Southview Elementary
February 14, 2025
Weather Make-Up Day
It is critical that we have this instructional time, as we have lost two school days already this semester due to the weather. Attendance is necessary for student success, so we urge all families to make sure your students are present in school each and every day, including on Feb. 18.
Attendance Matters
Academic success starts with attendance.
Ala. Code ยง16-28-3 states: Students are required to attend school regularly. Our school day starts at 7:55 am Parents/Guardians, please make sure students are here each and every day on time.
Attendance Rates: February 10th-14th
Pre-K 95%----Kindergarten 93%----First 95%---- Second 98%
Third 96% ----Fourth 96%-----Fifth 97%
๐ฃShout out to Pre-K, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth grade for meeting our attendance goal this week!๐ฃ Remember, we will celebrate students with perfect and near perfect attendance each month!!๐Our weekly attendance goal is 95%. We had 96% of our students at school this week.
Important Reminders
Kinderpalooza is a new event to help families learn about Kindergarten readiness, receive information about important services, have some fun, and take home some free stuff to help prepare students for school! The event is open to potential Pre-K and Kindergarten students in our community (children ages 3-5 and their caregivers). The event will be held at Tuscaloosa Public Library's Main Branch.
Pre-K Early Registration
- Must be 4 by September 1, 2025
- Must live in Tuscaloosa City School zone (Parents must provide proof of residence)
- Must be fully potty trained (Pull-ups are not acceptable)
- Bus transportation is not provided fro our Pre-K students
For more information, read the Pre-K handbook.
**The pre-k lottery will take place on Thursday, March 7th at 8:30 a.m. at the Central Office. Applications received after 8:30 a.m. on March 5th will not be considered for the lottery. Letters will be mailed to families selected on March 8th.**
21st Century Black History Program
Feb. 27th at 5:30 p.m.
Important Dates
Feb. 17th President's Day-NO School
Feb. 18th Make-up Weather day (Regular school day)
Feb. 20th-24th Pathway to Proficiency - Spring Assessment
for grades 2nd - 5th
Mar. 10th-14th Spring Break
Mar. 17th Spring Picture Day
SAVE the Date
April 16th: More information coming soon.
We want every student to enjoy this experience. However, please note that students who have ongoing discipline issues may lose the privilege to attend. Our goal is to create a respectful and safe environment for everyone.
Southview Admin Team
We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the Southview community. If you have questions or need assistance please contact our office or your school leaders: Ronika Amerson, Principal-ramerson@tusc.k12.al.us and Sharetta Watkins, Assistant Principal-ssimmons@tusc.k12.al.us.
Click the picture below to visit our school's webpage.
Mission, Vision, Belief Statement and Core Values
The mission of Southview Elementary is to create a culture of high expectations and develop P.O.W.E.R. leaders in which our scholars are positive, organized, well-prepared, eager to learn, respectful, responsible, and resourceful.
The vision of Southview Elementary is to foster a love of learning while building readers, writers, and problem solvers.
Students and staff have the right to attend a safe and secure school that is focused on academic success and personal growth within a positive learning environment.
CORE Values
P- Positive
O- Organized
W- Well prepared
E- Eager to Learn
R- Respectful, Responsible, Resourceful
Don't Hesitate Join PTA Today!
For more information contact our librarian Mrs. Manieri