Mustang Tales
Parent Monthly Newsletter, Manitou Springs Elementary School
February 2025
Hello families!
February is a "LOVE"-ly Month at MSES!
February is Kindness Month at MSES, and we’re excited to celebrate in meaningful ways! Mustang Might, our staff-led group focused on health and wellness, has planned special events throughout the month to promote kindness in our school community.
Our Kindness STANGs, student leaders in 4th and 5th grade, will help lead grade-level competitions that encourage random acts of kindness. We can’t wait to see our students spread positivity and support one another!
To wrap up the month, join us for Family Movie Night on Friday, February 28, from 4:30-7:00 PM. Enjoy dinner and a movie with your MSES family—it's sure to be a fun and memorable evening!
Our partnership with the renovated Manitou Springs Carnegie Library will be kicked off at our Literacy Family Event, Fall In Love with a Good Book, on Wednesday, February 12th from 4-5 pm. We'll have reading activities at the school and in the new children's section of the library - right out our back door!
Safety Reminder for Student Drop-Off
Please continue to follow Manitou road rules and observe safety precautions around the school. With snow and ice buildup, use extra caution on Pawnee as your student exits your vehicle. U-turns are unlawful—please only drop students off at the curbside drop-off. Above all, be mindful and patient as we ensure the safety of all our students.
Cold Weather Reminders...
We use the outdoor actual temperature as a guide to determine indoor or outdoor before school or for recess. If the temperature is 19 degrees or greater, we are outside. Steady wind that impacts wind chill is also considered. Due to all grade levels in the auditorium for a cold start and safety procedures, parents are asked to drop off children at the atrium door and not enter the building.
Have your student check the lost & found when clothing items are missing; it is filled with many unclaimed coats and gloves!
We look forward to a fantastic month filled with kindness and connection!
Please reach out if you have any questions or feedback to make your experience at MSES a wonderful one.
Carolyn Leyes
The afternoon students are also using their knowledge of Lively Letters to begin to sound out words (Yes! They are reading).
Kindergarten mathematicians have become experts at recognizing the parts of a whole in shapes, pictures, and numbers. They have explored different number combinations for 5–10 using various math tools, such as Unifix cubes, counters, and number bonds.
In literacy, kindergarteners continue to practice high-frequency words and develop their reading skills with decodable books. This unit, we have also learned about technology and made connections to our learning by writing informative and explanatory texts in our response journals.
On Wednesday, Mrs. Hammel’s class joined Ms. Shoemaker’s class to listen to Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright. Afterward, they discussed the story, wrote about it, and created an art project inspired by the book. Everyone had a fantastic time!
1st Grade
In first grade we are learning about technology and how it helps us work more quickly and efficiently as well as helps improve our daily lives. In reading we are practicing "magic e" sounds and how the e after a vowel and consonant makes the vowel say its name. In our daily reading groups we are doing races to see how many high frequency words and nonsense words we can say in a minute. We are also working on becoming fluent and accurate readers. In math we are beginning to add and subtract two digits with or from a one digit number.
Some fun highlights are things like our daily show and tell, connection circles, and monthly school wide buddy events. We are excited for February as we will be hosting our annual tea party, celebrating our 100th day of school and going on our first field trip!
Show and Tell
Ms. Carley's Class
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
In Benchmark, we are applying many strategies to read and understand nonfiction/informational texts about the value of innovation. We read about the history of communication (telegraph, telephone, cell phones). For writing an opinion piece, we chose a piece of technology and gave our opinion about the technology being helpful for society or harmful for society. We researched our ideas and found facts and evidence to support our opinion.
In Math, we are continuing to work with multiplication, division, and finding areas of rectangles. In the beginning, we worked on counting squares to find the area. Now, we know we can multiply the length and width to find the area. We are, also, working on skip counting of 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s.
Students read and annotate to draw inferences about Thomas Edison.
4th Grade
This month, Fourth Grade has started several new units of study! In ELA, we begin Unit 5: Technology for Tomorrow. Students are reading a variety of texts, including opinion pieces and letters to editors, about the advances in technology - robots at work, driverless cars, drones, and more! We are developing the skills of describing text structure, explaining events or ideas, explaining how an author uses reasons and evidence to support points in their text, and summarizing the text. Students are writing an opinion piece on a technology topic of their choice! Ask your fourth grader which topic they chose to write about and to share their opinion.
In Math, we have begun Module 4: Foundations for Fraction Operations! Students are learning how to decompose, or break apart, fractions, including fractions greater than 1. We have also learned how to convert mixed numbers into fractions greater than 1, and vice versa. We are exploring various ways of modeling fractions, too!
