Senior 2024 Formal Pictures
Tux & Drape and Cap & Gown
- You will be wearing a drape/tux provided by Bill Miller. There will be NO make-up picture day if you miss. You can go to their studio, but those arrangements must be made by you, and may incur additional sitting fees.
Each student must pay $30 Sitting fee payable to Bill Miller Photography to receive proofs. If you do not pay the sitting fee you will only get 1 picture and you will not see the proofs.
Girls will wear tank top with button down shirt and appropriate for school bottoms. Shorts worn MUST be compatible with handbook policy (NO ATHLETIC SHORTS- You will be sent home!)
Boys will wear a plain white cotton t-shirt. They will have tux shirts with Velcro backs and clip-on tie. You can wear theirs with a white undershirt OR you can wear/ bring your own white dress shirt and use only their coat and tie.
Jewelry for drape and cap and gown needs to be minimal. Stud earrings only. NO NOSE OR OTHER PIERCINGS may be visible. Only small necklaces or pearls are allowed. We have a set of pearls.
Immediately following the last boys' pictures we will go to the grassy area beside Mr. Wayne Taylor's house to take the senior group photo. ALL STUDENTS REQUIRED! There will not be a make-up for this. Do not leave after your picture session!
Senior Group Pic and Honors and High Honors pic- Dressy Casual. Boys can wear clean, no holes or ripped jeans or pants with a BUTTON shirt (Polo or button down), Girls- dresses (watch length) or nice pants, jeans with no rips or tears. Absolutely no t-shirts, hoodies, flip flops, or short shorts.
You should be back in your regular class around 11:30. No one should leave school for any reason and you are expected to be at school at the regular time.
** If you are planning on purchasing a Sr. Yearbook ad, make plans to have your Sr. portraits done by SEPTEMBER 30th! I will be getting information about this out soon.
TENTATIVE Who's Who Picture Day is Friday, September 29th. This will be done off campus and will only include those students who were named in Who's Who list, Class Officers, Sr. YB Staff, and any student who needs Senior Portraits made. All other students will need to be in class on this day. More information will follow. Contact me below if you need Sr. Portraits made and I will give you more information. ALL STUDENTS NEED Sr. Portraits (not including the ones taken on 9/5)