French Prairie MS Newsletter
August 2024

September, 2024
Hello French Prairie Parents and Families!
I am so excited to start the new school year as Principal of French Prairie Middle School. We have been working hard this summer to prepare for the coming 2024-25 school year! We are taking critical inventory of our systems and finding ways for families to become more involved in our school community.
Although there has be great care not to change the things that make French Prairie Middle School what it is, there has also been great care to honor the feedback and guidance provided by staff, families, and students about what would make FPMS an even better place to learn and grow.
Our school has gotten a small facelift with new carpet and painted trim in the hallways and new paint and floor in the gym. As we move into the school year, focusing on positive culture and climate will be at the forefront of what we do. We want FPMS to feel welcoming and safe for all who enter.
There will be new ways for parents and community partners to engage and become more involved. There will be new ways for student voice to be heard and honored in the school. We are also working hard to add clarity to our expectations and systems of support for all students. As we begin the school year in a few weeks, you can expect that there will be transparency in the work that we are doing as a school to create conditions for success for all students.
As the new Principal at FPMS, I promise to lead the school in ways that honor our district Mission, Vision, and Values. You can expect a monthly newsletter that highlights the great work that French Prairie Staff and Students are engaged in. You can also expect updates on the School Improvement Goals so you can monitor our efforts towards what the school and community have identified as areas of improvement.
I look forward to the many opportunities to engage with you and learn more about how we can make FPMS the best learning space possible.
Dr. Pam Lybarger
Principal, French Prairie Middle School
Important Dates
- First Day of School for 6th grade only - Aug 26th 8:20am-3:15pm
- First Day for All Students - Aug 27th 8:20am-3:15pm
- Football Practice Starts Aug 27th @ 3:30pm
- Volleyball & Soccer First Practice - Aug 28th @ 3:30pm
- Labor Day - No School on Sept 2nd
- Open House - Sept 4th @ 5:00pm-6:00pm
School Success
29.1% of students met or exceeded Reading growth goals in English and 9.2% in Spanish. We will be focusing on reading with interventions and extensions for all students this year.
Attendance Matters! Regular attendance is critically important. We need every student in school every day. Data indicates that FPMS had 55% of our students attending school regularly during the 2023-24 school year. That means that 45% of our students were considered chronically absent last year.
School Safety
Site Council Opportunity
If you are interested in joining our French Prairie Site Council for the 2024-2025 school year, please contact the office and let us know. Site Council is a great way to participate, give voice, and help shape our priorities. In the past, Site Council has been primarily parents and not in alignment with Oregon Law and School Board Policy. The council has membership requirements for both staff and parents. We will be holding elections for Site Council this year. We will need 4 parents to serve. If interested, please contact the school office.
In the past the group met to talk with the Principal of FPMS. There will still be opportunities to learn about FPMS, talk with the Principal, and have your voice heard. We will expand our Parent Club to continue this opportunity. Please see below.
Parent Club
To ensure that all parents can have access to the Principal and be involved in school activities, we will be expanding our Parent Club! Parent Club will be meeting Monthly with Principal Lybarger and Bubu Penute.
Each meeting will start with "Pizza with the Principal" to allow all parents an opportunity to share their ideas, thoughts, and concerns with Principal Lybarger. The Parent Club will provide additional opportunities to become involved here at FPMS. We will publish Parent Club dates soon.
What is the Parental Portal and How does it Work?
The Parent Portal is a resource available to all parents, which allows viewing of your child’s progress and grades in all subjects. Access will allow parents to monitor test/quiz grades, project and homework completion, as well as classwork and missed assignments. Give us a call; let us help you connect to the Parent Portal.
How can I make sure that I receive communications from French Prairie MS?
Make sure you have provided your cell phone number. We use Remind to send text messages.
Call the office at (971) 983-3550 to provide updated contact information. If you need to update your phone number, mailing address, or email address, please call us.
Check our website: frenchprairie.woodburnsd.org
Technology Protocols - Please read!
If you don't agree with the terms in this protocol, please submit a letter to the school office. If you need a printed copy, please let us know.
What's Been Happening!
School Supplies
To start the school year, we will be providing basic school supplies for your student. They will have a 3 ring binder, dividers, paper, and pencil pouch with pens and pencils. We will also have school supplies in classrooms for group use. If your student prefers specific brands or items OR if they lose or need replacements, please provide those items for your student. All backpacks will be left in lockers during the day.
Snacks and Food
Clothing and Gifts
How to Contact Us
Our office hours are from 8:00am to 4:00pm
Phone: 971-983-3550
Please call the school to make an appointment if you would like to meet with building administrators or teachers. We are often in classrooms or students and spend little time in the office when we are not meeting with others who have schedule meetings with us. If you call the school, we will work hard to find a meeting time as quickly as possible to address your needs or concerns.
Website: frenchprairie.woodburnsd.org