Kindergarten News You Can Use
January 31, 2025
Mrs. Morgan, Mr. Nation, Ms. Allenbaugh
Important Dates
February 3- College Colors Day
February 4- 100th Day of School
February 7- Super Cereal Bowl with Dad's Club 7:20-7:40 (information below)
Wear your favorite football jersey or colors
February 13-Valentine Carnivals from 12:30-1:20 in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend.
Class Valentine exchange- in classroom with teacher and students only
February 14- No School
February 17- Student Holiday/Staff Professional Development Day
February 20- Class Picture Day
February 27- Dad's Club Golf Tournament (information below)
March 3-College Colors Day
March 11- Open House
March 14- No School
March 17-21- Spring Break
March 25- Portillo's Spirit Day 10:00AM- 10:00PM
March 27- PTA meeting at 6 pm AND Kindergarten/1st grade musical at 6:30 pm
April 9- STAAR (no visitors)
April 11- Arty Party (see flyer below)
April 22-STAAR (no visitors)
April 29- STAAR (no visitors)
May 6&7- Moana Jr. @ 6:30PM in the Grapvine High School Auditorium
Sign Language Club Information
Mrs. Gibson will be hosting a Sign Language Club for K-2 students on Mondays, starting February 10th, from 3:00 to 3:45 PM. This will be a 4-week club, and she'd love to invite interested students to join! If your child is interested in joining Sign Language Club, please click the button below to sign up.
Super Cereal Bowl Information
The “BIG GAME” is drawing near, and that means it’s time for the annual Dad’s Club Cereal Bowl!! Cereal Bowl III will kickoff at 7:20 a.m. Friday, Feb. 7 before school in the cafeteria Our BESt dads host this fun event by serving our students all the cereal to celebrate! Note: Sorry parents, this is for kids only!
Valentine's Day Information
We will be having our classroom Valentine Exchange on Thursday, February 13th. To get ready for this exciting day, we would like all of our students to make their very own bag or box. This will be a family project. Please help your child decorate a bag or box (paper grocery bag, shoe box, cereal, tissue, etc) to hold their Valentine cards. Please decorate however you choose….be creative! Remember to have your child put their name on their bag/box and please leave a large opening for valentine cards.
If your child is participating and wants to bring valentine cards they must have one for every student in class. You do not need to address the cards. Please do not bring the bag/box till Thursday, February 13th :-)
Allenbaugh- 19 students
Morgan- 20 students
Nation- 19 students
Golf Tournament Information
Fore! Break out your golf clubs, dust off the spikes, and get ready to do a little tap, tap, tappy for the Annual Dad’s Club Golf Tournament! When: 8 a.m. Feb. 27 Where: Sky Creek Ranch Golf Club Sign up as a single, pair or foursome using the link below. Reach out to Paul Burris or Colin Pair for details. And no, you don’t have to be any good at golf! Come have fun with BES dads while raising money for our amazing school. Rental clubs are available, but if you have your own, don’t forget your nine iron! (IYKYK)
A Note from Ms. Gerdes
To ensure the safety of our students, we ask that you do not walk your child to the door or porch. Please say your goodbyes before your child exits the car or at the hug zone.
A Note About the "Forget Me Not" Table
Dear Families,
We want to address an important matter regarding items being dropped off at the office. We are currently experiencing a high volume of items placed on our "Forget Me Not" table, which is causing disruptions both in classrooms and in the office. To help us maintain a focused learning environment, we kindly ask that you only drop off items that are crucial to your child's day, such as lunchboxes or backpacks. Items that are not essential, like water bottles or snacks, should be kept at home.
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated and helps us provide the best educational experience for our students.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding!
A Note From Coach Smith
It is important all students wear tennis shoes to PE!
Girls must wear shorts under dresses or skirts!
Kindergarten's Amazon Wishlists
Kindergarten Reminders and Helpful Information
- Change at the end of the day-If you need to change how your student is getting home and it is the day of, please call the office and Shelly Sartin will make sure we get the information. Sometimes we do not have time to check our emails. We don't want to miss an important notice! Thank you!
- School hours are 7:40 am-3:00 pm. Students are expected to be in their classrooms, ready to learn by 7:40 am. The front doors open at 7:20 am and close at 7:40 am.
- If your child will be absent or leaving early from school for any reason, please let your child's teacher and the front office know.
