Region Four Newsletter: UA/UWA RIC
January/February 2024
Happy 2024!
Happy New Year! I hope this newsletter finds you well after the holiday season. We wish you continued success in the spring semester and want to remind you that we are happy to support you through our regional opportunities. There are many opportunities this semester, and we hope that these sessions meet your classroom, school, and district needs.
In addition to the sessions that are open to all educators in our region (found on our newsletter below), we also offer targeted professional learning opportunities designed for individual schools or districts. Administrators, please contact the center directly via e-mail (hgmorgan@ua.edu) or via the following link to request targeted support.
Continue to review our social media pages on Facebook (@uauwaric) and Twitter (@UofARIC) for updates from our sessions. As a reminder, you may find any of our newsletters at: https://inservice.ua.edu/professional-learning-opportunities.
Best wishes for an amazing start to the spring semester!
Dr. Holly Morgan
Director, UA/UWA Regional Inservice Center
January/February 2024 Professional Learning Opportunities and Updates
Congratulations to All New NBCTs in Region Four!
Congratulations to NBCTs in Region Four who Earned Maintenance of Certification!
2024 ALSDE National Board Scholarship Application--Now Open! Due March 31!
2024 ALSDE National Board Scholarship Application is open! It will be due on March 31. All classroom teachers are eligible, but we also want to emphasize that all professional employees such as librarians, counselors, academic coaches, and itinerant teachers who work in the K-12 setting are eligible. Please note that a Google-associated account is necessary to access the application. Many interested applicants each year cannot open the link because they are using a school account.
The deadline for submitting the Scholarship Application is March 31,2024, and the results will be announced in the first week of May. If you or educators in your region have a problem with the application or have questions please contact boydrogan21@gmail.com.
Registration Closes on January 5! ATIM DLCS Secondary Professional Learning Group with Firia Labs-TEAMS Approved
Alabama Technology in Motion and Firia Labs are partnering to offer an exciting Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) professional learning group for the spring semester. It will consist of three face-to-face training sessions and three after school virtual sessions focusing on the DLCS strand of computational thinking with the Firia Labs CodeX. For those teachers who need TEAMS PD, this professional learning group is state-approved through the partnership with AMSTI Affiliate Firia Labs. However, this PLG is also open to any teacher who wants to learn strategies for implementing DLCS computational thinking standards in the math, science, and computer science classroom including those who are not in the TEAMS program.
The registration for this PLG closes on January 5, 2024, so please don’t hesitate to sign up for this innovative learning opportunity! See the flyer, and visit uatim.org/teams24info for registration information.
January 11 Session: UA/UWA Region 4 Secondary Coaching Community with Diane Sweeney
If you are a secondary coach in Region Four and have not registered for the December and January sessions, please register via the links below. You will need to register for each of the sessions separately in order to reserve your space. More information will be sent to you after registering for the sessions.
Feel free to contact Dr. Holly Morgan at hgmorgan@ua.edu with any questions.
January 11: UA/UWA NBCT Cohort-Component 1
A zoom link will be included in the PowerSchool information, and you will also receive a reminder email approximately two days prior to the session.
UA/UWA RIC Winter Governing Board Meeting
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024, 03:30 PM
January 19 and 22: A+/ALSDE Connections Workshops
A+ College Ready: In partnership with the ALSDE, A+ College Ready is offering Alabama secondary teachers the opportunity to attend our Connections workshops. Each day-long workshop will feature engaging, student-centered lessons directly aligned to the Alabama Courses of Study with connections to discipline-specific skills, high-leverage pedagogical practices, and more. Teachers who attend will receive a scholarship to attend the A+ College Ready E3 Training in Summer 2024 for FREE. Register and learn more here.
January 20: Alabama NBCT Network Annual Conference
January 23: UA-UWA RIC Alabama Numeracy Act Overview
January 23: UA-UWA RIC Alabama Numeracy Act Overview
Join Ms. Amy Tilford, ALSDE Regional Four Coordinator, for a 1-hour session on an ANA overview for K-5 teachers. Topics covered will include learning about the role of a K-5 mathematics teacher as specified in the Alabama Numeracy Act and explore the components of an effective Tier 1 math block.
