Mustang's Message
February 2, 2025
Breaking News!
- Kid's Heart Challenge is Ready to Begin - the Kids Heart Challenge is coming to Mission Meadows from Feb 3rd to Feb 12th! Students will help other kids with special hearts while learning how to keep their own hearts & bodies healthy. Through Finn’s Mission, students will be able to understand the lifesaving skill of hands-only CPR and the warning signs of stroke, raise funds for kids with special hearts, learn about heart and brain health, and hear from child survivors. Register early and start on Finn’s Mission by using this QR code or by clicking this link http://www2.heart.org/goto/missionmeadows . If half of our school registers, Mr. Peel will be covered in silly string at the next Friday Sing! If you are looking for a way to continue to spread some kindness this may be it.
- Exciting News – Help Us Become a Community School! We are applying for a special California grant that could bring thousands of dollars to our school to support students, families, and our community! This grant would help us become a Community School, which means providing additional resources, services, and programs to support student success—such as mental health services, after-school programs, family engagement opportunities, and more. To help us better understand the needs of our school community, we are asking parents to complete a brief survey this week. Here is the Survey Link and please look below in this message for more information about community schools. Thank you for your support in making our school the best it can be!
- Malfunctioning Heater at Mission Meadows - I want to provide a brief update regarding an incident that occurred last Monday morning. At approximately 7:30 AM, our nutrition manager turned on the kitchen heat, and shortly after, multiple staff members detected the smell of gas. A noon aide quickly evacuated the few students inside the MPR, and moments later, a loud boom was heard above the kitchen, prompting the nutrition manager to exit immediately. Our plant lead swiftly shut off the gas and reported the situation, while staff worked to redirect arriving students to safe locations outside. In response, I have met with district personnel to review the incident, assess our emergency protocols, and ensure proper repairs and safeguards are in place. Additionally, during this week's staff meeting, we will take time to review this event and our overall school safety plan to strengthen our preparedness for any future incidents. I want to extend my gratitude to our staff for their quick actions in ensuring student safety.
- Donations Needed - the health office is in need of Saltine crackers and small size NEW underwear for girls and boys. If you are able and willing to help donate, please drop off your donations to the front office. Thank you!
- Join us Friday for our Friday Sing Assembly & Leader in Me Parent Meeting - This Friday at 1:00pm we will be having our next Friday Sing Assembly where we will be recognizing students for Reading, Running & Leadership. All parents and friends are invited to join us, but if your child will be receiving a certificate you will be notified by your child's teacher by Wednesday. Please consider bringing your own camp chair to sit in and enjoy this celebration as these assemblies are held outside on the basketball court unless there is wet weather.
- Parents and Friends please plan on joining us after the assembly in MPR for a short gathering and chat all about LEADER in Me and our upcoming Leadership Day! It will last from 1:45-2:15pm.
STEM Night at Mission Meadows - Mark your calendars! Our PTA-sponsored STEM Night is coming up on Tuesday, February 11th, from 5:00–6:30 PM—and it’s completely FREE for all families! Come explore the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and math with hands-on activities and exciting experiments. It’s a night of discovery and fun for students of all ages! Plus, El Burrito Food Truck will be on-site for those who would like to purchase dinner. We can’t wait to see you there!
Hygiene Dispensers Installed - This week our school district maintenance department installed menstrual product dispensers in our Grade 2-5 upper grade student bathrooms. In accordance with Assembly Bill 230 (click HERE), starting in the 2024-25 school year, all schools serving students in grades 3-12 are to provide free menstrual products, free of cost, in restrooms used by students in grades 3, 4, and 5. On Wednesday, the day that they were installed, Mrs. Burke did go into all 2nd-5th grade classrooms and spoke to the students about why they were there.
Important Dates to Remember
February 3-12 Kid's Healthy Heart Challenge
- February 7 Friday Sing Assembly & Leader in Me Chat
- February 11 STEM Night
- February 12 English Language Parent Meeting
- February 13-17th President's Day Break - NO SCHOOL
- February 21 2nd Grade Fieldtrip to San Diego Safari Park
- February 26 Student Minimum Day - Early Dismissal
- February 28 End of 2nd Trimester
- March 3-7 Scholastic Book Fair
Help Us Become a Community School!
