Maize Middle School

A Message From Mr. Cramer
Hey MMS Eagle Families!
As we head into November it is a good time of year to reflect and remember things to be thankful for. I am thankful for our teachers, staff, and families and how we continue to partner to make our 24/25 MMS story a good one.
Attendance at Events: Our students have had the opportunity to attend many extracurricular events both at MMS and on other campuses. They have done an exceptional job with their behavior and we are proud of them. With winter seasons in progress and beginning at the high schools please visit with your students about our expectation to attend events and participate for the purpose intended. Should a MMS student be asked to leave any event outside the school day an administrator will meet with them and may impose a longer term activity suspension. I have great trust in our students, know they will represent MMS well at all events, and appreciate your support in this matter.
WIGS: At MMS this year we have two Wildly Important Goals. One of them is related to literacy and the other resilience. Specifically, we have been working in all classes to strengthen our literacy and are working toward improved reading scores in the spring. We also have been working hard to maximize instructional time by decreasing our tardies. Our data shows that we are continuing to see students tardy at the beginning of the school day and we are making improvements to periods 1-5. Please continue to work with all resources to get your student to school on time including car pools and busing if you are eligible
Our 8th graders are invited on an incentive trip November 13th to the Thunder Hockey Game. As we have communicated, students must meet various criteria to attend. Students will need to meet the following criteria to attend
Students cannot have a failing grade in any class at the end of the day 11/1/24
Students may not have been assigned OSS or ISS between September 25 and the trip
Students may not have received a discipline referral for tardies between September 25th and November 1st
Girls Basketball and Boys Wrestling have begun this week and we are looking forward to our Eagles participating and showing off our talents. STUCO is also hosting a food drive in the month of November.
We invite all of you to be part of telling our story. If you have questions, concerns, suggestions, or affirmations please share with us.
Chad Cramer
Visit our website at www.usd266.com/mms.
Connect with Mr. Cramer at ccramer@usd266.com or call 316-729-2464.
Maize Middle School is located at 4600 N. Maize Rd. Mazie KS
Mrs. Burgess
Hello Maize Middle School families,
We’re excited to let you know that our second quarter is off to a fantastic start! We appreciate all your support in helping our students succeed. Just a quick reminder that our school day begins promptly, and our tardy bell rings at 7:25 a.m. Please be sure to get your students to school on time each day.
Additionally, we ask that you continue to ensure your student brings their Maize Middle School lanyard and ID daily. This helps us maintain a safe and organized environment for everyone.
As we look forward to the holiday season, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving later this month. Please remember, we’re here for you—don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need support regarding your student. Thank you for being an essential part of our school community!
Lisa Burgess
Calendar Reminders
Nov 1st - NO SCHOOL
Nov. 4th-15th - Holiday Food Drive
November 4th - Science Olympiad Informatiional Meeting
Nov. 5th - Scholars' Bowl
Nov. 6th - Sports Photo Day
Nov. 6th - PTO Meeting
Nov. 8th 9:30-2:30 - Art II Field Trip
Nov. 11th – 22nd -PTO online donation drive
Nov. 12th - KAY Club Regional Conference
Nov 12th - Spirit Night at Chcik-fil-a
Nov 13th - Teen Drug Summit
Nov. 13th - 8th Grade Thunder Hockey Game
Nov. 22nd - Orchestra to WSU Invitational
Nov 23-Dec. 1st - Fall Break
Access the 2024-2025 Maize USD 266 Calendar by clicking here.
7th Grade Volleyball
From the Health Office
Hello Maize Families!
We are working hard on getting our vision and hearing screenings completed. All 7th graders will be screened, unless you have contacted me to "opt out". If your student fails the vision screening- we will send a letter of referral to your home address so you can follow up with your eye Dr.. If your student fails the hearing screening, we will recheck them a few weeks after the initial screening. If they fail again, I will call you and send a letter to your home address.
Just a reminder- please do not send any medication to school with your student, unless we have an order on file. Students are not allowed to carry any medication (over the counter, or otherwise) on their person. All medications need to be processed through the Health Office. Yes-- this includes Tylenol and Ibuprofen!
We are always thankful if anyone would like to donate new sweats, or leggings, or underwear in all sizes to the Health Office. We especially like Eagle gear (either slightly used or new)! We go through a lot!! We would also be grateful for any pre-packaged snacks or small cans of Sprite! Thank you for helping us care for our students!!
Shelley Funk BSN,RN
School Nurse
Maize Middle School
Phone: 316-350-2308
Fax: 729-2479
Email: sfunk@usd266.com
MMS Food Drive for Maslow's Pantry
November 4th- November 15th
Any class over 300 points will receive a breakfast party.
Items worth ONE POINT
CASH for TURKEYS (1 pt for $1) // Canned veggies or beans // Canned fruit // Boxed mac & cheese // Dry Potatoes // Dry pastaItems worth TWO POINTS
Canned soup // Canned meat // Rice - flavored or plain // Spaghetti sauce // Peanut butter (16 oz or larger) // Apple Sauce // Boxed Crackers // Boxed or cubed broth // Boxed baking MixItems worth THREE POINTS
Cereal // Oatmeal // Granola or protein bars // JellyFlight/Space
Students in Flight/Space have been excited about getting three flight simulators in our classroom! Civil Air Patrol donated the yoke system and rudder pedals, and parents generously donated so we could buy X-Plane software. Students are putting all their knowledge of the principles of flight to the test!