January 23
3:30-4:30 pm
Virtual Session via Zoom
A Zoom link will be added to the notes section of the PowerSchool listing and will be shared with you via e-mail approximately two days prior to the session.
Register via PowerSchool section #491251
January 25: NBCT Component 1-4 Review and ATLAS
Join us virtually on January 25 from 5:00-7:30 pm as we take a review of Components 1-4 and discuss the use of ATLAS. Register via PowerSchool PL Section #471519.
A zoom link will be included in the PowerSchool information, and you will also receive a reminder email approximately two days prior to the session.
January 30 and February 6: UA-UWA RIC Mental Health Literacy
January 30 and February 6: UA-UWA RIC Mental Health Literacy
Join Dr. Nisha Warbington, UWA faculty, for a two-part virtual session on strategies for supporting students' mental health needs. Topics covered will include anxiety, depression, trauma, and other childhood concerns..
January 30 and February 6, 2024
4:00-5:30 pm
Virtual Two-Part Session via Zoom
Register via PowerSchool section #488484
February 5: Beginning Sound Wall Training for UA/UWA Region
If you are a K-5 teacher, literacy coach, interventionist, or special education teacher in Region Four, please join us for Beginning Sound Walls Training offered by 95 Percent Group (formerly Tools4Reading). Read more about the training in the attached flyer!
Register via PowerSchool Section #491254 or via the following
Link: https://alsde.truenorthlogic.com/ia/empari/learning2/registration/presentRegistrationDetails/491254
For a listing of districts served by the UA/UWA region, please visit https://inservice.ua.edu/region.html.
Offered 2 days at 2 Locations-February 6 and 13! ARI I Need More Multisensory Strategies in my Toolbox 2.0
Join ARI specialists, Kelli Lovinggood and Robin Lee, on February 6 or 13 from 8:30-11:30 am for this face-to-face session that will provide you with multisensory strategies to enhance student learning.
Register via PowerSchool PL Section #491760
8:30-11:30 am
February 6
UA/UWA Regional Inservice Center, 260 Kilgore Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Register via PowerSchool PL Section #492161
8:30-11:30 am
February 13
UWA Norris Danner Room/Young Hall Cafeteria
PLUACLD1072-CLAS & ALSDE: Providing Effective Feedback for Improving Classroom Instruction
This Professional Learning Unit (PLU) emphasizes the importance of effective feedback to enhance instruction and is provided in collaboration with the Alabama State Department of Education and Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools.
With the exception of the initial meeting, all course work is completed online with modules becoming available sequentially.
Have attended a Alabama Teacher Observation Tool training prior to enrolling in this PLU.
Hold Alabama Instructional Leader Certifications
Currently be serving as Principal, Assistant Principal, or Instructional Coach
Start Date: February 6th Zoom Orientation (Required) Morning & Afternoon Sessions available. (approx. 3-hr)
Online Learning Module 1 Feb 6 - Feb 18 Pre-Training ATOT Implementation Assignment
Online Learning Module 2 Feb 18 - Mar 3 Rating Teacher Instructional Practice with Accuracy and Consistency
Online Learning Module 3 Mar 3 - Mar 17 Connecting the Alabama Core Teaching Standards with Effective Teacher Feedback
Online Learning Module 4 Mar 17 - Mar 31 Classroom Observation and Evidence Collection
Online Learning Module 5 Mar 31 - Apr 7 Providing Effective Feedback for Improving Classroom Instruction
Online Learning Module 6 Apr 7 - Apr 30 Post-Training ATOT Implementation Assignment and Reflection
End Date: April 30th All work must be submitted.
Registration in PowerSchool Professional Learning
Course Title: PLUACLD1072 CLAS & ALSDE: Providing Effective Feedback for Improving Classroom Instruction (2024)
Course Number: 313948
Session Number: 492297
Registration Link: https://alsde.truenorthlogic.com/ia/empari/learning2/registration/presentRegistrationDetails/492297
Beginning February 8: PLUACLD1185: Beyond Human, Minds and Machines: Exploring Artificial Intelligence
PLUACLD1185: Beyond Human, Minds and Machines: Exploring Artificial Intelligence
By popular demand, Alabama Technology in Motion will be offering a second cohort for the new ACLD PLU on the topic of artificial intelligence. The PLU will be hosted in two full days in February 2024 (Thursday, February 8 & Wednesday, February 28) Topics include the AI Disruption in Schools, The Future of AI in Education, and Effective AI Integration. Register via PSPL: https://alsde.truenorthlogic.com/ia/empari/learning2/registration/presentRegistrationDetails/491658
February 9: 2024 West Alabama Regional School Counselors' Conference
Join us on February 9, 2024 at the Bryant Conference Center for the 2024 West Alabama Regional School Counselors' Conference! This conference is open to all K-12 school counselors in the UA-UWA region.
