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News from Around the School
AHT Fundraiser!
Help support the South Meadow School 8th grade American Heritage Tour trip next Spring. Connolly Farm made an ice cream flavor just for us and all money raised goes directly to the students and their trip. Please note this flavor only is priced at $8.00 per quart all other quart flavors are $7.50.
Resources and Opportunities
Sora - Digital Library
SMS students can access Sora, a comprehensive digital library offering a wide selection of ebooks and audiobooks. In addition to using Sora on their school-provided Chromebooks, students and parents have the flexibility to log in on home computers or through the Sora mobile app.
Practice for the Spelling Bee!
The Scripps National Spelling Bee has an official study app. Students can practice their spelling and vocabulary on any smart device. Download and learn more at https://spellingbee.com/word-club.