In Robotics, students recently completed a project where they had to create a pull toy for our kindergarten clients. Mrs. Shurtleff and Mrs. J's Kindergarten classes from Vermillion gave us themes, we built/decorated the toys, and then we video chatted to get their votes on which ones looked most fun to play with. Our students did a great job explaining their toys to the kindergarteners!
Social Emotional Lessons
In October, our SEL lessons focused on being self-directed, which means the student:
- Regulates their impulses and emotional responses
- Regularly follows rules and the class Social Contract
- Takes responsibility for their own actions
- Consistently develops meaningful and positive relationships with others
The following is a list of students who were nominated by both peers and teachers at least 4 times. They will be getting a Chick Fil A lunch next week! Abigail Erickson, Alec Aubuchon, Reegan Myers, Corbin Little, Dylan Cobble, Gabriel Cordova, Jayden Dexter, Kloe Kilgore, Maci Montes, Madelyn Raymond, Mathea Oldham, Olivia Rivers, Parker Wellbrock
Dance Team
The Maize Middle School dance team did a wonderful job at the Sunflower Spirit Showcase! They left with a superior award rating & the specialty technique award for their performance!
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad will also begin next week and practice Monday and Thursday from 2:45 - 3:45. Science Olympiad is a competition where students take tests, perform experiments, and build structures to compete against students from around Kansas. Science Olympiad has events for students who are interested in all kinds of science and engineering. Interested students should email Ms. Schaffer or come to the first practice November 4!
Scholars' Bowl
Scholars' Bowl will begin next week and practice Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:45 - 3:45. Scholars' Bowl is an opportunity for students to flex their academic muscles and compete directly with other WSL students. Competitions will be during the month of January. Interested students should email Ms. Schaffer or come to the first practice November 5!
Kay Club
KAY club had their first off-campus morning of service on Friday, October 18th. We had 25 members along with Mrs. Soukup and Mrs. McKnight go to Vermillion School. They decorated pumpkins, enjoyed snacks, and read stories with the Rising Star preschool age students. Afterward the group went to Cedar Creek Pumpkin patch for service and recreation. KAY members helped unload pumpkins and set up photo displays with the pumpkins. Once they complete time of service they enjoyed activities at the patch.
We look forward to the next morning of service coming up in December.
We have had our first couple of WatchDOGS (Dads of Great Students) come in, and the kids love seeing them in the hall, at lunch, and in their classrooms! Please email jmbuchanan@usd266.com if you are interested in volunteering for a day!
Maize Middle School PTO
Hello Maize Middle School Parents,
Did you know that over the past two years, Maize Middle School PTO has provided over $7,000 in funding for MMS classrooms? The PTO has a grant program that allows teachers and staff to submit applications requesting items they need to support their classrooms. Without annual fundraisers, we can’t fulfill these requests for classroom resources that help your students learn and thrive.
From November 11th – 22nd, MMS PTO will host an online donation drive—no need to go door to door or sell anything! It’s as simple as setting up your student’s profile on our fundraising website and then sharing the link with family and friends or posting it on social media. It’s a quick and easy way to support our school.
Students will have the chance to earn incentives based on the donations they receive (more details to come). We have set a goal of $10,000! If our students raise $10,000, we will celebrate with a December “Day of Play,” featuring fun activities and events where students can rotate through stations as a reward for their hard work bringing in donations.
In addition to many other classroom items, two key items we hope to purchase through this fundraiser are a Nine Square set for our PE and fitness classes and curved computer screens for flight simulators in our STEM classrooms. We’ll also use a portion of the funds to celebrate our 8th graders with a graduation breakfast in May.
Thank you so much for your support! More details about the fundraiser will be shared in an email on November 11th. Please feel free to reach out to Maize Middle School PTO at maizemiddlepto@gmail.com with any questions.
PTO Meetings in the Cafetorium
November 6th
December 4th
Spirit Nights
Tuesday, Nov. 12th - CFA
Thursday, Feb 6th - CFA
Tuesday, April 8th - CFA
Hello Maize Families!
Check out our November Counseling Connection for resources and information from our counselors.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to the school counseling office if you have questions or concerns.
Maize Middle School Counselors:
Monica Heide | Last names A-F | mheide@usd266.com
Bridget Paasch | Last names G-N | bpaasch@usd266.com
Melissa Fleeker | Last names O-Z | mfleeker@usd266.com
MMS String News
Maize Band News
Follow the band on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and find up to date info on the band website.
Maize USD 266
Co-Director of Bands
Travel with MMS
New York City (June 5-June 8, 2025)
For more information, please contact Celina Soukup (csoukup@usd266.com), Amanda Hawkins (ahawkins@usd266.com), or Monte Slaven (mslaven@usd266.com).