Register via PowerSchool Section #488550 or via the following link: https://alsde.truenorthlogic.com/ia/empari/learning2/registration/presentRegistrationDetails/488550
Offered 2 days and at 2 locations-February 9 and 29! ARI Dyslexia Awareness Overview
Join ARI specialists, Kay Haas and Jennifer Manning, for the ARI Dyslexia Awareness Overview! Two sessions will be offered for the UA/UWA region; both will be held face-to-face from 8:30-11:30 am. Register for either February 9 or 29 using the PowerSchool PL section numbers below:
February 9: Section #491755
February 29: Sectio #491757
February 15: UA/UWA NBCT Spring Mentoring
Receive support from an assigned Candidate Support Provider as you work on your selected component(s) in a small group setting. CSPs will facilitate candidate discussions and work sessions specific to your needs. Register via PowerSchool PL Section #471522.
February 22: UA/UWA Region 4 Curriculum Directors' PLC
- February 22, 2024
- 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Location: UA/UWA Regional Inservice Center, 260 Kilgore Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
- This year, we will host 3 meetings with the curriculum directors/professional learning directors who serve as direct liaisons to the Inservice Center.
- Each of these regional meetings, beginning with September 28, will occur 2-3 weeks after the ALSDE's Curriculum and Instruction meetings. The purpose of this timing is so that we may discuss specific updates, data, and requests for support based upon the information shared at the ALSDE meetings. We will share ideas and network to share best practices within our region.
March 8: Save-the-Date Alabama NAME Conference (National Association for Multicultural Education)
The 2024 Alabama National Association for Multicultural Education (AL NAME) Conference will be held March 8, 2024 at the University of Montevallo.
Proposals are invited from counselors, educators, social workers, practitioners, students, social justice advocates, and others in social-serving institutions to participate in the conference. Please note that proposals are due on January 26.
AETC June 19-21: Alabama Educational Technology Conference
Alabama Educational Technology Conference
June 19-21, 2024 - Mobile County Convention Center
Early Bird: $140 (ends April 15th)
Pre-Registration: $150 (April 16 - May 31)
Late or Onsite Registration: $175 (After May 31)
Visit alabamaetc.com for conference information and other related questions.
Registration is now open for all Spring 2024 Science Foundational Training (SFT) sessions.
Please note the information below:
AMSTI is committed to providing educators and their students with resources, professional learning opportunities (PLOs), and ongoing classroom support aligned with Alabama’s standards. AMSTI will begin offering updated K-12 Science Content PLOs in June 2024. Participation in these updated PLOs is required to receive AMSTI and ASIM materials/kits starting in August 2024.
AMSTI's updated Science Foundational Training (SFT 2024) is a prerequisite for participation in updated K-12 Science Content PLOs. SFT 2024 will be available to K-12 teachers starting in January 2024. K-12 science teachers who completed AMSTI's current SFT from September 2021 to December 2023 will not be required to complete SFT 2024. Training dates and registration will be posted to the AMSTI UA website. https://amsti-ua.wixsite.com/amsti-ua
Please register for any AMSTI regional sessions using the following website: https://amsti-ua.wixsite.com/amsti-ua/professional-development
Please contact Sara McGee (smcgee@ua.edu) if you have questions or requests for other professional learning support.
Alabama Science in Motion
ASIM Biology Training and Support (Lisa Clark, lclark@ua.edu)
- ASIM Chemistry/Physical Science Training and Support (Brooks Moss, moss020@ua.edu)
- ASIM Physics and Earth/Space Science Training and Support (Julie Covin, jcovin@ua.edu)
Contact our specialists today to request on-site instructional support as you return to school! We are here for you!
