Trail Talk Newsletter
October, 2024
Get Ready for Fall Fun, Trailblazers!
It really was a September to remember! Thank you to our Student Council Representatives Molly Menking and Cale Connell for debuting our new Trailblazer Mascots as they led SFT Families in the Shawnee Mission North Homecoming Parade while students cheered SFT, SFT! In September, we also enjoyed our first Family Fun Night on the SFT field with entertainment from the amazing Kona Winds and honored our very first Trailblazer of the Month!
October kicks off our fall fun, let's get spooky! First up, the incredible SFT Fun Run, first skating party, costume parade, fall class parties and, so much more. Thank you for continuing to bring the COMMUNITY to SFT! We couldn't do it without your support.
See YOU at the Fun Run this Friday, Oct. 4!
Bring the whole family to cheer on your Trailblazers as they take to the playground for the SFT Fun Run on Friday, October 4th! There is still time to volunteer and donate!
This is our only student-led fundraiser. Help us reach our financial goal of $14,000 by asking family and friends to donate to SFT - it’s tax deductible! Donations are due Friday.
New this year, if the whole student body works together to reach (or exceed!) the school-wide $14,000 goal, all students will be rewarded with a giant inflatable slide to enjoy one day at recess!
Fun Run Class Schedule:
- 8:30 am - 3rd and 4th
- 9:00 am - 5th and 6th
- 9:30 am - 1st and 2nd
- 10:00 am - Kindergarten
Little Bison Cheer Opportunity: Oct. 8
SFT to Participate in National Walk to School Day: Oct. 9
SFT is signed up to participate in the National Walk and Roll to school day October 9. Grab your favorite walking buddy or wheels, wear your SFT Spirit Gear (students new Fun Run shirts?!) and start your day off taking in fresh fall air on the way to school.
National Walk to School Day Promotes:
- Physical activity.
- Safe pedestrian and biking skills for children.
- Awareness of how walkable and bikeable our community is.
- Concern for the environment.
- Reducing traffic congestion and pollution and speed around the school.
- Sharing time with community leaders, parents, and children.
Robotics Day for 4-6th Graders: Oct. 11 (No School Day)
First SFT Skate Party of the Year! Oct. 15
Last Chance for Reflections Contest Entries: Due Oct. 15
This is the last chance to get in your Reflections entries before the October 15 deadline! Reflections is a national PTA contest held every fall. This year's theme is "Accepting Imperfections." SFT students of all ages and abilities can enter the contest under the category of dance, music, film, visual arts, photography, or literature. This is your creative student's chance to show what "Accepting Imperfections," means to them via their chosen media.
Award winners at the school level will then have the chance to showcase their works at the district, state, and possibly the national level. Printed entry forms will be in the SFT office, or you can access them online here Reflections Entry Form 24-25.
Please contact Jennifer Hurley for additional information.
Nominate a Top-Notch SFT Teacher or Staff Member
For SFT's inaugural Trailblazer of the Month Award, in September we were delighted to honor SFT's dynamite speech therapist, Ms. Sells. Read about SFT's Sensational Shannon Sells, SLP, here.
Nominations are open for our next Trailblazer of the Month, to be named in October. All teachers, staff and administrators are eligible to be nominated, and anyone in the SFT community may submit a nomination. Help us recognize excellence among SFT's team and give families insight into the specific merits of an educator you especially appreciate by completing this brief form.
A Sweet Treat for Why Cook Wednesday: Oct. 16
10816 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Shawnee KS
SFT Teacher of the Year Announced
Congratulations to Elizabeth (Lizzy) Vohland who is our SFT Teacher of the Year!
The district opened nominations for "Teacher of the Year" to families and staff online. When the nominations came in, SFT Building Leadership looked at the criteria for selection and Lizzy Vohland was selected to represent SFT. She is in her 14th year at SFT and is part of the Building Leadership Team and is the SFT Superintendent’s Advisory Council Representative.
As part of the nomination an anonymous person wrote, “Lizzy Vohland is such a bright light in our wonderfully special school. She is warm and spirited, smart and firm, friendly and attentive. She is skilled at helping kids learn and masterful at facilitating a true enjoyment of school.” Another section said, “Lizzy is a master of classroom management, skillfully attending to the needs of both work-ahead kids and need-to-catch-up kids…and all those in between. She is organized and knowledgeable about her class content, and she is highly attuned to the need for continuous innovation in the classroom. In fact, just last year she was a vocal advocate for adding special coding robots to the fourth-grade curriculum, working with her also-wonderful teaching partner to craft a compelling case for the SFT PTA to purchase these tools for the students.”
Lizzy now moves on to become the district Teacher of the Year.
