All-Star News
January 19, 2024
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Be sure to follow Adams Elementary on Instagram: @Adamsallstarsnmusd
Best Attendance✔️
Great news! Last week, Mrs. Gealer's TK class had the best attendance. A round of applause for their AMAZING work! Mrs. Gealer's class achieved an outstanding 100% attendance, surpassing our school-wide goal of 94% attendance each day at Adams Elementary.
Maintaining high attendance is crucial for creating an environment conducive to learning. As a reminder, our school has set a goal of 94% attendance every day this year. It's heartening to see Mrs. Gealer's TK grade class leading by example.
We want to emphasize the importance of consistent attendance for all students. Absences exceeding 10% of the school year classify a student as chronically truant, and we are committed to supporting each student in reaching their full potential by ensuring regular attendance.
As a quick reminder, parents have three days to clear absences through the Adams Elementary Office. After three days, uncleared absences will become unexcused/truancies.
Congratulations again to Mrs. Gealer's class, and let's continue working together to foster a culture of consistent attendance and a love for learning at Adams Elementary!
Independent Study Contracts
To help Adams Elementary with increased attendance rates and allowing students that are absent to keep up with their work, Adams Elementary has started to implement Independent Study Contracts. If your students will be absent for 3-14 days, we are able to have them complete an Independent Study Contract. Based on the amount of work that is completed at the conclusion of the absence, students earn back days of attendance. The contract must be completed BEFORE the absences, so this is not for illness absences. Please contact Iliana Carvajal or Joe Erven: for more information or to get a contract started. We have already had ten families complete contracts!
We are excited to celebrate the achievement of the following kindergarten students who have been giving their personal best within their reading groups. These students have mastered their early literacy skills within their current reading levels. Keep up the amazing work All-Stars! Congratulations to these dedicated kindergarteners and we encourage all students to continue exploring the world of reading to achieve their personal reading milestones."
Thinking Maps💭
This week, our teachers will re-focusing on the Multi-Flow Thinking Map. The Multi-Flow Map is used for identifying the causes and effects of an event. In the center box is an event on the left side are causes and on the right side effects. Please see the attached information for uses of the multi-flow map.
Important Dates📅
- Monday, January 22 - Dairy Presentation (live cow at Adams Elementary)
- Tuesday, January 23 School Site Council Meeting at 3:15pm
- Thursday, January 25 Evacuation Drill at 8:30am
- Friday, January 19 - School Play performances at 5:30 and 7:00pm
In addition to the two performances a taco truck and bake sale will be open so come hungry!
- Friday, January 26 - Adams All-Stars Running Club begins!
Please fill out the form if your student would like to participate. We have copies in the front office
- Tuesday, January 30 - Virtual Parent Education: Raising Responsible Digital Citizen
- Wednesday, January 31 - College & Career Fair 6pm-8pm
NMUSD is pleased to present the College & Career Fair on January 31, 2024, 6-8 p.m., at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa. The event is open to all 7-12 grade students and their families.
The College & Career Fair will offer various opportunities to learn about college programs and assistance as well as connect with colleges and universities from throughout the United States and internationally. There will be Career Technical Education (CTE) demonstrations, a NCAA workshop, a FAFSA breakout session and more.
Free continuous bus service from Whittier, Estancia and Rea will be provided. For more information, visit the College & Career Fair webpage.
🧠Counseling Corner📓
Make a meaningful impact on your child's Mental Well-being A significant part of our children’s mental well-being, in which we, as parents, play a vital role, is their mental health. Mental health is intertwined with various facets of overall well-being, such as emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual health. The balance of each of these elements significantly influences the others. If any one aspect is unbalanced, it can affect our children's mental health. Hence, it is essential for us to actively maintain balance in each of these components in our children's lives. NMUSD Parent Resources for Mental Wellness; Calming Strategies To Do At Home
Lost and Found✨
Please check if any of your child's belonging are in our Lost and Found rack. All items not claimed by January 26 will be donated to charity.
Newport Mesa School District has a Board Adopted Policy for civility.
It is the expectation that all community members treat staff with respect. Recently, we have had two incidences in the parking lot of community members not treating our teachers with parking lot duty with respect. Please review the district policy. Should there be cases of incivility, the principal will reach out to those community members individually. We also have the policy posted in the Adams Elementary office.
Parking Lot Procedures
Drop off
Safety is one of our top priorities in the parking lot for our school community. Our parking lot is open for drop off from 7:50-8:15. Please review the guidelines below as it is important all cars that enter our parking lot follow the procedures, be patient and treat our Adams Staff with respect as they support students arriving safely.
- The parking lot is for staff parking ONLY.
- There is one route into the parking lot for parents. Please enter on the right side of the cones near the curb.
- Cars should be in a single line when entering the drop off zone. Do not block traffic entering the parking lot. Wait until there is space to enter. • For safety reasons pull forward toward the north end of the parking lot to drop off your student.
- Do not drop off until you reach the straight section of the parking lot. o Do not stop if there is space in front of you. You need to drive to the tail of the next car or the end of the long red curb to create space for additional cars to drop off.
- Students need to exit on the side where the sidewalk is not on the parking lot side.
- If this is not possible you need to park on the street and walk your students to school.
- Parents are not to get out of the car to help their student as we need to keep the line moving forward. o If you need to get out of the car you need to park on the street. • Please do not double park anywhere in our lot and have your child walk between cars.
- The line can get long so we ask for your patience as we make sure our students are safe.
- It may be quicker at times to park on the street and walk your students to a gate.
- Parking along the curb in the Red Zone (parking lot or front of the school) is prohibited.
- If you are late or need to pick up your student, you need to park on the street and walk them into school.
- The red curb in front of the school is no longer available for drop off or pick-up
Pick Up
Please park on the street to pick up your children or arrange a meeting spot. Students will exit gates in front of school and walk on sidewalk.
Please do not park in front of the school, in the bus drop off/pick up area. We ask that you respect the neighbors and do not block their driveway access. Please check the parking signs and remember that there is no parking on Club House Road, between Timor and Pitcairn Streets, on Tuesdays 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. This is for the safety of our students and staff and we must keep these areas clear for emergency personnel, district buses, and delivery services.
Did you know? Research shows that chronically absent students (students with 10% absences over the school year = 18 absences) are less likely to read on grade level by 3rd grade, are more likely to score lower on standardized tests, get suspended in middle school, and are at least four times more likely to not complete high school.
✏️PTA Announcements📏
Coming Soon...
- Scholastic Book Fair 2/5 - 2/9
7:45-8:15 and Open Wednesday during school time
- Valentines Day Dance 2/9 6-8pm
Community Resources🤝
Active Parenting First Five Years Course
Olive Crest is offering classes at no cost to Orange County parents and caregivers.
Classes are via Zoom in English on Wednesday from 9-11am.
To register contact Tustin FRC at or call 714-243-4292
Active Parenting School-Aged Course
To register contact Linda Roman at 714-543-5437 ext 1921 or send an email to Thano Pham at
Classes are on Thursdays 5:30-7:30pm
Adams Elementary
Phone: (714) 424-7935
Press 2 for attendance line
Fax (714) 424-4701
Follow us on instagram @adamsallstarsnmusd