PLE Updates
October 3, 2024

October 3, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- October 1st - 25th - StuCo Candy Wars
- October 4th - Field Day
- October 7th - 11th Book Fair
- October 8th - 4:30pm -8:00pm Parent Teacher Conferences
- October 10th - 4:30pm -8:00pm Parent Teacher Conferences
- October 10th - Discovery Field Trip
- October 11th - Fall Spirit Day Pajama Day
- October 14th - 18th - Fall Break
- October 21st - Love & Logic Parent Training
- October 23rd - 5th Grade Chatfield Farms Field Trip
- October 11th - Fall Spirit Day Hat Day
- October 25th - PLEA Fall Festival / Trunk or Treat
- October 25th - Pawsative Bear Assembly 3pm-3:45pm
- October 31st - Fall Class Parties
Bus Cancelations
- September 30th - Bus 145 & 183
- October 7th - Bus 141
- Fall Break - October 14th - 18th
- October 21st - Bus 142
- October 28th - Bus 151
Field Day - October 4th
Join us for Field Day!
If you are planning on joining us for field day, please make sure you let us know! Fill out the visitor link that can be found in the information below!
- Complete Details are available here: PLE Field Day Information
Parent Teacher Conferences - October 8th & 10th
Sign Up for a Conference with your Student's Teachers
Parent-Teacher Conferences are an important opportunity to sit down and discuss your child’s progress in school. Using the link below please select a time and date to schedule a Parent-Teacher Conference.
Book Fair - October 4th - 11th
Our book fair is cashless!
Using the link below find detail information on setting up your Student's e-Wallet Today!
PLE Fall Spirit Fridays
PLE Holiday Opportunities
This year will look a little bit different as we look at how we can best support our families during the holiday season.
We will be providing Thanksgiving Meal Boxes for families, have the opportunity for families to sign up to have their family adopted and lastly, the opportunity for students to participate in the The Christmas Store at Parker Adventist hospital where the children have the opportunity to "shop" for all their family members
The link below has all the information of what we are offering and links for families to sign up.
Love and Logic Parenting Class
PLEA Updates
Spirit Night at Wendy's!
Doing something good never tasted better!
We're having a fundraiser, and we need your support. Here's the best part! All you have to do is eat at Wendy's! Drop by, bring your family, and enjoy a meal while helping us out.
- Wednesday, October 9, 2024
- 4:00pm - 7:00pm
- 9185 Crown Crest Blvd - Parker CO
Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat
Volunteers Needed!
It takes a small village to pull this event all together! Think about signing up to help us out below:
Trunks Needed for Trunk or Treat!
If you would like to join us and set up a trunk sign up below. Trunk set up is from 4:15 - 5:25. Our trunk or treat starts promptly at 5:30!
STUCO - Candy Wars
Battle Begins October 1st thru October 24th
All Candy brought in will be used for Trunk or Treat!
PLE's Healthy School Team October Wellness Challenge
While the staff is participating in Walktober this October, the Healthy School Team would like to encourage our student population to get moving, too!
We have two options to choose from
- Download the NFL's Play 60 app and track your movement that way.
- Join PLE's team, Radiant Bears, using code npa3i
- If you prefer, print out and use this tracking calendar.
- Be sure to return it to the Healthy School Team (Mrs. Kawamura 5/6 teacher) by Nov. 8.
Quick Links
Are you getting yours?
Parent Crew!
We are working on updating the contact information in our messaging system. If you are not receiving emails, texts or calls from us or if you are receiving messages where you do not want them to go.....email PLERegistrar@dcsdk12.org. We can double check your settings and preferences to ensure you are receiving the messages you want where you want them.
North and South Office Contact Information
In order for us to serve you in an efficient and timely manner, please make sure you are contacting us using the numbers below and saving Pine Lane North or Pine Lane South in your contacts.
If you google Pine Lane you are only being giving the North Campus office.
- South Campus - Pre K - 3rd Grade
- Office: 303-387-8325
- Attendance: 303-387-8327
- North Campus 4th - 6th Grade
- Office: 303-387-8275
- Attendance: 303-387-8277
- Linked below is a year-long calendar for your reference and planning:
- 2024-25 PLE Year Long Events Calendar - Draft (Highlighted Items are not finalized).
- If you utilize Google Calendar, you can also subscribe to our PLE Events Calendar
- Please familiarize yourself with our PLE Website.
- You can also stay informed through social media via Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter.
- Our community has also created a group on Facebook called Pine Lane Families; this group is a very helpful community and they are very responsive.