Congratulations to the following certified staff who also received nominations: Laura Bertholf, Chandler Cash, Jessica Oliver, and Sue Wiley-Carter.
Join SFT Families at SMN Trunk or Treat: Oct. 29
Meet SFT's New Therapy Dog: Stella Hicks
We are happy to share that therapy dog, Stella Hicks, will be joining us on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at SFT. Ms. Hicks, 6th grade SFT teacher, has taken Stella through all the necessary training and provided all the documents necessary to receive approval from the district to bring her to school. Pet therapy has been shown to lower anxiety and agitation, lessen depression and isolation, and stimulate communication. When students are emotionally healthy, we will see growth academically as well. We are aware of students with allergies and will be sure she does not enter those classrooms. Welcome Stella!
Pre-Order Yearbooks with School Photos!
The pictures have been taken, have you ordered? New this year, when you order school photos through InterState Studios, you can also pre-order your SFT yearbook! Yearbooks are delivered in May, and students have dedicated time on the last day of classes to sign each other's yearbooks. As always, you will have the option to donate a yearbook when you order one for your student(s).
Stock the SFT Snack Cart
Fall Class Parties & Parade: Oct. 31
Costume Parade
- Oct. 31 at 1:45 pm; costumes are optional.
- Students are encouraged to use their imagination in creating their costumes.
- Students should bring their costumes in a bag to change into before the parade.
- Students will wear their costumes over their school clothes.
- Save the fancy, complicated costumes for the evening.
- Please have young students practice putting on their costumes.
- No make-up or colored hair should be applied at school.
- Costumes must be socially and culturally appropriate.
- Costumes should not suggest violence in any manner, no fake weapons of any kind!
- Rule of thumb: Costumes should not scare a kindergartener!
Class Fall Parties
- Oct. 31 at 2:00-2:45 pm.
- Parents who come to the party may take their student home after the parties are over.
- The front drive must be cleared quickly for dismissal.
Principal Leiker's Family Letter
I cannot believe we are almost to the end of the first quarter of the school year. October 10 is the last day of the quarter. Teachers will complete grade cards that will be viewable by the end of the day on October 17 in Skyward. If you have issues accessing your student’s grade card in Skyward, please talk to Ms. Jones in the office.
Please plan to attend a conference (in-person, WebEx, or phone) with your child’s teacher. Scheduled conference days are planned for Thursday, October 17 from 4:30-7:30 pm or Friday, October 18 during school hours – (there will be no school on this day). Please remember that staff members are available to talk with you at any time, not just during these scheduled conferences. Teachers will be able to share information on beginning of the year benchmark testing done with students in the areas of math and reading along with how the student is doing on the priority standards.
We appreciate everyone’s assistance with arrival and dismissal procedures. Thank you for having the students at school on time so they can be in their seats by 8:10. The first few minutes of the day are very important. Students who arrive punctually have a personal advantage with regard to the school day. They have opportunity to complete the morning assignment, greet classmates, put away personal items, understand the agenda for the day, hear the morning announcements, etc. When students are tardy, both the class and the individual miss out on some important items for the day.
Educationally yours,
Ms. Leiker
Lunch in the Cafeteria
The October sign-up has available slots to sign up for a lunchtime visit with your child for each grade level (K-6) for the month of October. We are limited on available seating, so only Mondays and Fridays are open for lunch visitors. Also, we only have two family slots per grade level per date since we are so limited on space. (If more than one person is coming for the same child, only one person needs to sign up for the slot. Example would be both parents or grandparents.)
When you arrive for your scheduled lunch visit, please first check in with Ms. Jones in the office to get a sticker, and then you can meet your child down in the cafeteria. Staff will assist you on finding your seats. If you are bringing an outside lunch, please keep it healthy. Remember, photos cannot be taken in the cafeteria in order to respect those students with no photo release. This link is also on our website under Families and updated for each month.
Attendance Reminder
Please report absences so Ms. Jones can avoid making multiple calls each morning and accomplish other tasks. Call the school by 8:30a.m. to report your child’s absence or late arrival. The Attendance Line is available 24/7 at 913-993-5088 or you may e-mail to report an absence. This number applies to any and all absences. It is not necessary to call the nurse unless you have a specific question about your child.
Clothing Reminder
Recess is an integral part of the school day and proper outdoor clothing is essential. Please see that your child is prepared for abrupt weather changes at times of the year when the weather may take a sudden turn for the worse. A jacket is often needed in the mornings as fall approaches. Please put student names on outdoor wear. For safety reasons, we ask that each child wear gym shoes during physical education classes. No flips flops, slides, platform shoes, sandals or shoes that do not fit snugly to the foot are to be worn to school.
