Thundercat Weekly
Parent Newsletter: August 9-16, 2024
Newsletter Contents
· Upcoming Dates
· Schedule Change Request
· RTMS 4 Point Check
· FBISD 1:1 Laptop Program
· No Tech Zone
· RTMS Dress Code
· Student Safety After Dismissal
· A Message from the PTO President
· PTO Spirit Wear Order
· Locker Request
· Administration Alpha Split
· Counselor Alpha Split
· Counselor’s Corner
· Grade Level Supply List
· A-Z Back-To-School Guide
· Student Verification
· Bus Route Locator
· Carpool
· RTMS Traffic Pattern
· Volleyball Tryouts
· Football Update
· Sports You App
· PE Uniforms
· RTMS Academic Update
· STAAR Results
· School Calendar
· No 3rd-Party Deliveries
We are thrilled to have our students back for the new school year!
This year promises to be filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and new experiences. Our dedicated staff has been working tirelessly to prepare an engaging and supportive environment for all our students.
Here's to a fantastic year ahead at Ronald Thornton Middle School!
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, August 20 – Band Parent Meeting at 6:00 pm in the Commons
- Wednesday, August 21 – Orchestra Parent Meeting at 6:00 pm in the Commons
- Thursday, August 22 – Choir Parent Meeting at 6:00 pm in the Commons
- Friday, August 23 – Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPS) Coffee at 9:30 am in the Commons – All parents and potential volunteers are welcome!
- August 29 – RTMS Open House, 6-8 pm
- September 2 – No School, Labor Day
- September 27 – No School
- October 9 – End of Term 1
- October 10-15 – No School
- October 16 – Start of Term 2
Schedule Change Request
All student schedules were created using the Course Selection Form submitted in the spring.
RTMS cannot accommodate requests for specific teachers, having classes at certain times of the day, or class changes to be with friends.
RTMS 4 Point Check
As we gear up for a fantastic new school year, let's make sure we're all set for a smooth start each day. Follow these simple steps when entering the building:
FBISD 1:1 Laptop Program!
We’re thrilled to announce that Fort Bend ISD is launching a 1:1 laptop program for all secondary students (grades 6-12) starting in the 2024-25 school year! Each student will receive a laptop! This initiative will enhance learning, boost engagement, and prepare students for the future. We’re excited to see how this program will support and inspire our students!
Click here for more details.
RTMS is a No-Tech Zone During School Hours
To keep our Thundercats engaged, focused, and learning, RTMS will be a no-tech zone during school hours. Please help us enforce the following rules:
Cell Phones:
- Students may bring their cell phones to school, but they must be turned off and kept out of sight from the moment they enter RTMS until dismissal at 4:10 pm.
- If a student is seen with a cell phone during the school day, the phone will be confiscated.
- On the third confiscation, there will be a $10 fee to retrieve the phone, and a parent/guardian must come to the school to collect it.
- Cell phones may only be used before and after school.
- Earbuds and wireless headphones should not be brought to school.
- Headphones may only be used with district-issued laptops for instructional purposes.
- To ensure students can hear instructions and participate effectively, please avoid using music or noise-canceling headphones during class.
Dress Code
The full FBISD dress code is located in the Student Code of Conduct. Some highlights include:
- No midriff (stomach or back) showing.
- No hoods, hats, caps, doo-rags, wave caps, bonnets, or bandanas.
- No pajamas, house shoes, or slippers.
- Short length may be “slightly above midthigh.”
Students should dress comfortably for all required school activities including sitting in chairs or stools, working in groups at tables or on the floor, walking from class to class, and walking up and down stairs. Please review the FBISD Dress Code prior to the start of the school year to ensure your student is in school-appropriate attire.
Student Safety After Dismissal
A Message from the PTO President
Hello Thundercat Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! My name is Betsy George, and I'm honored to serve as your PTO President. The RTMS PTO Board is filled with an amazing group of volunteers who have worked hard this summer to prepare for the upcoming school year. We are excited to serve our students and teachers! There will be many opportunities for you to volunteer as well—check out our PTO website. Facebook pages and newsletter for the most up to date information on how to get involved. Please feel free to reach out at any time at rtmspresident@gmail.com.
Go Thundercats!
Betsy George
RTMS PTO President
PTO Update
Get into the school spirit and support RTMS by purchasing our spirit wear! We have a variety of items available, including t-shirts, hoodies, and hats, perfect for displaying your school pride. Your purchase helps fund important PTO activities and cheer on our teams.
To order, please CLICK HERE.
Locker Requests Now Open
Lockers can be requested by completing the form here. The form will be available starting Friday, August 9 at 5 pm and will close on August 23 at 5 pm. Please allow at least one week for processing your locker request.
Administration Alpha Split
This school year, RTMS is implementing a new grade level split to better serve our students.
Counselor Alpha Splits
To enhance our support for students, RTMS counselors will now be assigned based on the first letter of students' last names. We're excited to offer more tailored support for every Thundercat!
Counselor's Corner
Hello RTMS Families!
