The Vista
News and Events for Vista Ridge United Methodist Church
March 22, 2024
Join in Lenten Worship on Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 24 | Mindful Mediation
In a world bustling with anxiety, it can be hard to find a sense of peace. The times were much the same in ancient Jerusalem as the people awaited a revolution to set them free. Nowadays, we can download the Calm app and spend time in focused mindfulness to center ourselves, but how can the Palm and Passion narratives center us on the truth of our deliverance from everything that seeks to bind our bodies, minds, and spirits? Come this Palm Sunday to celebrate and center yourself on the greatest story ever told. Welcome to Holy Week!
Worship Service | 10 a.m. | Sanctuary
Worship Livestream | 10 a.m. | Church Website or Facebook
Communion Chapel | 8:30 a.m. Sunday
Communion Chapel will be held at 8:30 a.m. Sunday in the sanctuary.
Prayer Requests/Let’s Connect | Please complete this form to request prayer and to let us know you joined us for online worship and be sure to say hi in the livestream chat.
Youth Fundraiser to Support Summer Camp, Mission Trip
Our youth will kick off their annual fundraiser on Sunday to seek support for their summer camp and mission trip. Be sure to stop by the youth table in the back of the sanctuary to talk with our youth and learn how you can support their ministry.
This summer, our youth will be in Austin from June 9-14 for their mission trip. Then, summer camp at the North Texas Conference’s Camp Bridgeport is set for July 1-5.
To participate in the fundraiser, select a number from the display and donate that amount to support youth ministry. Donations can be made with cash, check, or credit card.
The fundraiser will run three Sundays, wrapping up on April 7. If all of the numbers are claimed, a total of $5,050 will be raised to provide scholarships for our youth, pay for various mission trip travel expenses and supplies, and cover the cost of our adult chaperones.
Lenten Giveaway Continues Through March 31
We have collected more than 1,400 pounds of clothing (about 5,600 items) so far during our Lenten Giveaway, thanks to your generosity! Your donations support Love Thy Neighbor, which provides free clothing to families in need.
Our collection continues through Easter Sunday, March 31. Bring your new or gently used clothing donations to church and place in the designated bin in the Welcome Center. Clothing items can be men’s, women’s, or children’s clothing or shoes. Underwear and socks must be new and in the original packaging.
Friday, March 29 | Service of the Cross | 6:30 a.m.
This early morning service on the dark day of Good Friday allows participants to reflect on Jesus’ willingness to give up his life on behalf of love. There will be a laity-led message and participants will add a nail to the cross to mark Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice. The service will end with the carrying of the cross outdoors. Join us in person on Good Friday at 6:30 a.m.
Friday, March 29 | Good Friday Service | 7 p.m.
During our evening Good Friday service, we will walk through the dark day on Calvary. The service will feature musical selections from “Gospel Mass” by Robert Ray, a message by Rev. Ashley Anne, and Holy Communion. Come and hear how much Jesus loves us. The service will also livestream at 7 p.m. on Facebook and the church website.
Sunday, March 31 | Easter Sunrise Gathering | 6:30 a.m.
Begin Easter morning with us as the sun rises. This early-morning informal gathering will be held outside at the front of the church around the water fountain. Please bring a lawn chair if you have one available.
Sunday, March 31 | Easter Sunday Worship | 10 a.m.
It’s going to be a wonderful morning of worship on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the risen Christ! The service will also livestream at 10 a.m. on Facebook and the church website.
Children’s Egg Hunt | Hop outside and join us for our children’s egg hunt at the conclusion of our 10 a.m. worship service. Bring your Easter basket if you’d like.
Easter Photos | Be sure to take an Easter photo with our colorful balloon backdrop and Easter sign after the worship service. Tag your photos on Facebook @vistaridgeumc.
Volunteer Need at CCA Food Pantry on Monday Evening
Several volunteers are greatly needed to serve at the CCA Food Pantry on Monday evening. Can you join your Vista Ridge family to serve a two-hour shift?
Our church works the second and fourth Mondays of each month serving as checkers and baggers. The CCA Food Pantry is located at 200 S. Mill St. in Lewisville. For more details and to sign up to serve, use the button below. Scroll all the way to the end of the SignUp Genius to find the March 25 date. Thank you for supporting our community partner!
Worship Attendance | 100
Giving | $8,447
Vista Ridge United Methodist Church
CHURCH STAFF: Please reach out if we can help in any way.
Rev. Ashley Anne Sipe -
Bill Burden -
Madi Butler -
Christina Dixon -
Andy Harrison -
Laurie Kunke -
Karen Sheldon -
Chair Karen Meeks -
Lay Leader James Kunke -
SPRC Chair Hillarye Hightower -
North Texas Conference of the UMC
Vista Ridge UMC is located at 2901 Denton Tap Road, Lewisville, TX 75067.