The Book Fair is Coming! Nov. 4 - 7
The SFT Fall Book Fair will be held November 4-7, allowing time for browsing before and after school Monday-Thursday. The book fair will be open until 7pm on Thursday to allow families to stop by after work. It’s a great time to stock up on books for the holidays while supporting your SFT library!
Your support makes a difference! Last year's book fairs raised over $6,000 in Scholastic dollars to purchase books for the SFT library.
We look for volunteers with a sign-up genius link closer to the date.
Nurse Clark's Notes
Current Covid-19 Guidelines
For those with a positive COVID-19 test:
- Stay home until both are true: symptoms are getting better and no fever for 24 hours without aid of medication.
- Upon return to normal activities, it is also recommended to wear a mask for 5 days upon return to school, practice social distancing and wash your hands.
Did you know Shawnee Mission School District offers a Health Partnership Clinic?
The Health Partnership Clinic offers a school-based clinic at Shawnee Mission West High School open to all Shawnee Mission School District students and their siblings (3 to 20 years old). The clinic provides pediatric-focused medical, dental, and behavioral health services.
- Location: Shawnee Mission West High School
- 8800 W. 85th St. Overland Park, KS 66212
- Mondays 7:30 - 11:30 am
- In person or virtual appointments available
- Walk-ins accommodated if schedule permits.
- Closed when school is not in session.
- For appointment call 913-648-2266
Illnesses While at School
If a student becomes ill at school, they must come to the nurse. A parent/guardian must be contacted before students can leave the building. It is important to keep phone numbers updated so you may be reached in the event of an emergency. Please keep your student home when there is:
- Temperature of 100 degrees or greater
- Vomiting/Diarrhea
- Severe sore throat or pain with swallowing
- Severe headache or cough
- Undiagnosed rash or skin lesions or sores that are weeping or draining
- Any suspected or doctor-diagnosed contagious disease
Students may return to school when:
- They have been free from fever (without medication), vomiting, or diarrhea for 24 hours
Health Screenings
Screenings for students with parent permission for vision, hearing and dental are underway and will be completed over the next few months. If your student needs a referral, you will be contacted from the nurse’s office.
We are still in need of some breakfast snacks that are individually wrapped for students that didn’t get breakfast, or in need of a snack throughout the day. If you’d like to donate a snack it would be greatly appreciated.
Kelly Clark, RN 913-993-5002 or
SFT PTA Announces Spring Fundraiser Date!
Lights, Camera, Trivia!
Join us March 8, 2025 for the Spring Trivia Fundraiser!
- Be a Goodfella and start sharpening your movie knowledge!
- Let your kids have Adventures in Babysitting for this fun night out!
- Grab your Goonies and Save the date!
- You don't want to be left Home Alone for this one!
Get all the details and sign up here:
SFT PTA 2024-2025 Printable Event Calendar Available!
Print me and put me on your refrigerator!
Santa Fe Trail Calendar
Oct. 4 --> SFT Fun Run
Oct. 9 --> National Walk & Roll to School Day
Oct. 11 --> No School: Teacher Workday
Oct. 14 --> No School: Professional Development
Oct. 15 --> Reflections Contest Entries Due
Oct. 15 --> Skate Party
Oct. 16 --> Why Cook Wednesday: Andy's 4-8 pm
Oct. 17 --> Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences (4:30-7:30 pm)
Oct. 18 --> No School: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Oct. 29 --> SMN Trunk or Treat
Oct. 31 --> Fall Parade & Class Parties: Parade at 1:45 pm
Nov. 1 --> No School: Professional Development
Nov. 4 - 7 --> Book Fair
Nov. 11 --> Picture Retakes
Nov. 19 --> PTA General Meeting 6-7pm
Nov. 25 --> No School: Teacher Professional Learning
Nov. 26 --> No School: Teacher Contact Flex Day
Nov. 27 - 29 --> No School: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 10 --> Skate Party
Feb. 11 --> PTA General Meeting 6-7pm
Mar. 8 --> SFT Spring Trivia Fundraiser
Apr. 15 --> PTA General Meeting 6-7pm
Start Holiday Shopping and Giveback to SFT!
Help SFT PTA earn cashback donations by shopping brands and restaurants you love. It's simple and there is no cost to the user!
With Givebacks, when you shop and dine at participating stores and restaurants, those merchants automatically donate a percentage to the cause of your choice. To make sure you're all set up to give, register for a Givebacks account and securely link your credit card. Then, select Santa Fe Trail as the cause of your choice.
Connect with SFT PTA!
Location: 7100 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, KS, USA
Facebook: SFT Trailblazer Connection | Facebook