Your Lineville Library Bookmark
May 2024
Meet Your Library Team
Mrs. Emily Wells
Library Media Specialist
Mrs. Linda Darrow
Library Aide
Mrs. Amanda Bartolazzi
Library Aide
Lineville Library Visits
Throughout the school year, your child has the opportunity to visit the library every other week with their ELA class. Please see the links below to see when these visits are scheduled.
End of Year Information
May Literacy Connection
May 2nd - International Harry Potter Day
May 17th - Endangered Species Day
May 22nd - Sherlock Holme's Day
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
by J. K. Rowling
SIRS Discoverer
Use Classlink to access endangered species information
Death Cloud
by Andy Lane
Kids like to go online and use cell phones to email, chat, watch videos, send messages, play games, and do homework. But sometimes the language they use with others can get mean or rude. It's important for kids to appreciate that their words can cause unintentional harm, whether used online or in person.
Sometimes meanness is accidental, but, when people use digital tools such as the Internet or text messages to deliberately make another person feel angry, sad, or scared, that's cyberbullying. Examples of cyberbullying include sending hurtful texts or instant messages, posting embarrassing photos or videos, spreading mean rumors online or with a cell phone, or doing mean things to someone's character in an online world.
Common Sense Media offers these steps to follow if your child is being cyberbullied:
- Sign off the computer: Ignore the attacks and walk away from the cyberbully.
- Don't respond or retaliate: If you're angry or hurt, you might say things you'll regret later. Cyberbullies often want to get a reaction out of you, so don't let them know their plans have worked.
- Block the bully: If you get mean messages through IM or a social-networking site, take the person off your buddy or friends list. You can also delete messages from bullies without reading them.
- Save and print out bullying messages: If the harassment continues, save the evidence. This could be important proof to show parents or teachers if the bullying doesn't stop.
- Talk to a friend: When someone makes you feel bad, sometimes it can help to talk the situation over with a friend.
- Tell a trusted adult: A trusted adult is someone you believe will listen and who has the skills, desire, and authority to help you. Telling an adult isn't tattling - it's standing up for yourself. And, even if the bullying occurs online, your school probably has rules against it.
For more information about protecting yourself on social media, please contact Emily Wells, Lineville Intermediate School Library Media Specialist, at emilwell@hssdschools.org
If you would like to learn more about how to keep your child safe online, please visit Common Sense Media.
Check out one of our new books!
Our Lineville Library continues to get new books throughout the school year. Come check these out.
You may find your next great read!
by Christie Matheson
Nightmare at the Book Fair
by Dan Gutman
by James Preller