- P.E.- Please send your child to school with tennis shoes daily. Students are required to wear tennis shoes for PE participation. They can change their shoes before PE if needed. Thank you for your help with this! We want our students to be comfortable and wearing safe, appropriate shoes for physical activities!
- Water Bottle - Bring a labeled water bottle filled with water.
- Snack- Pack your child a snack daily. Students will only have 10 mins for snack. Please keep that in mind when packing a snack and dry food only. The snack must also be nut free!
- Lunch - Remind your child about what they are having for lunch. Is it packed in their lunchbox and is the lunchbox in their backpack? Or will your child be getting lunch from the cafeteria?Lunch cost is $2.90 (snacks are extra). Link to the GCISD Nutrition Services webpage, where school menus for the start of the school year https://www.gcisd.net/page/nutrition-services .
- You may also set up a lunch payment account on myschoolbucks.com. For more information please visit the payments website https://www.gcisd.net/page/payments-and-refunds . If you have questions about your child’s lunch account, contact Bransford’s cafeteria manager at: sharon.davis@gcisd.net.
- Ipads- Students will need headphones for their ipads. Headphones will be used in class, music, and theater. Please label your child's headphones. No bluetooth headphones or earbuds.
- Change of Clothes - Place a change of clothes in your child's backpack. Accidents sometimes happen. Extra change of clothes bag was provided by your child’s teacher.
Learning Commons/Library
Mrs. Brock will check out books to each of our classrooms. Each student gets to choose one book, when they return the book they chose the week before. Your child may enjoy the chosen book at home until the following week. Books must come back on the proper day for students to be able to choose a new one. Please set a reminder with your child to put their books in their backpacks the night before their library day. Mrs. Brock, our school librarian, has asked children to keep the bag in their backpack to protect the library book from spills, tears, and other mishaps.
Library Schedule:
Tuesday 9:30-10:00 am: Mr. Nation
Wednesday 8:15-8:45 am: Mrs. Morgan
Thursday 8:45-9:15 am Ms. Allenbaugh
Kindergarten Schedule
7:20 ~ 1st Bell Ring
7:40 ~ 2nd Bell Ring
7:40-7:50 ~ Pledges and Circle Up
7:50-10:30 ~ ELAR and Social Studies
10:30-11:00 ~ Lunch
11:00-11:30 ~ Recess
11:30-12:30 ~ Math
12:30-1:20 ~ Specials (art, music/piano, theater, PE)
1:20-1:50 ~ Continue Math
1:50-2:00 ~ Brain Break
2:00-2:30 ~ Science
2:30-2:55 ~ Texan Time
3:00 ~ Dismissal
Sick Day Notifications
It is our number one priority to keep our students safe and healthy each day. Students who are feeling under the weather should stay home and rest when it is necessary. If you are planning to keep your child home, please contact your homeroom teacher and CC: Nurse Bernsen. This allows us to mark their absence accordingly without reaching out to you. Thank you!
Food Allergies at School
Join Bransford's PTA
Bransford's PTA is an outstanding Parent-Teacher Association! Our PTA always puts the needs of students first! Please use the link below to go to their website, learn more about this organization, and join! You can even invite other family members and friends to join, too. Thank you for being willing to be part of the BEST PTA around!
Dad's Club
If you’re looking for a place to support Bransford staff, students, admin and PTA, the Dad’s Club wants YOU!
Dad’s Club gets together to:
Welcome students with High Five Fridays
Build our Bransford float for the Christmas Parade in Grapevine
Serve the students cereal at the Third Annual Cereal Bowl
Lift heavy stuff whenever someone needs it
… and a bunch of other awesome things!
Bonus: Membership is FREE! Use the QR code to join.
Bus Numbers
Bus numbers can change at any time. Last year's bus numbers may not be the same as they are this year so please check to make sure. If your child is going to be riding the bus home, starting this week or in the future, they will need to know the number of the bus they are expected to get onto. While your teacher should have your child's bus number, the staff does not have a list of riders and their corresponding bus numbers. There will be teachers outside at dismissal directing students where to look for the bus numbers.
Stay Connected to Bransford
If you are not receiving emails/Smore from Ms. Gerdes, principal, please reach out to Mrs. Sartin in the office.
Connect with us!
Facebook: search “Bransford Elementary School” and "Bransford Elementary PTA"
Twitter: follow @BESTexans