Pride Post
March 2021
Ms. Romo's Report
Spring is here! We can all use a little more sunshine and warmer weather, right? We still have a lot of learning and work to complete before the year ends. Please watch email, School CNXT, and our webpage for announcements regarding testing and events to close the school year!
Around the Building...
Learner Profiles
IB Learner Profile Focus - The International Baccalaureate® (IB) learner profile describes a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success. At Goodrell Middle School we focus on different traits of the IB Learner Profile each month. In our classes, we discuss how to embody these traits and then teachers nominate members of our IB community who truly embody these traits.
During the month of March, Goodrell students learned about IB profiles Caring and Balance. The IB programmes "promote the education of the whole person, emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth through all domains of knowledge ..... educating the whole person for a life of active, responsible citizenship." A caring person shows empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. Balance aims to develop learners who are balanced. The goal is to allow students to discover and understand the importance of balancing different aspects of their lives. Focusing on the intellectual, physical, and emotional in order to achieve well being for themselves and others. The ultimate goal is for students to recognize their interdependence with other people and with the world in which they live.
Student Art Spotlight
Goodrell Family, Friends, & Teachers Together (GFT)
Tuesday, Apr 6, 2021, 05:30 PM
From the Offices Of...
Ms. Claytor's Communications
Ms. Hartung's Happenings
Nurse Bo's Bulletin
Attention 6th graders:
As we finish this school year and start thinking about next year, I wanted to remind you that each 7th grade student needs a Tdap and Meningitis Immunization before the start of the school year. As of now, 50% of our 6th graders have already received both vaccines and are ready for next year. If your student needs one or both vaccines, you would have received a message through Messenger earlier this week. Please schedule an appointment with your provider for your student to receive their vaccines before the start of 7th grade. Thank You!
Mr. Power's Piece
March kicked off with Special Olympics Unified Sports Respect Week from March 1-5 and the week was used to celebrate inclusion and respect across our community. Students and staff engaged in various activities around those actions including: signing our Unified Sports poster, filling out a form to share about people they respect, posing for pictures with various Respect Week items, completing an inclusion challenge on the Special Olympics website, and creating their own art based on the themes from the week. Students were given swag for their participation including backpacks, T-shirts, pencils, cups, and more great items. Overall, more than 400 students and staff participated in the activities throughout the week as the Inclusion Revolution continued at Goodrell Middle School.
Swimming continued in March, and Track and Field got underway this month. The Track and Field season is short this year (only four weeks), and students have completed two full weeks of practice. Under the Skills Academy model, students have been able to try out the different aspects of track and field and get a more well-rounded experience than normal. There is a track meet planned for April 16th at North High School starting at 5:00 p.m. and more details will be given shortly about families coming to watch their students compete. Track also welcomed two new coaches to the fold this year: Ms. Angelique Smyth was hired as the boys assistant coach and Mr. Aric Rush was added as a ratio coach to the girls team.
To end the school year, soccer will be the final sport once swimming and track are over. It will start on April 19th and run until the latter part of May. Debate has one meet left and has enjoyed some success this year as their season comes to a close. Some other clubs have been meeting in-person this month including Cosmetology, History, Breakdancing, Sisters4Success, and Anime. Clubs will start to wrap up over the next several weeks, and then we will begin to survey the students to see what clubs they want offered next year!
Social Justice Calendar
Contact Us
Email: lauren.jacobs@dmschools.org
Website: goodrell.dmschools.org
Location: 3300 East 29th Street, Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: (515) 242-8444
Facebook: facebook.com/GoodrellMS
Twitter: @goodrelldmpride