edcamp hes
FREE professional development for educators by educators
Hatfield Elementary will host our first ever edcamp for educators in the Hampshire County surrounding area on Tuesday, November 8 from 8:30 - 2:30. This is a FREE event but you must register.
Event Information
edcamp HES
Have you ever gone to a PD session and realized once you got there that it isn't what you want or need? Have you ever searched through the course offerings unable to find a workshop that you are interested in? Ed Camp is the answer to to these problems. Ed Camp allows you to tailor fit your PD to your immediate needs. You choose the topics, pick the workshops that interest you and you lead the conversation the day you attend. This is an totally interactive PD experience. If you have something to share, teach or talk about...this is the workshop for you. If you never have time to talk with colleagues about current issues, brainstorm ideas, or get hands on experience using social media in your classroom...this is the place to do it. Participants are encouraged to bring phones, laptops, tablets, fresh ideas and positive attitudes to share with colleagues.
This is a free event but you must register. Call 413.247.5010
Tuesday, Nov 8, 2016, 08:30 AM
Hatfield Elementary School, 33 Main Street, Hatfield, MA, United States
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
EdCamp - YouTube
8:30-9:00 free Tandem Bagel breakfast, introductions and overview of day
9:00-9:15 creating the schedule board
9:15-10:15 session 1
10:30-11:30 session 2
11:30-11:45 raffles and sharing
11:45-12:45 soup bar for lunch
12:45-1:00 tweaking the schedule board
1:15-2:15 session 3
2:15-2:30 evaluation and Certificates of Attendance
Register Now
Election Day Professional Development - November 8th
For content information contact Jen Chapin 413.247.5010 or jchapin@hatfieldps.net
Donations & Door Prizes provided by the following sponsors.....
Teachers pay Teachers
gift certificates
Anytime Fitness
3 month membership, towel, lanyard, t-shirt, stress ball, chap-stick, key-chain and drawstring backpack
Mass Teachers Association
operating costs
Target of Hadley
gift card
Moe's Southwest Grill
Moe's Cash
4 six month educator subscriptions
Natasha Lowe
autographed books
Christine Leronino
autographed books and lesson plans
Edcamp foundation
Northampton Athletic Club
one month membership
Jane Yolen
Autographed books
Pure Barre Northampton
2 free weeks for two
Fitness Together Northampton/Amherst
3 private sessions, tote bag, water bottle and pedometer
Brockway Smith Company
Barnes and Noble gift card
6 three month gold edition subscriptions
Eric Carle Museum
Family pass for free admission
Gift Bag and Swag
Kringle Candle
Gift Basket and Car Air Fresheners
River Valley Co.op
gift card
IXL math
T-Shirts and swag
Free license for every attendee
Document Camera and Wireless Interactive Whiteboard
Florence Savings Bank
Gift Card
EdCamp 101