Hornet Buzz
August 2, 2024

The Message..
Hello Hornet Nation!
We hope you're enjoying a fantastic summer! The HORNET BUZZ aims to be your go-to source for all things Great Mills. Each edition will feature weekly highlights and exciting upcoming events. We're excited to kick off an incredible school year together!
This year Open-house will be on Monday, August 19th. The doors will open at 12:30 for all 9th graders and new transfers. We will start in the auditorium with school in formation. Then from 1:00 to 2:00 all 9th and 10th graders and families will be released to move through the building to find their classes and meet their teachers. All upperclassmen are welcome from 2:00 to 3:00 to meet their teachers.
Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to open house.
For Our Spanish Speaking Families
¡Saludos! Para leer en español, hay un botón para traducir en la esquina superior derecha de los anuncios de Smore cuando se abre por primera vez. Pueden hacer clic en el botón y después selecciona de la lista de lenguas disponibles
**Cell Phone Policy Update for the Upcoming School Year**
This summer, we've been focusing on reinforcing our school's cell phone policy, which requires that all cell phones be turned off and kept out of sight during the school day. This means no cell phones are permitted in classrooms or in the hallways between classes. We understand that this adjustment may be challenging for some students, but it's an important change that many school districts across the country are adopting.
It's essential to approach this policy with a positive mindset. By focusing on the benefits, we can make this transition smoother for everyone. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us create a more focused learning environment.
One positive aspect of the policy is that high school students will have the opportunity to use their cell phones during Nest Hour, One-Lunch. If you find it difficult to stay off your phone during class, we encourage you to consider leaving it at home.
As we prepare for a fantastic school year ahead, we wanted to share this information about cell phone restrictions. Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events
Dates to Remember
- August 14 - First day of Fall sports
- August 19 - Open House
- August 21 - First day of school
- September 2 - Labor Day - All SMCPS schools closed
- September 19 - Two-hour early dismissal
- September 20 - Professional Day - No school for students
The true purpose of school is for you to become whatever you want to be in life!
What can we help you become?
Audition Information with Links
Audition Information:
If you are interested in auditioning, please complete the Audition Form.
You must also prepare a 45-60 second monologue of your choice and 16-32 bars of a song from a golden age musical.
Crew Info
If you are interested in working with our crew, please complete the Crew Form.
Pit Info
If you are interested in working with our pit, please complete the Pit Form.
2024-2025 Season LIghthouse productions
Lighthouse Productions is proud to announce its theatrical performances for the 2024-2025 school year!
If you would like to review these scripts and offer any feedback, please stop by the Main Office during the hours of 9:00 am - 11:00 am Monday - Thursday, June 10th through June 20th. Please note that, due to copyright restrictions, we cannot allow scripts to be removed from our school building.
NAWCAD Launches Inaugural Jet Design Competition: September 4
NAWCAD Launches Inaugural Jet Design Competition: September 4
Know a student who has what it takes to design the Navy’s next jet? Prime the skids with the kids because the Navy's Next Jet Competition launches September 4!
The Navy’s Next Jet Competition is open to students attending elementary, middle and high school in St. Mary’s, Charles and Calvert counties. Participants can enter as individuals or as a team, with a maximum of five students per team.
Participants are tasked with designing the Navy's next generation jet aircraft. Designs should include detailed specifications, features and capabilities of the proposed jet. Submissions must include a written description and visual representation (drawing, digital rendering or model) of the jet.
Participants must submit their designs electronically to NAWCAD’s Strategic Education Office. Submissions should include the participant's name(s), grade level, school name and contact information.
The submission period opens September 4; submissions are due by October 15. Late submissions will not be considered. Submissions should be sent to: NAWCAD_PAXR_StrategicEducationOffice@us.navy.mil
Parking Permits are $60. To apply complete the form below
Fall Sports
To play high school sports you do not need to have played before nor do you have to pay a fee. The only thing you need to do is sign up on FamilyID and get a sports physical.
- Football
- Boys and Girls Soccer
- Field Hockey
- Cheerleading
- Boys and Girls Cross County
- Volleyball
- Golf
There are other extra-curricular activities available such as, Marching Band and Theater.
SMCPS Athletics Seasonal Tryout Information
St. Mary's County Public Schools Athletics
School Year 2024-2025​
Anyone wishing to compete for a place on a team is expected to be at all tryouts.
First Day of Fall Sports Tryouts - August 14, 2024
First Day of Winter Sports Tryouts - November 15, 2024
First Day of Spring Sports Tryouts - March 1, 2025
All interested athletes are expected to be present from day one and have all required documentation fully completed if they wish to compete for a place on the team. For online registration go to www.familyid.com and use "Find a program" to select your high school. Failure to submit all required electronic data entry/forms/cards by the deadline set by the high school will necessitate the exclusion of the student.
Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
Sports physicals are valid for 12 months. It is recommended you attain your sports physical during the months of June or July annually.
History Form - To be filled out prior to examination by the patient or parent/guardian and provided to the Physician.
Physical Examination Form - To be completed by the Physician and kept in their office in the patient’s medical file.
Medical Eligibility Form - This is the ONLY form that should be submitted to the school.
Corollary Sports Program
The Corollary Sports program is offered as an alternative program to the mainstream high school athletics program, with team rosters composed of both students with or without disabilities. For more information please visit the Corollary Sports Page.
Fall Season - Cycling
Winter Season - Bowling
Spring Season - Bocce
Assistance and Contacts
Please contact your child’s school or the appropriate individual on this list if you have questions or concerns.
On the first day of school we have a lot of students who do not know their bus number. Please take a minute to locate your bus stop and bus number. When buses arrive at school in the morning they park in the first slot available. However, in the afternoon they have assigned slots. It is very important that students know their bus number to help them find their bus in the afternoon because it will not be in the same place they were dropped off in the morning.
We appreciate your support!
This group of HORNETS just completed a month long internship at Pax River Naval Base through NAWCAD. It was really cool to see all the things they accomplished in just one month. This experience really confirmed their desire to become an engineer!
Who will represent the class of 2028??
Buzzworthy Information
Need a library card? Here is how you sign up!
Smart Card Instructions (English)
Smart Card Instructions (Spanish)
Library Hours
SAT Registration
Great Mills Athletics
FAFSA Deadline Approaching, Need Help?
Please email Mrs. Cunningham, accunningham@smcps.org, if you need assistance in completing FAFSA and/or MDCAPS
Higher education determines if you work and retire or work the rest of your life
Maryland Promise Scholarship
Important Links
Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Supplemental Health Insurance
Great Mills High School
Email: bjdothard@smcps.org
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/gmhs/
Location: 21130 Great Mills Road, Great Mills, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 863-4001
Twitter: @GMHS_SMCPS