Join our session series listed in the flyer below; all are TEAMS-approved PD sessions!
Alabama Reading Initiative
Summer Learning Planning
Join us during our Summer Learning Planning virtual office hours. See dates and times below. Participants should register in PowerSchool using PowerSchool #311710. A link to join the session will be delivered via email.
Virtual office hours are at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on the following dates:
- October 27
- November 17
- December 8
- January 26
- February 16
- March 15
- April 19
- May 10
Each date focuses on different topics for Summer Learning Planning.
Literacy Reimagined Conference 2024
Literacy Reimagined Conference 2024
We are ushering in a new era of literacy instruction, where research meets practice. This 2024 conference will unite educators, researchers, and advocates to forge a future where literacy is reimagined and revitalized. Let’s reimagine the future of literacy by discovering how to align systems to reach all students.
Register Today:https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/3u2b7hw Early Bird Registration Special: $175
University of South Alabama
350 Student Center Circle
Mobile, AL 36688
Date and time:
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 (pre-conference)
Thursday, March 7th and Friday, March 8th, 2024 (conference)
Office of School Improvement Updates
OSI Docs and Tools
- Alabama Coaching Framework - Coaching Framework Presentations and Documents
- Principal Calendar - Presented at Mega
- OSI Mega Sessions - Presentation Links
- Secondary ELA COS Resources
- OSI Website
Youtube (Recorded PL)
Office of Student Learning Updates
PREP Public Website: Recordings, Slides and Resources
Ongoing updates are continuously added at the following link: OSL Updates
ALSDE Special Education Training Opportunities
Technology in Motion with Dr. Robert Mayben
Join Dr. Mayben for his technology sessions this fall! You may find all of his posted opportunities at www.uatim.org/opportunities.
Contact Dr. Robert Mayben at rmayben@ua.edu to support your school or district's technology professional learning needs.
Region 4 Regional Coordinator, Office of Mathematics Improvement: Amy Tilford
Everyone Counts!/Strong Readers, Strong Leaders-February 7:
Join us for our next Everyone Counts!/Strong Readers, Strong Leaders quarterly session on Wednesday, February 7 from 8:30-3:30 (ARI-8:30-11:30; OMI/MTSS-12:30-3:30) at the New Heights Community Resource Center. Register for the upcoming Everyone Counts! session in PowerSchool using this section number: 483768.
Interested in earning a PLU for the Everyone Counts! quarterly sessions? Register in PowerSchool using the following information:
Title: PLUACLD1164 Office of Mathematics Improvement Everyone Counts!
Section #: 485839
The Office of Mathematics Improvement is proud to announce our Math Madness: Choose your starting 5! event! This event challenges students to select and complete five math activities from a list of eight. One winner from grades K - 5 will be randomly selected to attend the Alabama vs. Auburn basketball game on February 7th in Auburn. Names will be submitted electronically.
When: January 15th - 19th (activities completed)
How: Entries by Jan. 22 by midnight.
What: 1 pair of Bama vs. Auburn basketball tickets
Who: Winner announced at winner's school on agreed-upon date between January 26th - February 2nd.
Contest information will be shared digitally by your OMI Regional Coordinator on January5th.
For more information, contact Amy Tilford at amy.tilford@alsde.edu.
Region 4 MTSS Updates
This year, ARI, OMI, and MTSS will collaboratively host Strong Leaders, Strong Readers. Meetings will be held from 8:30-3:30. See flyer above.
Region 4 EL Specialist: Dr. Stephanie Reynolds
EL Region 4 Specialist: Dr. Stephanie Reynolds (stephanie.reynolds@alsde.edu)
EL Quarterly Newsletter: https://sway.office.com/XzqKvaJ2CF1h76Fk?ref=Link&loc=play
Alabama ELLevation Education Link- https://ellevationeducation.com/district/alabama
Virtual ELLevation Training Links-
ELLevation Virtual Training Links
AMTESOL Conference Link-Registration:
Resources: Use Forms for FEL Monitoring Compliance (wistia.com)
January PowerSchool Opportunities: Region 4 PowerSchool Coach-Quandria Robinson
The flyer below highlights sessions offered by our PowerSchool coaches in January. Please also feel free to request specific sessions. To request training for your district or school, either reply to this email or click the link in the flyer and submit an Ed Tech ticket request via the following link: Submit Ed Tech Support Ticket
PowerSchool Coach Quandria Robinson (quandria.robinson@alex.state.al.us)
ALSDE Newsletters: Social Studies and Physical Education
Monthly updates from Alabama Social Studies Chronicle:
Alabama Best Practices Center: Instructional Partners Network
The Alabama Best Practices Center: Register for the ABPC Instructional Partners Network! Join us for four days of collaborative learning beginning January 10th and 11th. We look forward to welcoming the new year with this new cohort of instructional leaders! See a full overview of the learning, schedule, and other details here.
