Avon High School
February 2025 Newsletter
Don't let the winter get you down. As your educators, we know these winter months with long dark nights, can be a bit of a chore or bring the winter blues. Keep yourself busy, go to the AHS winter Fusion concert, take in a basketball game, check out wrestling, attend those club meetings that you always seem to miss unintentionally. While sleep is really important to your overall health, make sure to remain active.
This month is dedicated to planning the next stage in your high school experience: course selection. Finding the right balance between challenging your mind and keeping a threshold on your anxiety is not an easy one when you feel you have to "do all of the things'" to have the college or career path of your dreams. Please take a course that challenges you or allows you to explore a different interest. Now is the time. However, loading yourself with solid AP courses all day or CCP is not for everyone. It is okay to seek a blend of challenging, stimulating, experiential coursework.
Last, when you register for courses, you really are locking these selections down. It is a commitment that we have very little opportunity to change once we build the master schedule. Your choices drive what our teachers teach, how often the course is offered and whether or not a course is even able to run. As many of you know, we do not let students change their minds or rearrange schedule once May arrives.
Eagle proud,
Kristina Dobos Buller, Principal
Upcoming Events
2/4: Parent Teacher Conferences; 3:00pm-6:30pm
2/7: Scheduling Deadline for 25-26 School Year
2/11: North Coast Rotary Pizza Bake Off; AHS Commons; 4:30pm-6:30pm
2/11: Fusion Concert; PAC; 7:00pm
2/12: Parent Teacher Conferences; 3:00pm-6:30pm
2/14: No School
2/17: President's Day; No School
2/22: Musical Mosaic; PAC; 10:00am-5:00pm
2/26: ACT Test Day for Juniors (no school for 9th, 10th or 12th grade)
February is Black History Month
Black History Month is a time to reflect on and celebrate the invaluable contributions and achievements of Black individuals throughout history. It’s an opportunity to honor the legacies of those who have paved the way for social justice, innovation, and cultural enrichment. It’s also a moment to acknowledge the struggles that continue and recommit to creating a more equitable and inclusive world for all. Let’s take this month to learn, appreciate, and support the ongoing journey toward equality.
Parent Teacher Conferences - February 4th & 12th
AHS is looking forward to seeing you at our Spring conferences.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Tuesday, February 4th and Wednesday, February 12th from 3:00pm-6:30pm.
Conferences will be held in person, face to face.
Click here to view the signup.
Contact Courtnay Reinart if you have any questions at reinartc@avoneagles.org.
AHS 2025-2026 Scheduling Deadline - February 7th
High school counselors met with 9th, 10th and 11th graders in small groups in January to review the process of scheduling for next school year. Click here to review the 2025-2026 Program of Studies. The deadline to get your schedules submitted in PowerSchool is Friday, February 7th. The AHS Counselors will be in the Main Gym during lunch periods on Monday, February 3rd and Friday, February 7th to assist any student with questions.
North Coast Rotary Great Pizza Bake Off - February 11th
Fusion Concert - February 11th - 7:00pm in PAC
Musical Mosaic - February 22nd
ACT Testing - February 26th
There will be no school for Freshmen, Sophomores and Seniors on Wednesday, February 26th as the Juniors will be taking the ACT. There is no registration required for this test. For students looking for additional preparation, the counselors recommend the free test prep opportunities on ACT's website: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/test-preparation/free-act-test-prep.html. Juniors should report to school at the regular time, 7:30am. You will take a seat in The Commons and wait to be dismissed to your testing room. An email will be sent to your avoneagles account providing you with your room assignment. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Castrilla.
Class of 2025 New Commencement Date - May 29th
Commencement 2025 has been moved to Thursday, May 29th to best accommodate our senior track and field members who are likely to make it to regional competitions this year! Please mark your calendars accordingly. A complete guide to all things graduation will be published in the weeks to come.
Learning Labs - 2nd Semester
Learning labs have been updated for 2nd semester! These labs are subject specific, drop-in style support for students. This is an opportunity for students to get extra help on topics or assignments outside of their regular instructional time. Students must bring questions, assignments, class materials, or notes for which they would like extra support with to the learning lab.
Main Office Reminders
Attendance, Release Slips, Vacation...
- Please keep in mind that vacations during the school calendar are not encouraged. If your student must miss school, please remember to fill out a vacation form ahead of time.
- Click here for a copy of the vacation form. The form must be turned into the Main Office.
- If your student is leaving at some point during the day for an appointment, he/she must bring a note signed by his/her parent detailing what type of appointment he/she are going to i.e., doctor or dentist, and what time the student should be released. This note must be turned into the Main Office when the student returns to school, so that that student may receive a dismissal slip to be released from class.
School Fees
AHS school fees for the 2024-2025 school year have been applied to each student's PowerSchool account.
Online payment may be made through https://payschoolscentral.com/ or checks made payable to "Avon Board of Education" can be sent to the attention of Courtnay Reinart at Avon High School.
If you want to verify balance before you submit a check, please email reinartc@avoneagles.org.
Underclassmen may be excluded from participation in school travel, field trips, etc. due to outstanding school fee balances.
Seniors will have to meet all school fee obligations by February 28, 2025, in order to participate in senior events such as the Washington DC trip, Prom and Commencement.
Class of 2025 - Stay Connected
Don't wait Seniors! Order your cap and gown now!
I have received lots of questions on how to order "just a cap and gown." Click Here if you just want to order a cap and gown. Click "No Thanks" for the other products they are trying to sell you i.e., apparel & announcements. You can choose to get a keepsake tassel, otherwise, when you order a cap and gown, you would get the standard tassel with an eagle only. If you have any questions, you can email Rodd Torbert, rodd.torbert@jostens.com.
Going forward, it is imperative that you check you AHS Gmail daily. There are numerous reasons our offices need to communicate with you and your families and those communications can come daily, weekly, and monthly. We want you to be as informed as possible, and your Gmail will be key to doing so.
Mark Your Calendars!
- Senior Fee Deadline: February 28, 2025 (all fees must be paid by this date to attend DC trip, Prom, Commencement)
- Senior DC Trip: March 26 - 29, 2025
- Prom: Saturday, May 10, 2025
- Senior Exams: May 20 - 22, 2025
- Graduation Practice: Tuesday, May 27, 2025
- Graduation: Thursday, May 29, 2025; 7:00pm (REVISED)
2024-2025 Calendar
AHS Contact Information
Avon High School
37545 Detroit Road
Avon, OH 44011
Attendance Line: 440-934-1770
Office Line: 440-934-6171
Kristina Dobos Buller - Principal
Vinny Hokavar - Assistant Principal (A-G)
Kelsey Mellino - Assistant Principal (H-O)
Adam Castrilla - Assistant Principal (P-Z)