Falcon Friday January 31, 2025
Olathe South High School
JCCC Spring College Now Classes
College Now Grant – Funding Available!
JCCC has received over $250,000 in grant funds that are available for our College Now students. Students must enroll and submit the grant application before the semester enrollment deadlines to be considered. The priority is to award students receiving free or reduced lunch or those experiencing financial hardship. If awarded, the grant will cover up to two classes at the full tuition rate. Deadline for enrollment and College Now Grant Application submission is Friday, Feb 14 by 5 p.m.
JCCC offers payment plans. Please contact the Bursar’s Office for assistance at 913-469-2567 or email bursar@jccc.edu. Students and parents can also visit MyFinances to view account balance information and make payment. To give your parents access to view and pay your bill and receive your 1098-T, add them as an authorized user. Log in to MyFinances and click Authorized Users under My Profile Setup. Enter your parent’s email address and then choose the access to grant.
Enrollment and Payment Deadlines-
The College Now Spring enrollment deadline is Friday, Feb 14. Payment is due at the time of enrollment. Students who enroll in classes will be financially responsible for tuition owed. The last day to drop a College Now Spring semester course with a refund is Monday, Feb 17.
Need to drop a course? All course drops must be completed by dropping the course online through MyJCCC or by emailing registration@jccc.edu to obtain a schedule change request. JCCC does not allow courses to be dropped over the phone once the semester has begun.
***We Need Your Help*** DECA Eastern Regionals
Olathe South is hosting DECA Eastern Regionals on Thursday, February 13, 2025. This is a great honor for our chapter and continues to build our position as an emerging chapter in the Eastern Region of DECA.
Events like this rely on the generosity of time and talents. We know time is scarce but the talents are unlimited amongst our community. Regardless of your level of expertise or experience in business, be assured that you are qualified to help serve as a judge that day. We will provide on-the-job training.
As a judge, you will be housed in the gym at tables. Students present a pitch/solutions-based presentation on the case study they are given. Judges aske the prescribed questions. After the presentation judges complete a rubric.
If you are able to help you can sign up through this link
Traffic and Safe Driving
Families, we have been notified by our neighboring schools about an increase in unsafe driving after school, especially with students exiting the building using the Heritage Elementary bridge. Please have a conversation with your child about safe and slow driving through school zones.
Substitute Job Fair
The Olathe School District is hosting a Substitute Job Fair on February 12 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at 14160 S. Black Bob Road. The district is looking for substitute teachers, nurses, paras and counselors. You can call 913-780-8188 with questions.
HBCU College Fair and Showcase
Park Hill South High School is hosting a HBCU College Fair and Showcase on February 6 at 6:00pm.
Olathe South High School
Website: http://www.olatheschools.org/south
Location: 1640 East 151st Street, Olathe, KS, USA
Phone: 913-780-7160
Facebook: facebook.com/OlatheSouthHighSchool
Twitter: @OlatheSouthHS