In Social Studies, we are learning about the Explorers and Fur Traders of early Colorado. Students are learning that Colorado had many indigenous people already living on this land when Spanish explorers first set foot here. Eventually, after the United States became a country, several famous US explorers were asked to lead expeditions into this uncharted territory, including Zebulon Pike, Stephen Long, and John Fremont! Recently, we have learned about the fur trade, Colorado's first major industry. Mrs. Goldman's class had a parent come in to teach us all about the lives of mountain men and the impacts of the fur trade. Check out some fun pictures from these engaging lessons!
5th Grade
Owl Pellet Dissection
Snow Soccer
Artists in Kindergarten through 5th grade, are focusing on their use and understanding of the Elements of Art (Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Space, Value and Form):
- Kindergarten artists are learning about line direction (horizontal, diagonal, and vertical) and how lines create shapes when they close.
- First-grade artists are learning how lines make letters, numbers, shapes, and patterns.
- Second-grade artists are using straight and curvy lines to make geometric and organic shapes. They are learning to visualize these shapes as everyday objects.
- Third-grade artists are learning how lines and shapes of different sizes and locations on a 2-dimensional plane can create the illusion of space. They are creating landscapes using the basic principles of perspective.
- Fourth-grade students are repeating lines and shapes in intricate patterns to create optical illusions. We are specifically using Zentangles and Mandala patterns to practice.
- Fifth-grade students are using one-point perspective to create basic organic and geometric shapes in 3 dimensional forms.
On Beyond
Kindergarten Thinking Skills: We have been learning about creative thinking skills. To show our ideas in new ways compared to the "normal" way most people think, we used a page of circles in unique ways to create a picture and maybe even tell a story. Now we are designing a picture of a cycle that a spider might ride, or a SPIDECYCLE.
Second Grade Mustang Reading: Students read about some current events from January and decided what important changes could help make their "Dream World." Many kids shared that they want people to be kinder to each other, as well as take care of the earth by not causing more trash or pollution to hurt the water, land, air, or creatures. The biggest take-away was that all students really care about the world we live in!
Fifth Grade Mustang Reading: This quarter's new focus is on STEM research and important innovations in science that help unique or difficult jobs become possible. One article (written as a comic) explains how a safety hood was invented in 1911 to protect firefighters from inhaling toxic fumes while rescuing people from burning structures. We have also been discussing the difference between a text FEATURE and a text STRUCTURE; One is how the paragraphs are written to explain topics and subtopics, and the other is the use of tools like maps, word banks, and side-bars to give more information about a topic in a visual way.
Third Grade Math: We have been learning more about the difference between Perimeter and Area by changing the side lengths of a four-sided flat shape. We have discovered that these shapes can have the same perimeter (length around the shape) but very different areas (flat space inside the shape.)
Fourth Grade Math: Our focus has been on how to analyze a data set using range, mode, median, and mean (or average). Students are practicing accurate computation, especially with adding a large group of numbers and using long division. Right now we are in the middle of finding the average height of our group in fractional inches.
In this unit students are learning numbers in each grade according to their level:
- K: Numbers up to 20; greetings and days of the week in Spanish
- 1st and 2nd grade: Numbers up to 30; colors and days of the week
- 3rd grade: Numbers up to 100; activities applying colors, numbers and fractions
- 4th and 5th grade: Numbers by 10 to 1000; math in Spanish - adding, subtracting, and fractions; students learned more about colors; the use of (s) to differentiate singular and plural
Counselor Corner
Executive functioning skills may sound like a buzzword, but really, it’s not. Executive functioning skills are a set of mental processes that help us plan, focus, and stay organized. They are the foundational skills that children need to execute any of the skills we need to function across the day. How can you help grow your students' executive functioning skills?
1. Break it down: Teach your child how to break down tasks or assignments into smaller, more manageable steps. Offer support as they learn to plan and prioritize tasks.
2. Schedules and routines: Create a consistent daily schedule with set times for homework, chores, play, and bedtime. Use visual schedules or charts to help your child understand and follow the routine.
3. Reduce clutter: Designate a quiet, organized study space with minimal distractions for homework and school-related tasks. Ensure necessary school supplies are readily available and organized.
MSES Yearbooks
Time to order your 2024-2025 Yearbook. This year, the yearbook will be in color. The price is $25.00. For more information, please see the order form below.
Tech Corner: Making Devices Less Addictive
With winter upon us, it’s easy for screen time to take over. In fact, online sites and apps are often intentionally designed to keep you hooked, but there are strategies to make them less appealing.
How can we make our devices less addictive? Here are some suggestions from the Center for Humane Technology:
Turn off any unnecessary notifications: We need to know when our people are trying to reach us, but we probably don’t need to know about that flashy new app feature. We can avoid distractions by turning off notifications for all unessential apps.
