and they can be found on the parent portal account or your child can get a paper copy during lunches. We have distributed to over 95% of our population and continue to hand out more each day. Laptop distribution will resume on Tuesday 9/3 to students who have turned in the borrower form.
If you have not returned your laptop from last year (Horizon or another school) you will not be assigned another laptop. Please bring in the old laptop so we can update the software.
Insurance for laptops can be purchased for $31.95. Please see the attached flyer or scan the QR code to purchase the insurance.
Transportation Information
Attendance Notes/ Emails
Attendance is critical to the success of a student. Please make every effort to have your child at school on time each day. When emergencies or illness occur, please notify our attendance clerk: Ashley Guzman at Ashley.Guzman@osceolaschools.net or call 407-943-7240.
School Advisory Council Dates (SAC)
Our first SAC meeting will be August 29 at 5:30 PM in the media center.
SAC Chair: Katelyn Bocarro- katelyn.bocarro@osceolaschools.net
Want to Volunteer?
We can use volunteers to assist with picture day, making copies, and other tasks. If you are interested in being a volunteer, volunteer applications will be available after August 6, 2024. The school district is moving to a new system so all OASIS volunteers from 23-24 will continue through August 6.
Important Contacts
Jeannie Spitzer: Principal's Secretary- jeannie.spitzer@osceolaschools.net
Megan Gould: Principal- megan.gould@osceolaschools.net
Andrea Wold: Assistant Principal- andrea.wold@osceolaschools.net
Erick Estrada Muniz: Assistant Principal- erick.estradamuniz@osceolaschools.net
Office Staff
Parent Liaison/ Front Desk-
Mandi Compton: Registrar (Registrations/ withdrawals)-mandi.compton@osceolaschools.net
Jennifer Fonseca: Bookkeeper- jennifer.fonseca@osceolaschools.net
Aaliyah Caballero: Dean Secretary-aaliyah.caballero@osceolaschools.net
Sonia Rivera Nieves: 7th/6th Grade Dean of Students- sonia.riveranieves@osceolaschools.net
Robert Desir: 8th/6th Grade Dean of Students- robert.desir@osceolaschools.net
Georgina Baba: 7th/8th (A-K) Grade Counselor- georgina.baba@osceolaschools.net
Edith Roman: 6th/ 8th (L-Z) Grade Counselor- edith.roman@osceolaschools.net
Student Support
Yodaliz Aviles Reyes: IEP Assistant- yodaliz.avilesreyes@osceolaschools.net
Ocatvio Camero: ESE Resource Compliance Specialist- octavio.camero@osceolaschools.net
Luis Vargas- ESOL Educational Specialist- luis.vargas@osceolaschools.net
Spirit Shirts For Sale
Spirit Shirts may be worn on Fridays- Buy any color or more than one!
$15 on myschoolbucks.com or in person at the front office
$15 on myschoolbucks.com or in person at the front office
$15 on myschoolbucks.com or in person at the front office
Hoodies- Navy
Navy Polo w/ Horizon Logo
$20 on myschoolbucks.com or in person at the front office
Gold Polo with Horizon Logo
$20 on myschoolbucks.com or in person at the front office