We are applying for a special California grant that could bring thousands of dollars to our school to support students, families, and our community! This grant would help us become a Community School, which means providing additional resources, services, and programs to support student success—such as mental health services, after-school programs, family engagement opportunities, and more.
To help us better understand the needs of our school community, we are asking parents to complete a brief survey this week. Your input is essential in shaping our vision for the future and ensuring we meet the needs of our students and families.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey – your voice matters! Here is the Survey Link
If you would like to learn more about what a community school is, then check out this video.
Thank you for your support in making our school the best it can be!
Please Update Your Emergency Contact List
- In case of any type of emergency, it’s essential that we have the most up-to-date contact information for your child. We encourage all families to review and update their Emergency Contact List through the Parent Portal. Did you know you can add more than three emergency contacts to ensure we can always reach someone when it matters most? If you need assistance accessing the Parent Portal or updating your information, our friendly office staff is here to help! Feel free to stop by or give us a call. Your proactive efforts help keep our school community safe and prepared. Thank you for taking the time to keep your child’s information current!
Valentine's Grams on Sale This Week!
Starting Thursday, our Student Council will be selling Valentine Grams—a fun way for students to surprise a special friend! Each gram includes a small gift and is only $1. All Valentine Grams will be delivered before our extended President’s Day Weekend. Don’t miss this chance to spread kindness and joy!
Kid's Heart Challenge is Here at Mission Meadows
Mission Meadows gets the opportunity to participate in the Kids Heart Challenge by the American Heart Association from Feb 3rd-12th. Students and staff will get the chance to learn about healthy hearts and special hearts (congenital heart disorders) as well as hands-only CPR and warning signs of a stroke. We will have fun activities and incentives throughout those weeks. It is also a fundraiser but we are not incentivizing money donations. That part of the program is done online with the parents/guardians at home.
Join the team TODAY at www.heart.org/schools or by downloading the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android. Students that join the team early will be recognized at our kickoff assembly on Monday. Meet heart survivor Finn and hear how completing Finn’s Mission gives hope to everyone, everywhere. Let’s save lives together! Thank you for being a Heart Hero!
STEM Night at Mission Meadows
Mark your calendars and plan to attend a free STEM night at Mission Meadows on February 11th. The them is "Experience the Magic of Science" and there will be many activities and games to participate in. We hope to see you there!
STEM Night & Catapult Challenge
The Vista Unified STEM 2 Career Expo invites all current VUSD students to participate in the Catapult Challenge on March 26, 2025, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at the Vista High School Main Quad. Students, divided into elementary, middle, and high school levels, will design and build a catapult capable of launching a jelly bean. Materials kits will be delivered to schools on March 10, 2025, but students must also include one recycled item, such as a bottle cap or cardboard tube. Completed devices must be brought to the event, where students will test their creations by launching a paint-dipped jelly bean.
Roosevelt Middle School Parent Information Night is Tuesday
Dear 5th Grade Families,
We are excited to invite you to our Roosevelt Middle School Parent Information Night on Tuesday, February 4th, at 6:00 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about what makes RMS a truly special place for your student’s middle school journey!
At this event, you will:
- Discover our Artful Learning program and what it means to be an Artful Learning School
- Learn about our PBIS program and how we support the whole child
- Explore the many elective opportunities available for students
- Enjoy a performance from our award-winning band
- Take a tour of our campus and see where learning comes to life
- Find out why RMS is the perfect fit for your child’s future!
Amy Zilk, Principal
5th Grade Middle School Opportunities
Next year your child will be in 6th grade, and you have the option of applying to Vista Magnet Middle School (VMMS) or Vista Innovation and Design Academy (VIDA). On the dates below the two magnet middle schools will introduce our programs and explain the magnet application process. Families can attend any of these presentations they choose. All presentations are 6:00-7:00 pm.
