Braemar Bulletin
August 28, 2024.
Welcome back. Braemar!
Dear Braemar Families,
Welcome back! The Braemar staff is excited to welcome you and your children back as we start the school year.
Kindergarten families, please follow the gradual entry schedule that was mailed earlier in the summer.
Students in Grade 1 to 7, please follow the schedule below.
September 3, 2024.
- Students will attend in-person from 8:55 a.m. until 10:55 a.m.
- Returning students will be asked to line up at their last year’s classroom meeting location. New students meet at the flag pole in front of the school to be greeted by staff.
- All Grade 6 Late French Immersion students, including returning Braemar students, please meet staff on the basketball court.
September 4, 2024.
Parents will receive an email no later than 2 pm on Tuesday, September 3rd to inform where students will meet the morning of Wednesday, September 4th. Wednesday is a full day with students attending 8:55 until 3:00.
School Supply Fees
A reminder that families will not be required to purchase their own school supplies. Following the practice laid out for Kindergarten supplies, families of students in Grades 1 to 7 will be charged a set fee for school supplies required of that grade. Fees for these supplies will be collected via School Cash Online in September, 2024, and staff will order supplies as needed, helping reduce costs to families. If financial assistance is needed, please request through the school’s office.
Personal Digital Devices
As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we must address some important changes regarding using personal digital devices (PDD). A PDD is any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or access the Internet, such as a cell phone or a tablet.
For the safety and well-being of students and to create a more focused learning environment, the Ministry of Education requires all schools in the province to restrict student use of cell phones and other personal digital devices while at school.
As previously communicated by the Superintendent of Schools, the North Vancouver School District (NVSD) is focused on “devices off, learning on.” In preparation for the 2024/2025 school year, we would like to share with families changes made to the NVSD Code of Conduct and Braemar’s Code of Conduct related to PDDs.
The following guidelines will be in place for September and part of Braemar’s Code of Conduct:
All students in the school community are expected to leave personal digital devices at home, in their bag/backpack, and/or in their locker during instructional time. Allowances may be made by the staff for instructional purposes, digital literacy, appropriate use based on age and developmental stage, accommodations within a student's Individualized Education Plan, accessibility, medical and health needs, and/or equitable support for learning outcomes.
Across all NVSD elementary schools, there is no student access to or use of PDD at any time on the school campus during the school day. This is essentially a “bell-to-bell" restriction from the beginning of school to the end of the day. Parents are reminded that elementary students are always under direct supervision and that the school will communicate with home for emergent needs if they arise. As referred to in the above guidelines, students with specific educational or medical needs outlined in their Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Learning Support Plan (LSP) will continue to use PDD to support their educational or medical needs. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s case manager.
If you need to contact your child during the day, please call 604-903-3270 and office staff will take your information and, if needed, contact your child.
Braemar staff is committed to enabling focused instructional time, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to create the best possible educational environment for all students. We look to parents, families and community members to also model, support and educate students on what it means to be a responsible digital citizen. Please find listed below some resources that may be helpful for continued conversations about the safe and responsible use of technology:
- Digital media: Promoting healthy screen use in school-aged children and adolescents | Canadian Paediatric Society (cps.ca)
- Online safety - Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)
- Welcome to MediaSmarts | MediaSmarts
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Spencer Kelly & Cheryl Ham
PAC Welcome Back BBQ
Please join us for our school-wide Welcome Back BBQ, which will be happening at Braemar on Thursday, August 29 from 4:00-7:00pm. Mr. Tube Steak will be on site selling hotdogs, including vegan options.
2024-2025 School Hours
Please note that there is no supervision before or after school. Kindly ensure that your child arrives at school on time. It is not necessary, unless teacher organized, for students to arrive earlier than the 8:50 am first bell. All students must wait outside at their designated waiting area prior to the first bell. If students are biking, skate boarding, or scootering to school, they are requested to dismount upon arrival on school grounds to ensure safety of others.
Braemar hours:
8:50 Entrance Bell
8:55 2nd Bell
10:25-10:45 Recess
10:45 Classes commence
12:05 Lunch (students eat in their classroom) 12:20 Students go outside to play
12:55 Afternoon classes commence
3:00 Dismissal
Traffic Safety
We continue to emphasize the importance of road safety at the school to ensure that our students and families are safe. If you drive your children to school, please park on Evergreen Place and walk to the school. At Braemar, vehicles are not permitted to enter the cul de sac between 8:30am-9:30 am and 2:30-3:30 pm.
Daycare providers with visible signage may drop off in the cul de sac.
The staff parking lot is available only to staff between 8:00am and 4:00pm. There are no drop offs and pick-ups of students in the staff parking lot. As a result of this arrangement, traffic is kept at a minimum when children are in attendance.
The Braemar Parent Advisory Council (BPAC) would like to welcome your family to Braemar! The main goals of the BPAC are to enhance communication, build community, and help support our teachers, parents, and students. We strive to lead from a place of equity, inclusion and belonging so that each student and family can feel comfortable bringing their true selves to our community.
As a parent/guardian at Braemar you are automatically a member of the BPAC and are welcome to get involved as much as you want/can. Throughout the school year we rely on volunteers for events, programs, and committees. We also welcome new ideas and invite you to share any special skills that may help enhance the students’ education/experience.
**IMPORTANT - Staying Connected**
• Konstella: All BPAC and class rep information will be relayed through Konstella, our communication tool. One of the main highlights of this tool is language translation capabilities. Multiple caregivers can register and be linked to the same student(s). Once you register you can manage your notication and privacy settings and even sync your calendar. Register here:https://www.konstella.com/cd/SFOTNI