WOTC 4-H July 2024
Monthly Newsletter

WOTC 4-H Premium Book 2024
Refer to the Premium Book when you have questions!
There are LOTS of answers to questions in the Premium Book!
Use the "Public WOTC Fair Information" Folder to view the Premium Book, and other helpful fair information including the 4-H FOOD STAND SCHEDULE, found below!
Fair Volunteer Opportunities - PLEASE HELP!
The fair runs more smooth when we all lend a hand to help out!
JUDGES ASSISTANTS for General Project Judging Day
- Agronomy, Animal Science, Crafts & Fine Arts, Foods & Nutrition, Industrial Technology, Mechanical Science, Natural Resources, Photography, Family & Consumer Science, Cloverbud
- Let Jessica, mohag150@umn.edu, and Rachel, joh12246@umn.edu, know if you can help out!
- Swine, Poultry, Sheep, Beef, Rabbit, Dairy, Llama & Alpaca, Goat
- Let Jessica, mohag150@umn.edu, and Rachel, joh12246@umn.edu, know if you can help out!
HERDSMANSHIP JUDGING - CLICK HERE to sign up for a judging slot!
- Do not sign up for a barn that your family is participating in.
- Clipboards with the judging sheets will be hanging up outside of the 4-H Fair Office; judge between 11AM - 2PM.
- On show day, no herdsmanship judging will take place!
4-H Food Stand Shifts
Clothing Day & Fashion Revue
Performing Arts will be showcased during Fashion Revue!
Mallory Bergem has reached out via email to all registered members for Clothing Day & Fashion Revue; if you have not heard from her, please reach out to ber00260@umn.edu immediately!
Food Revue & Public Presentations
Mallory Bergem will reach out via email this Wednesday, July 3rd to all registered members for
Food Revue & Public Presentations; if you have not heard from her at that time, please reach out to ber00260@umn.edu immediately!
Livestock Interviews
Livestock Interviews will take place on Tuesday, July 16 from 3:30 - 7:00PM
in the Main Exhibit Building at the WOTC Fairgrounds!
Livestock Quality Assurance Training
Due no later than 11:59PM on Tuesday, July 16!
Livestock Quality Assurance is required to be State Fair eligible.
WOTC will NOT be hosting a local LQA session in-person this year; however, if an exhibitor needs to complete this requirement, they may do so by participating in one of the following options:
1. Attend an in-person LQAE (coverage for 3 years) session hosted by other counties. Click HERE to view when theses opportunities are given. The certificate of completion gets entered into 4-H Online for local Extension Educators to view.
2. Attend an online YQCA (coverage for 1 year) session. Click HERE to view how to complete this option. Individuals are responsible to print out/email local Extension Educators the certificate of completion.
NOTE: LQA Training is NOT required for the Dog Program.
Shooting Sports State Paperwork
State paperwork & payment is due by Tuesday, July 9!
State Shoot is hosted in Alexandria, MN from September 6-8.
4-H youth in grades 3+ who have completed 15 hours of on-the-line-shooting under the guidance of a certified instructor(s) AND 8 hours of wildlife education may attend the State Shoot.
Shooting Sports practice is on the following Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00PM at the Lakes Area Shooting Center in Fergus Falls:
- July 2, July 9 (State Shoot paperwork + payment is DUE!), July 23, July 30
- August 6, August 13, August 20, August 27
Livestock PDC
Update from our June 18 meeting!
Quick-look of minutes from the June meeting:
- Decision of how an unused State Fair trip may be split among same-species lineups
- Updates from the Barn Superintendents
- Blue Ribbon Auction lineup change
Please attend the next and ANNUAL Livestock PDC meeting on Monday, September 23 from 6:00-7:30PM at the Extension Office Meeting Room!
Annual Livestock PDC Meeting
Monday, Sep 23, 2024, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Horse PDC
Update from our June 20 meeting!
Quick-look of minutes from the June meeting:
- Facebook access to share open ride nights and clinic events
- Sign-Up Genius for gate keepers and games setup volunteers
- Divide State Fair trips if there is an odd number by...
Please attend the next and ANNUAL Horse PDC Meeting on Monday, October 14 from 6:00-7:30PM at the Extension Office Meeting Room!
Annual Horse PDC Meeting
Monday, Oct 14, 2024, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Prepare for the State Fair
Monday, July 29 at the Wadena County Fairgrounds
Are you ready to exhibit at the State Fair?
- Come learn about how to take your fitting, showmanship, interview, and judging skills to the next level for Meat Goat, Sheep, Rabbit, and/or Poultry!
- There will also be opportunities to learn about nutrition, biosecurity, mean science, and other activities that take place during livestock encampment at the MN State Fair.
Cost: $10 per youth member
Register in 4-H online by Monday, July 15!
Learn more about this event at: z.umn.edu/PrepareForTheStateFair
North West District Horse Show
Saturday, August 31 at the Red River Riding Club Arena in Wilkin County
Are you ready to show you horse at the next level?
- Test your skills and compete with 4-H members from other counties!
- Horse/rider combinations MUST have received a blue ribbon at their county qualifying horse show for each class they enter in the NW District Horse Show.
- First through sixth place ribbons and high point awards in each age division for Games and Pleasure will be given.
- There will be an individual hippology contest too!
Cost: $10 per horse/rider combination, plus $5 per class
Register in FairEntry by Monday, August 12!
Learn more about this event at: z.umn.edu/NWDistrictHorseShow
North West Region County Fairs, July 2024
- Mahnomen County Fair: Mahnomen, MN from Thursday, July 4 - Sunday, July 7
- Polk County Fair: Fertile, MN from Wednesday, July 10 - Sunday, July 14
- Clay County Fair: Barnesville, MN from Thursday, July 11 - Sunday, July 14
- Hubbard County Fair: Park Rapids, MN from Tuesday, July 16 - Sunday, July 21
- Kittson County Fair: Hallock, MN from Wednesday, July 17 - Sunday, July 21
- Pennington County Fair: Thief River Falls, MN from Thursday, July 17 - Sunday, July 21
- Grant County Fair: Herman, MN from Thursday, July 18 - Sunday, July 21
- Roseau County Fair: Roseau, MN from Sunday, July 21 - Friday, July 26
- Marshall County Fair: Warren, MN from Wednesday, July 24 - Sunday, July 28
- East Otter Tail County Fair: Perham, MN from Thursday, July 25 - Sunday, July 28
- Wilkin County 4-H Judging Days: Breckenridge, MN on Friday, July 26 & Saturday, July 27 (Wilkin County Fair is during the State Fair.)
- Clearwater County Fair: Bagley, MN from Wednesday, July 31 - Sunday, August 4
Contact Jessica or Rachel at 218-998-8760
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