Try grayscale: Colors draw us in and app developers know that. If you want to reduce screen time, most device display settings will let you switch to muted colors or grayscale.
Make apps less accessible: Going a little more out of our way gives us less incentive and more time to think if we really need to watch one more funny cat video, play one more game, etc. You can remove unessential apps from your home screen, skip auto saving passwords so they need to be typed in each time, or only use apps (especially social media) on one designated device instead of multiple devices.
Use tech against tech: Use the bright side of tech to your advantage. From Focus to Screen Time Genie, several apps and extensions are designed to reduce distractions and help stay on task.
- Create tech-free spaces: If possible, work tech-free time into the family schedule. Try device-free dinners (game: first person who checks a device washes dishes!) and keep devices out of bedrooms at least an hour before bedtime. If you’re going on a trip, try a digital detox with a tech-free or tech-reduced vacation.
Afterschool Activities
MSES Connect 14
We’re excited to welcome Cambria Devoy as the new Connect 14 Coordinator! Cambria is a proud parent of three children in the district and has been actively involved with local schools and at Flying Pig Farm. With her deep ties to the community, she’s passionate about creating new programs that will enrich our Connect 14 offerings while also preserving some of the beloved programs that our community members cherish. Cambria is excited to bring fresh ideas and new opportunities to Connect 14, and we can’t wait to see all the great things she will bring to the table! Please join us in giving her a warm welcome!
We’d love to hear your thoughts on what classes you'd like to see at Connect 14! Please email Cambria your ideas at cdevoy@mssd14.org. Also, if you're interested in teaching a 6-week class, let us know via email! We’d love to hear what expertise and knowledge you can share with the community. Looking forward to hearing from you all!
Literacy Night
Fall in Love with a Good Book!
Manitou Springs Elementary School invites all families to join us for a special Literacy Night on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Manitou Springs Elementary and the Manitou Springs Branch Library.
What to Expect:
- Drop off a book, pick up a book! Bring a gently used book to donate to Dr. Barbara Swaby's International Book Drive.
- Explore the Library: Visit the Manitou Springs Branch Library to apply for your library card or check out some new books.
- Scavenger Hunt: Have fun exploring the newly expanded public library with a fun scavenger hunt!
- Games, Crafts, Snacks, and Storytellers: Enjoy interactive activities for all ages!
Upcoming Dates...
2/5: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
2/7: Fitness Friday
2/12: Literacy Night 4-5pm
2/13: Valentines Day Class Parties
2/14: Staff Work Day - NO SCHOOL for students
2/17: Presidents Day - NO SCHOOL
2/21: Coffee with the Principal 8 am
2/28: Family Movie Night 4:30-7:00 pm
3/3-3/7: Read Across America Week
3/4: Coffee with the Principal 8 am
3/5: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
3/7: Fitness Friday
3/14: Staff Work Day - NO SCHOOL for students
3/17-3/21: Book Fair
3/19: Picture Day
3/20: Noon dismissal; Conferences
3/21: Conferences
3/24-3/28: Spring Break
4/2: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
4/4: Fitness Friday
4/18: Coffee with the Principal
4/23: Night of Excellence
4/25: Staff Work Day - NO SCHOOL for students
5/2: Fitness Friday
5/7: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
5/13: Coffee with the Principal
5/15-5/16: Spring Concerts
5/19-5/20: Field Day
5/22: 5th Grade Promotion
5/22: 4th Grade Pool Party
5/22: Last Day of School, Early Release at 12:00
School and District calendars are available at https://mse.mssd14.org/calendars
Community Bulletin Board
Manitou Springs Pool and Fitness Center
Swim lessons and youth swim team opportunities.
Manitou Springs Library
Grand Reopening
Carnivale Craft Day
Come join Mrs. Dunlap and other community members at the MAC (Manitou Art Center) on Saturday, February 8th from 1-5pm to make mini floats for this year's annual Mardi Gras Parade. Scan the QR code on the flyer more more specifics.
POSTER ART CONTEST: 2025 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb "156 Turns to Glory
Project Title: 156 Turns to Glory
Prize: Winning Artist receives $1000 cash prize + 2 VIP Race Day Tickets + 2 Invitations to VIP Reception, People’s Choice Winner receives $250
Deadline for Submissions: April 15, 2025 (also known as World Art Day!)
To showcase the amazing artists from the Pikes Peak Region using the Pikes Peak Hill Climb's international platform and to explore unique interpretations of our yearly theme.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Open to all ages
- Professional, Amateur, and Student Submissions welcome
- Artists must live in, or have very strong ties to, the Pikes Peak Region.
Learn more and submit entries using the link below.
Manitou Springs Elementary School
110 Pawnee Ave. Manitou Springs, CO 80829
(719) 685-2195