We hope your first week back has been smooth and successful!
Our counseling team is excited to support your students throughout this year, helping them navigate new challenges and seize every opportunity for growth.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's make this a fantastic year together!
Grade Level Supply Lists
As we prepare for the upcoming school year, please check the specific supply list for your child's grade level. Having the right supplies ensures that every student is ready for a successful start.
A-Z Back-To-School Guide
For up to date information, please see the FBISD Back to School Website for information throughout the summer.
Student Verification
To prepare for the upcoming school year, we ask all parents to log into Family Access and update their student's information forms. This update is required for all students, whether returning or new to Fort Bend ISD.
Bus Route Locator
Get ready for the 2024-2025 school year with FBISD Bus Route Locator! Follow the link to enter your address and access the latest bus route details: Bus Route Locator.
To help reduce traffic and ensure a smooth drop-off and pickup experience, we encourage families to carpool whenever possible. By sharing rides, we can minimize congestion and get students into the building faster so they can focus on learning. Thank you for your cooperation and support!
RTMS Traffic Pattern
To ensure the safety of our Thundercats, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Use the designated car rider line for drop-off and pickup. Enter by passing RTMS, making a U-turn on Water's Lake Blvd, and turning right into the driveway. This change helps avoid traffic congestion at the Sienna Parkway light.
Do not drop off or pick up students on Water's Lake Blvd or in the shared DLE/RTMS parking lot. This helps keep traffic moving smoothly and ensures everyone's safety.
At dismissal, all walkers and bikers must cross Water's Lake Blvd at the crosswalk by the flagpole. A crossing guard will be available to assist if needed.
With 1,800+ Thundercats in our school, following these procedures is crucial for maintaining a safe and efficient environment. Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping our students and community safe!
RTMS Volleyball Tryouts
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Aug 12, 13, 14
8th Grade – 6:45am- 8:20am
7th Grade – 4:15pm- 6:00pm
RTMS Girls Gym
Girls will need knee pads, athletic shoes, and water for tryouts. Since we will be running each day, it’s recommended to bring both volleyball and running shoes.
Girls that are not clear in Rank One by Aug. 11 at 11:59pm may not attend tryouts.
Football Parent Meeting - Monday, August 12
All parents of football players are invited to join the football coaches for an important meeting on Monday, August 12, at 6 pm in the boys' gym. We will be sharing essential information about the upcoming season. We look forward to seeing you there!
Stay Connected with Sports You!
To stay updated on all RTMS sports activities, join the Sports You group for your child:
- Boys Sports: Use code GEMN4S2U
- Girls Sports: Use code 4J5U-RAQH
Join the group to receive important updates and information throughout the season.
Cost: $20 Total
- $10 for shirts
- $10 for shorts
Purchase Options:
- Online: Purchase Here
- Print your receipt – Do NOT email the receipt to the PE teacher!
- Cash or Check:
- Make payable to RTMS
- Send your cash or check with your student the week of August 12-16
Uniform Distribution:
- Handed out in PE classes the week of August 12-16
- Students need a receipt or screenshot of receipt to pick up uniforms if ordered online
- Do NOT email receipt to the PE teacher
Dress Code:
- All students MUST dress out for PE
- If not purchasing a PE uniform, students must bring long shorts and a t-shirt in school colors (purple, gold, white, grey)
- No sleeveless shirts allowed
RTMS Academic Update
As we prepare for the upcoming school year, it is important to keep in mind that the purpose of school is to provide a solid academic foundation. Over the past few years (post-pandemic), we have noted some areas of concern and new academic trends. Two areas students continue to struggle with are mastering their basic math facts (multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction) and writing sentences, paragraphs, and essays. By sharing this observation with you all, my hope is that you can help maintain these skills over the summer with the resources below.
All parents received an email from FBISD indicating that STAAR scores are now available for viewing. To access your child’s STAAR results, please follow these steps:
Access the Parent Portal: Click HERE to log in and view the STAAR results.
Obtain the 6-Character Unique Code:
- Log in to Skyward Family Access.
- Click on Online Forms.
- Next to Student Assessment Results, click Fill Out Form.
- Click on Student Assessment Access Code to find the unique code needed.
Registration & Moves
Registration is open for the 24-25 School Year. Please help encourage family, friends, and neighbors to register HERE as soon as possible to ensure the appropriate number of teachers are in place to start the year. Currently enrolled students do not need to reenroll. If you are moving over the summer, please email Christine.Gruber@fortbendisd.com to update your address.
School Calendar
As you begin planning vacations for the upcoming year, please review the 2024-25 FBISD Academic Calendar. Keep in mind that family trips and vacations are considered unexcused absences. It is no secret that our students learn best when they are here for us to teach them.
Connect to RTMS
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTMSThundercats
- Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/rtms
- RTMS PTO https://www.rtmspto.net/
Ronald Thornton Middle School
Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/rtms
Location: 1909 Water Lakes Blvd., Missouri City, TX 77459
Phone: (281) 327-3870