March Blocks News & Notes

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Notes from our Director
We hope you were able to enjoy time with your family and friends during the February vacation break! Even though spring is around the corner, weather and temperatures can vary from one minute to the next in New England. Please dress your child in layers to allow for temperature changes that can occur throughout the day.
Read below for our upcoming March events, and remember you can always stay up-to-date by checking out our school website.
Rosario Alvarez
Save The Date!
BLOCKS Night At Barbieri
Friday, March 14th will be pajama drama night at Barbieri School! They will be showcasing the production Beauty and the Beast!
Monday, March 17th will be green day at BLOCKS Preschool! Students who wish to participate can wear something green!
Picture Day
Notes from Nurse Nicole
March is poison prevention/awareness month. With spring on the way, the Poison Control website has posted pointers for preventing poisonings from common household items.
Please visit the following website for more information https://www.poisonhelp.hrsa.gov.
• Keep household cleaning products in original containers and follow directions for use and disposal
• Allow good ventilation when using chemicals by opening windows or using fans
• Stay away from bug and weed killers that have been sprayed for at least an hour
• Wear protective clothing when spraying
• If you suspect someone has been poisoned, call the Poison helpline and talk with an expert at 1-800-222-1222. They are open 24 hours a day/7 days a week
With the warmer weather on the way, it is a great time to motivate your child to go outside, get fresh air, and exercise. Inspire your child to get fit with 10-minute bursts of activity. Here are ways to put them on the road to getting 60 minutes, or more, of exercise a day.
• Do a routine with jumping jacks, toe touches, knee lifts, squats, and lunges. One person can be the leader, and the other follows his/her moves.
• Take “power walks” around the block or up and down the stairs in your home. Pump your arms as you go.
• Start a skipping contest. You could skip across the backyard, through a nearby field, or down the sidewalks.
•Grab a ball, Frisbee, or beanbag, and play catch outside. Mix things up by catching with both hands, one hand, or over your head. Bonus: Your child will also practice hand-eye coordination.
Have a safe & healthy March everyone!
BLOCKS Night At Barbieri
Character Trait of the Month: Confidence
Visions of Community Conference 2025
The Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN) is hosting the Visions of Community Conference 2025, taking place virtually on Saturday, March 8, 2025, from 8 AM. This event is the largest disability-related conference in Massachusetts and provides a wealth of knowledge and resources for families and professionals alike.
Why should you attend?
Over 40 workshops will be offered, with three of them presented by Portuguese speakers, ensuring that Portuguese-speaking families have access to relevant and tailored content.
Session Topics include:
- IEP Meeting Strategies & the New IEP Form
- Early Intervention & Supports for Young Children
- Healthcare, Insurance, & MassHealth
- Respite & Support for Families
- Transition to Adulthood
- Impact of Trauma on Learning
Sessions will be available in nine languages, including Portuguese, ensuring accessibility for our diverse community.
Workshops will be recorded and available for 3 months after the event, so even if you are unable to attend on March 8th, you can still register and view the sessions at your convenience.
Additional Information:
- Register now to be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card!
- Discounts and scholarships are available.
- Social workers: Ask about CEUs!
To register or learn more, visit: FCSN.org/VOC
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at voc@fcsn.org or call (617) 236-7210.
B.L.O.C.K.S. Preschool promotes a flexible atmosphere that considers children individually and as members of a group. Our program provides a variety of resources that address children's particular interests, needs and levels of development.
Learning through play, development of self concept, the growth of language and respect for others will be fostered in order to maximize future school success. The ultimate goal of this program is to instill in children a curiosity about their world and a hunger to learn.