Maple West Tiger Tales
September 13, 2024

Principal's Updates
Dear Maple West Community,
We hope everyone had a great start to the 2024 - 2025 School Year! It has been wonderful seeing the smiling faces of all of our Tigers around the building. They have been doing an amazing job transitioning into the new year.
Mrs. Wendling and Mrs. Kubera
Kate Wendling, Principal
Lindsey Kubera, Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events
PTA Meeting- 9/18, 7:00 pm
Book Fair (during the school day)- 9/27
Fall Fest/Ice Cream Social/Book Fair- 9/27
Rosh Hashanah- 10/3
Early Dismissal- Students dismissed 15 min early- 10/4
Indigenous People’s Day- 10/14
Fall Picture Day- 10/16
PTA Meeting- 10/16, 7:00 pm
PTA Virtual Bingo Night- 10/24
Main Office Updates
Please remember to send in a note indicating your child's dismissal plans. A Home to School Note Template is located in WITS for your convenience. The office kindly requests that any early pickups take place prior to 2:30.
Please remember to call the Attendance Office, (716) 626 - 8836, if your child is going to be absent or late on any given day. This helps to prevent any confusion.
Student schedules and teacher assignments will be available on WITS on Friday, August 23. 2024.
Parent/ Student Handbook
The Maple West Parent Student Handbook contains everything you will need to know about our school logistics, procedures, and communication plan. You can access the Handbook below:
Health Office Updates
Medication Drop Off Information:
All medication, including non prescription medication, must have a written order from the student’s physician or licensed prescriber.
Prescription Medication must be in the container prepared by the pharmacist with the original label specifying the name and strength of the medication. (Note: the pharmacy label does not constitute a written order and cannot be used in lieu of a written order from a licensed prescriber.)
Non Prescription Medication must be in the original and sealed manufacturer’s container with the student’s name affixed to the container. All medication must be delivered directly to the school nurse by the parent or guardian. Non student is permitted to carry non emergency medication on the bus. Medication orders must be renewed annually and whenever there is a change.
PTA Updates
Join the Maple West PTA!
Membership is open for the 2024-2025 school year!
By joining the PTA you are supporting the Maple West Community. The PTA provides resources to the students and staff, sponsors field trips, hosts a number of school wide events and SO MUCH MORE! For a full list of what the PTA does, click HERE.
Sign up before September 30th to receive a pair of Maple West Socks!
To stay up to date on all things PTA, check out our website or follow us on social media.