Viking Family Digest
September 24, 2024
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Principal Message
Viking Families,
We are in full swing of the Volleyball and Cross Country season. We encourage our Vikings to stay and support peers for the games. Our first home games have gone great!
To encourage that our Vikings will continue to be Respectful, Responsible and safe, we are asking for your support with our expectations:
- We are safe by staying after school to attend games. Students can not leave and then come back, unless they are with their parents/guardians at the game. Students are to go to 10th inning in the LMC until the game starts.
- We are safe by sitting in the student section of the bleachers.
- We are all respectful when cheering on our Vikings.
- We are respectful to the other team.
- We are responsible by not bringing in outside food or drink into the gym
- We are responsible by having our rides pick up no later than 6:30 for Volleyball games. Most games are done by 6PM.
~Take Care,
Ms. Marks
Important Dates
- 09/24: Lou Malnati's Food Fundraiser
- 09/24: Cross Country Meet, 4pm Emricson Park
- 09/25: Early Release, 1pm
- 09/25: Volleyball Game, 4pm Marlowe Middle School
- 09/26: Golf Club, 2:15pm Turnberry Country Club
- 09/26: Cross Country Meet, 4pm moved to Cary Jr. High
- 09/26: SOS 8th
- 09/27: Veteran's Acres SEL Field Trip Bruins
- 09/27: End Term 1
- 09/28: City League Volleyball Game @ LMS
- 09/30: Cross Country Meet, 4pm Emricson Park
- 09/30: NJHS Meeting - 2:15pm Cafe
- 09/30: Cross Country Meet, 4pm Emricson Park
- 10/01: Volleyball Game, 4pm RBMS
- 10/01: Dance Team - Clinics
- 10/02: SOS 7th
- 10/03: Picture Retake Day
- 10/03: Dance Team - Clinics
- 10/03: Volleyball Game 4pm, HBMS
- 10/04: Field Trip Adjusted Learning
- 10/04: Dance Team - Tryouts
- 10/05: City League Volleyball Game @ HBMS
Picture Orders & Retake Day October 3
Pre-purchased pictures will be given to students this week. Save the date for picture retakes on October 3rd if needed. If you still need to order pictures, students will be sent home with a flyer with their photo and a Ticket Code to order online. Visit, click on "After Picture Day", Enter "Your Ticket Code".
Same D47 App, New Look!
The District 47 app has gotten a fresh, new look but still offers all the same features and resources! Please accept the one-time popup of the privacy statement, it is something all apps have and once acknowledged it will not show up again. Thanks for your cooperation!
Hope Squad
Bernotas staff are excited to inform you of the exciting news regarding the implementation of Hope Squad at Richard Bernotas Middle School! Hope Squad is an evidence-based, peer-to-peer youth suicide prevention program, dedicated to spreading hope and creating a school culture that promotes connectedness and inclusivity. The Hope Squad is comprised of students selected by their peers for their kindness, approachability, and trustworthiness to help prevent mental health crises among their peers. Trusted adults within your student’s school community have been trained as Hope Squad advisors to administer the most up-to-date mental health resources and training. Hope Squads are encouraged to meet regularly to learn, discuss, and collaborate on ways to promote mental wellness in the school in the effort of suicide prevention. In the coming weeks, sixth graders will be asked to nominate their peers to be a Hope Squad member for this upcoming school year. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Katie Albavera at
Signs of Suicide (SOS) lessons and screener
On Thursday, September 26th, and Wednesday, October 2nd, seventh and eighth-grade students will receive the Signs of Suicide (SOS) lessons and screener questions during PE/Health time.
SOS is an evidence-based youth suicide prevention program that teaches middle and high school students to identify warning signs of suicide and depression. Trusted by thousands of schools nationwide, SOS can be delivered in a single class period. It encourages students to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) if they are worried about themselves or a friend. Because of this screening process, RBMS students experiencing significant emotional difficulties are discovered and provided with intervention.
8th Grade Honor's Night (8th Grade Graduation)
Spirit Wear Sale
The Bernotas Spirit Wear sale ends tonight! Go to to make your purchase. Password: 2024Vikings. Products will be delivered to your student’s home room class in November.
No Fuss Fundraiser
THANK YOU to all of the families that donated to the "No Fuss Fundraiser". We raised $3,000 or our $10,000 goal. Students will receive a flyer in October if you still wish to donate.
Lou Malnati’s Dine Out Night 9/24
Take the night off from cooking and have some deep dish pizza or a delicious salad! Support RBMS TONIGHT at Lou Malnati's (8515 Redtail Dr., Lakewood) until 10 pm. If ordering online, use GPFUND24 at checkout. Click here for the flyer.
Reporting Student Absences via ParentVue
If a child will be absent from school, parents/guardians must log into ParentVue to report the absence before the start of the school day -- by 8:50 a.m. (preK and elementary) and by 7:30 a.m. (middle school). Click here for more information.
Student Handbook
2024-2025 Student Handbook, English
2024-2025 Student Handbook Spanish
Student Handbook for your reference.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Bus riders:
ALL busing will be out front, both in the morning and afternoon.
- 6th Grade at door #20 (athletic entrance)
- 7th Grade at door #2 (flag pole)
- 8th Grade at door #1 (main entrance)
Walkers and bike riders will be coming in the front of the school (Door #1) along with bus riders.
Car riders:
Parents will enter through the church parking lot off of Oak Street and follow signs to drop off students at our door #5. They will then exit from the back parking lot.
- 6th Grade enter and exit at door #7
- 7/8th Grade enter and exit at door #5
***Program Students follow a different process please follow up with their Home Room Teacher
Activity Bus
Does your student stay after school for sports or clubs? We offer Activity Buses. Activity Buses run on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday's. All activity buses leave Bernotas Middle School at 4:15 pm from the front of the building and all drop off times are approximate. Activity Bus Schedules.
Car Pick Ups: If you are picking up your student from a sport or club at 4 pm please be aware of the elementary buses that are loading. If the STOP sign is out and the lights are flashing, do not pass the bus.
Dance Team - Open to 7th and 8th Graders
Dance Team Tryout Clinics are on Tuesday, October 1st and Thursday, October 3rd with tryouts on Friday, October 4th after school. It is open to all 7th and 8th graders. Parents must sign them up in Athletics/SNAP!, and have a current physical on file. If physicals are expired, they will not be able to try out. Please reach out to Mrs. Geib with any questions.
Boys Basketball - Open to 7th & 8th Grade
Cheerleading: Open to 7th and 8th Graders
Bernotas Cheer Workshop will be held on Tuesday October 15th. Tryouts will be on Thursday October 17th. In order to participate in the workshops and to tryout, your student MUST have a current physical on file at the school and be registered in Athletics/SNAP!. Please email Coach Bowman with any questions. Hope to see you there!
7th and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball
Here is the link to the 7th & 8th Grade Volleyball 2024 Schedule.
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your middle school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.
Family Assistance Forms
D155 Event: Create the Balance: The ‘Why’ Behind Cell Phone Concerns
What will be discussed:
Hear the current research regarding cell phones and teens.
Learn strategies you can implement at home to improve the cognitive, academic, and social development of your teen.
*The current average daily cell phone use for teens is 7 hours and 22 minutes.
OCTOBER 2, 2024
6:30 PM - 7:15 PM
Crystal Lake Central Auditorium
🗣️Presenter is Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor & School Counselor at Prairie Ridge