K-5th Grade School Counseling News
December 2024
Welcome to the K-5 Counseling Corner
Happy December! As we approach the end of the year, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on what we’ve learned and to celebrate our accomplishments. This month is also about kindness, giving, and showing gratitude.
Here are a few tips to help you finish the year strong:
• Practice Kindness: A small act of kindness can make someone’s day. Try giving a compliment, helping a classmate, or saying “thank you.”
• Stay Focused: Even though winter break is around the corner, remember to stay focused on your schoolwork and give your best effort.
• Take Care of Yourself: Get plenty of sleep, eat healthy foods, and take time to relax and enjoy the season.
If you ever feel stressed or need someone to talk to, remember that your school counselors are here for you. Let’s make this month full of joy and positivity!
Wishing you and your families a happy and healthy winter break!
PGB-EGB School Counselors
How to reach the K-5 School Counselors
You can reach your counselor by calling the main number 404-334-4790 and then dialing the extension beside their name or contacting them via email. Both have been provided for you below.
Mrs. Edgecombe (K-5 Counseling Lead)
Mrs. Lowe (3rd Grade Counselor)
Mrs. Newman (4th Grade Counselor)
Mrs. Hawkins (5th Grade Counselor)
How to reach the K-5 School Social Worker
Primary and Elementary School Worker
Ms. Cassandra Doss
Email: cdoss@georgiacyber.org
Phone ext. 12846
I am super excited about the 24-25 school year and working to support you! My virtual office is always open. Please don't hesitate to reach out.
State and National Initiatives, Celebrations, and Events
Special Education Day
National Special Education Day in 2024 is on December 2. This day is a celebration of the 49th anniversary of the first special education law in the United States. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the educational challenges that students with disabilities face.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Celebrated on 3 december around the world, IDPD mobilizes support for critical issues relating to the inclusion of persons with disabilities, promotes awareness-raising about disability issues and draws attention to the benefits of an inclusive and accessible society for all.
For Students
Counseling Lessons
We are going to have a great time this year as we explore careers, build character, and learn skills to help you become the best students you can be and ACE the school year!
** Please understand if your student does not get called on or recognized individually in class, emails are always welcome if your child wants to share something with their school counselor**
Character Word of the Month: SERVICE
SAY IT: Service: Lending a hand to help someone else
KNOW IT: What are some ways you would like to see us serve in our community? • Do you know of any service projects or clubs at your school you could get involved in?
SEE IT: Check out this read aloud on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svHkcJWr6mo
BE IT: Make a list of service project ideas and people in your community you can serve. You may want to reach out to some local non-profit organizations to see how and when you can serve with their organization. Take the first step and schedule an outreach project in December.
The K-5th grade School Counselors will lead our Motivational Mondays initiative. This is where your child receives a message of encouragement from their Counselor on Mondays. If you haven't received a message yet...be on the look out... Motivational Monday messages are coming to an "inbox" near you!
Free Your Feels! Georgia crisis line for Georgia youth that need support
Free Your Feels is a mental health awareness campaign encouraging Georgia's young people to explore their real feelings and share them without being afraid.
Interested in raising awareness about youth mental health? This toolkit will help you get started. With social media posts, infographics, and helpful tips, you'll be equipped to start the conversation. Click on the Free Your Feel image to the right to access the toolkit!
GCA Community Events
GCA's Patch Program
The Community Events & Partnerships Team is excited to offer another year of their recognition program known as the Patch Program. The Patch Program is an optional opportunity for students to earn patches and be awarded for regularly attending GCA hosted events and outings.
The K-5th grade Counselors are sending a big shout out to ALL students celebrating birthday's in October 2024. We are wishing you a very happy day, and a splendid year.
GCA Virtual Community Center
We are excited to announce that our GCA Virtual Community Center (VCC) is now live in the GCA Champions Portal. You can access the portal at https://www.georgiacyber.org/champion-portal and you're able to login with your GCA email and password.
In the portal, you'll see the VCC button on the bottom left corner of your homepage. There, you'll find two groups of resources-One for students and one for families.
The categories there can be expanded to show a variety of resources, which will grow and be updated regularly. If you need help with a particular resource that is not listed, please let us know. If you have any questions about the VCC or need an additional or different type of resource, please contact Mayya Bryan (maybryan@georgiacyber.org)."
24-25 Attendance Pep Rally Winners
Thank you all for attending the Minion Reasons to Be a H.E.R.O. Attendance Pep Rally! We are thrilled to announce that EGB is our grand prize winner for achieving the highest attendance.
Additionally, congratulations to Leah P. from EGB for winning the Six Flags tickets!!
We would also like to recognize our other grade band winners:
PGB: Bailey M.
Congratulations to all our winners! We hope you enjoy your prizes!
Every School Day Counts!
Keeping up with GCA Counseling!
Georgia Cyber Academy: www.georgiacyber.org
Parent Calendar: https://www.georgiacyber.org/calendars/parent-calendar
Elementary Counseling Website: https://www.georgiacyber.org/school-life/counseling/k5-counseling
School Counseling Website:
💡 Reminders
Who Should I Contact
- Scheduling Concerns- Melissa Filiatreau ext: 2050 mfiliatreau@georgiacyber.org
- Advanced Placement/ Gifted - Stacy Clendenen ext: 2089 sclendenen@georgiacyber.org
- Software Issues(Canvas, Class) – FEL
- Attendance- Attendance Specialist
- Password Resets- FEL
- Technology Issues-Curriculum or instructional platform issues (student courses, G-suite, or Clever, Canvas, Class, Infinite Campus): technology@georgiacyber.org
Mission Statement
The mission of the Georgia Cyber Academy’s (GCA) Counseling & Student Support Services Department is to provide a comprehensive program that is accessible to all students and assists students with acquiring the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to become effective students, responsible citizens, and lifelong learners. The student services program is an integral part of the school’s total program with a commitment to individual uniqueness and the maximum development of human potential. We use a variety of differentiated interventions to ensure each student receives equitable services. The program addresses the personal/social, educational, and career needs and desires of each GCA student . The department’s ultimate goal is for students to graduate with the competencies necessary to be able to make self-directed, realistic, and responsible decisions and to be successful contributors to society.
Vision Statement
Through a holistic approach, the Georgia Cyber Academy Counseling Department will empower all students to reach their highest potential by using a comprehensive school counseling program that promotes academic, career and personal/social development. Our program will foster the growth of each student as a civic minded contributor with their local communities and beyond. Upon graduation, students will be college and/or career ready and will have the competencies necessary to be able to make self-directed, realistic, and responsible decisions to be successful contributors to society.
Belief Statement
The GCA Counseling & Student Support Services believe:
- Students’ ability to learn is dependent upon having their basic needs met.
- All students are unique, and when given a safe, nurturing environment, will succeed to their fullest potential
- All students should have access to a high quality education
- All students have the right to be heard and treated with respect
- Members of our department are advocates for every student
- The services and interventions we provide should be data driven and developmentally appropriate
- Staying abreast of ethical standards and developments within our profession is necessary to effectively serve our students
- Applying the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors empowers school counselors to make decisions based on the highest moral principles to promote the maximum development of every student