Date Location
Monday, February 3, 2025 - Vista Academy: 600 North Santa Fe Avenue, Vista
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 - Grapevine Elementary: 630 Grapevine Road, Vista
Monday, February 10, 2025 - Hannalei Elementary: 120 Hannalei Drive, Vista
Pathway to Legal Immigratoin/Camino hacia la inmigración legal
Student Check-Out Policy
- Important Student Check-Out Policy: For the safety of all students, please be aware of our school’s check-out policy:
Photo ID Required: Students can only be released to an adult who presents a valid photo ID and is listed on the student’s emergency contact list.
No Early Check-Outs During Final 30 Minutes: To minimize disruptions during the busy end-of-day activities, students cannot be checked out within 30 minutes of dismissal.
If you need to pick up your child early for an appointment or other reasons, please plan accordingly. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping us maintain a safe and smooth dismissal process.
Math Facts
Learning basic math facts is a cornerstone of academic success, especially for our 3rd-5th graders who are diving deep into multiplication and fractions. These foundational skills are not just classroom requirements—they are the building blocks for more complex problem-solving in middle school and beyond. Strong math fact fluency boosts confidence, improves problem-solving speed, and frees up mental energy to tackle challenging concepts.
We are excited to be able to offer Reflex Math and Frax for your children in the 2nd-5th grade to use and practice at home. We encourage all students to keep practicing their math facts every week at home. Whether it’s through flashcards, apps, or family quizzes, every bit of practice helps. Let’s continue working together to ensure all students sail into the next grade level with the skills they need to succeed.
Reading Educational Programs at School & at Home
Dear Mission Meadows Families,
Leaders are Readers, and we are thrilled to provide students with powerful tools to build their reading skills, many of which are accessible through your child’s ClassLink account. These programs support learning at school and home, and we encourage your child to take advantage of them.
Here are some ways your student can practice reading at home:
- Daily Reading: Students should read at home for at least 30 minutes each day. After finishing a book, they can take Accelerated Reader (AR) quizzes to test their understanding and earn points.
- i-Ready Reading: All students should spend 30-45 minutes each week on i-Ready Reading, a program tailored to their individual learning needs.
- Lexia: Younger students (TK-2nd grade) can work on Lexia to strengthen foundational reading skills.
- Achieve 3000: Upper-grade students (3rd-5th grade) can complete Achieve 3000 lessons to boost reading comprehension and critical thinking.
Many of these activities are part of classroom instruction, but they can also be used at home to enhance learning. Winter Break is a perfect time to dive deeper into these programs and keep those reading skills sharp! Reach out to your child's teacher if you have questions, as different grade levels may have slightly different expectations.
Thank you for supporting your child’s growth as a reader. Let’s keep the learning going strong!
How to Volunteer or Join the PTA
Attendance at School =Success
- 95% Attendance Goal: Consistent attendance is crucial for elementary-age children because it ensures they receive the full benefits of classroom learning, social interactions, and essential academic routines. Regular attendance helps students build a strong foundation in their studies, develop good habits, and stay on track with their peers. This year, our school has set a goal for all students to achieve at least 95% attendance to earn the H.E.R.O. (Here, Every day, Ready, On time) award, recognizing their commitment to being present and engaged in their education.
- Independent Study is Available: If you know about an upcoming extended absence, you can ask for Independent Study Packets that your student can complete for academic and attendance credit. You must give a minimum of SEVEN days notice to the office and teacher for a packet to be created, but FOURTEEN (14) days is preferred. If the student completes and turns in the packet the absences will not count against your child.
- Attendance Challenge - If we can have an overall attendance at the end of the school year of at least 95%, then the students will be able to duct tape Mr. Peel to a wall and throw cream pies in his face. Last year we grew from 92% to 93.7% attendance - which was fantastic, but Mission Meadows still had the third lowest overall attendance of all Vista USD elementary school. Let's reach our goal this year Mustangs.
Mission Meadows Elementary School
Location: 5657 Spur Avenue, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: (760)630-7884