TJ Family Newsletter
July 30th, 2023

TJ Family Newsletter - 3/17/2024
Hello Patriots!
Looking at the week ahead, our 5th graders will be taking their Integrated Reading/Writing SOL on Tuesday and we will have Career Day on Thursday. We will also practice a Lockdown Drill this week. The following week we have the TeamLCPS movie nights at Goochland Drive-in on 3/27 & 3/28, 3rd Grade Field Trip to LCHS on 3/27, 5th Grade Field Trip to the Science Museum on 3/28, and our Patriot Palooza/Club Day on 3/29. As a reminder 4/1-4/5 is Spring Break for LCPS.
- Field Day T-Shirt orders will begin tomorrow March 18-29, 2024. The ordering process will be ONLINE ONLY . The link to order is https://tjes24.itemorder.com/shop/home/. This will be the only opportunity to purchase a shirt as we do not order extra for in person sale.
- Don't forget about our school wide Read-A-Thon. Our goal is to have our students read for 50,000 minutes. Minutes will be counted from in-school reading. We look forward to reaching this goal together as a school and celebrating our success at our next school wide Palooza on March 29th.
- We are thrilled to announce that LCPS is currently accepting preschool applications for the 2024-2025 school year. If your child will be four years old by September 30th, 2024 he or she may be eligible to enroll in our program. Our community partner, MACAA, is also accepting applications for their preschool program for children ages three to five years old. Be on the lookout for our information flyer coming home this week!
The Title I & Title III Family Movie Night is coming soon! Please join us for this free event on Wednesday, March 27th or Thursday, March 28th to watch “Charlotte’s Web” with your family! The annual event includes pizza and activities and will be held at the Goochland Drive-In. Gates will open at 5:30 p.m. each evening. We can’t wait to see you there! The event has sold out. If you are unable to attend but have reserved tickets or if you have not reserved tickets but would like to check on their availability, please contact 5408945115.
Fifth grade families and students are invited to the upcoming Rising 6th Grade Parent Night at Louisa County Middle School on Thursday, March 21st from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The Parent Night will include presentations from school staff, a tour of LCMS, and refreshments. The exploratory course offerings, including band and chorus, along with course selections and scheduling, will be discussed. Basic FAQs about beginning middle school will also be covered. If you have any questions concerning the event, please call LCMS at (540) 894-5457. LCMS staff looks forward to seeing the newest Bobcats on Thursday, March 21st!
We can't wait to see everyone bright and early Tuesday morning, because as we know, Only Together, #WeAreTJES!
Weekly Resource Schedule
Upcoming Events
- March 19th - Integrated Reading & Writing SOL - 5th Grade
- March 21st - Rising 6th Grade Parent Night @ LCMS
- March 21st - Career Day
- March 27th - 3rd Grade Field Trip
- March 28th - 5th Grade Field Trip
- March 27th & 28th - Movie Night at Goochland Drive-in
- March 29th - Patriot Palooza & Club Day
- April 1st-April 5th - Spring Break