APT (Alabama Public Television): Free Professional Learning Opportunities
K-12 Alabama Public Television Certified Educator Program
Bring the world to your classroom with APT and PBS LearningMedia. This online self-paced course will help you utilize APT and PBS LearningMedia to enhance your lessons. You will receive six professional development hours at completion. Click here to become an APT Certified Educator.
February 7, 2024 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
The Vietnam War and Alabama Standards- Virtual
How is the Vietnam War covered in Alabama’s course of study? Join Blake Busbin, ALSDE Social Studies Education Specialist, to explore ways to approach the Vietnam War as outlined in Alabama standards. Discover new resources, innovate approaches, and how to make this complex conflict engaging for your students. One hour of professional development will be awarded at completion. Click here to register.
February 12, 2024 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Yellowhammer History Hunt Teacher Professional Development at the Alabama State Capitol
We’re going on a hunt to find out more about Alabama’s journey to become the 22nd state. This time, our Yellowhammer History Hunt Professional Development will be at the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery. Teachers will receive six hours of professional development. Lunch will be on your own. Click here to register.
February 21, 2024 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Virtual Professional Development: Reaching all Learners with Content Differentiation
Find out ways to differentiate the content in your classroom through ways like tiering, scaffolding, learning contracts and curriculum compacting. ALSDE Gifted Specialist Emily Hurst will walk us through the different ways to make this happen. You will leave this professional development with materials from Alabama Public Television and PBS LearningMedia to support this in your classroom. One hour of professional development will be awarded at completion. Click here to register.
March 13, 2024 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Virtual Professional Development with Legacy Partners in Environmental Education: Down Under in North Alabama
Alabama is home to more than 5,000 caves with unique ecosystems that support fragile and fascinating life forms. Join Toni Bruner, the Executive Director of Legacy Partners in Environmental Education and a spelunking expert, as she shares her knowledge of Alabama’s extensive cave ecosystem. Learn how caves form and what their important roles are in our environment. Leave with educational resources and activities from Legacy, APT and PBS to share with your class as you explore frozen waterfalls and soda straw ceilings. One hour of professional development will be awarded at completion. Click here to register.
Thriving Thursdays: Virtual Mental Health Sessions Offered by UNA
Please refer to the attached flyer for topics, dates, and registration information. A Zoom link will be shared with registered participants soon. These virtual sessions are opened statewide.
Alabama Space Academy for Educators: Scholarship Opportunity
ALSDE Proficiency Scales
ATLAS Resources
University of Alabama Online
New Year, New Opportunities With UA Online
Achieve your educational goals in 2024 with UA Online. Explore over 25 top-ranked programs, including master's degrees, certification-only, and educational specialist and doctoral programs in 100% online and hybrid formats. And discover our latest offering – the PhD in Instructional Leadership with a concentration in Instructional Technology program. Learn, lead and become legendary with UA Online. Take the next steps and apply!
UWA Online
Start Your Journey Today At UWA!
Choose from more than 70 degree and certification programs at the University of West Alabama Online.
Learn how an online program can give you the convenience and flexibility you need. Scholarships available at: https://online.uwa.edu/tuition/scholarships-partnerships/teacher-connect/
UA/UWA Regional Inservice Education Center
Mrs. Tami Barron, Accounting Specialist
Mrs. Tenika Milsap, UWA Coordinator
Email: hgmorgan@ua.edu
Website: www.inservice.ua.edu
Location: 260 Kilgore Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
Phone: 205-348-3319
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uauwaric/
Twitter: @UofARIC