Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
At Vincent Farm Elementary, it starts with me!

On the Calendar
9/2 (M): Labor Day - Schools Closed
9/3 (T): Kindergarten DIBELS (Walker/Boss)
9/4 (W): ELA PLC during grade level planning (Walker/Boss) / Vincent Farm Spirit Day
Looking Ahead:
9/10 (T) 8:05 am: Faculty Meeting
9/17 (T) 8:05 am: Faculty Meeting / Math PLC during grade level planning (Frame) / PTA Meeting 5:30 pm / Basignani Out - PAR Meeting (a.m. only)
9/23 - 10/4: Fall MAP Reading Window
9/24 (T) 6-7 pm: PTA Ice Cream Social (all grade levels/teams should be represented)
9/27 (F): PTA Mum Orders Due
Staff Updates
Staff Access Management - Liaisons and Access Points
Attached to this message you will find the list of all liaison roles, as well as access capabilities. Please carefully review and note any assignments for accuracy, including your email address. If there are any discrepancies, please let Jamie B. know as soon as possible.
Safety Corner
Thank you to each and every one of you for your diligence, kindness, and flexibility during the duration of the event. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions for our emergency team, we welcome your feedback!
ALICE training
Active assailant training is one component of Baltimore County Public Schools' (BCPS) comprehensive safety strategy. BCPS will implement ALICE strategies for our active shooter response protocol. ALICE Training® provides preparation and a plan for individuals and organizations to handle the threat of an aggressive intruder or active shooter event proactively.
You will access learn.navigate360.com again this year. If you don’t remember your password or have not set one previously, please visit https://learn.navigate360.com/learn/forgot-password and enter your email address. You will receive a password reset email. Please check your spam folder if it does not arrive in your inbox.
This course (ALICE for Schools: 2024-2025) will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and is mandatory. Ten-month and contractual employees must complete the course during their regular work hours. The course should be completed by 9/27. If you have questions, contact the Department of School Safety at 443-809-4360. Thank you.
The eLearning course is made up of five modules. The course allows users to stop and restart, if needed. If you need to pause, please make sure to exit the content and return to the eLearning platform to ensure your progress is saved. Please complete testing modules in a single session.
Please access the platform using the directions below by 9/27:
- Go to learn.navigate360.com
- Click SIGN IN and enter your Username and Password. Do not click the Register button.
Username: enter your email address
Password: Enter the password you have used previously. If you do not have an existing password or have forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password link (https://learn.navigate360.com/learn/forgot-password) to request a new password. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive the password reset email.
- Please spend time teaching (and reminding) your students how to use their locker. Show them that the hook in the back is for their backpack and that their backpack needs to be turned in order to fit. Those open lockers will become more difficult once we introduce jackets ;)
- If you need a custodian's help, please call on the walkie, channel 2.
Personal Business Leave Approval
Personal business leave is available to all union represented employees. Information regarding personal business leave is in the Master Agreements (MAs) which can be accessed by visiting the Department of Staff Relations and Employee Performance Management Web site.
Allowing employees to use their personal business time as needed is a vital aspect of maintaining employee well-being and morale. When employees are able to take their personal business leave without undue restrictions, it promotes a healthy work-life balance and can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction. The denial of a personal business leave day should only occur in rare cases when critical system needs must be addressed.
While there are occasional instances where it might be necessary to ask employees to adjust their leave plans, these requests should be kept to a minimum to ensure we respect and support our team members' need for time off. Maintaining flexibility and understanding regarding time for personal business will render positive results for all of Team BCPS.
Please note that personal business leave is intended for taking care of matters that cannot be handled outside of work hours. Personal business is not to be used for consecutive days of extended vacation. Vacation leave is available to 12-month employees and shall be coded as "vacation." For 10-month employees, every effort should be made to schedule extended vacations during winter/spring break or during the summer.
We appreciate all of the support that is available when supporting a student in crisis. We ask that if a student is in crisis, and a SEL staff member or admin is supporting, unless they ask for additional intervention, please don't engage with the student. Some of our students become overwhelmed with too many adults ("too many cooks in the kitchen").
Professional Learning
Elementary TLC
Elementary Teacher Leader Corp (TLC) for English Language Arts and Mathematics
Beginning in Quarter 1, principals are asked to identify a Teacher Leader for literacy and mathematical content. This Teacher Leader is invited to engage in professional learning and networking with the Office of Mathematics and Office of English Language Arts through quarterly professional learning sessions.
The focus of the professional learning will be to support implementation of the HMH Into Reading and Bridges in Mathematics curricula in all classrooms through ongoing intensive support for teachers. All sessions will be held at the Employee Development Center (formerly known as the Loyola Graduate Center).
We need ONE Literacy TLC and ONE Math TLC. If you are interested, please email Jamie B.
Staff Shout Outs!
From: The Admin Team
For jumping in to support our youngest learners, Pre-K and Kinder, as they adjust to their new school.
To: Megan Malora
From: Emergency Management Team
For physically counting each student repeatedly throughout the emergency event!
To: Dan Nicholson and Kaleigh Braverman
From: The Admin Team
For their flexibility with scheduling to ensure the best learning experience for our ISDM students!
To: Kelly Brady and her staff
From: The Admin Team
For their hard work in making sure our campus is ready to welcome staff and students!
Has a colleague helped you out, shared a fabulous strategy, or just gone above and beyond? Send a SHOUT OUT to Jamie B. and they will be included in the next Friday Focus!
BCPS News Hub
Please be sure to review the News Hub each week. There may be actionable items in the bulletin that need to be addressed, and the expectation is that you access the information independently and follow-up as needed.