Phoenix News
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
August 18th, 2024
Message from the Principal
Phoenix Family,
It was wonderful to welcome all of our Phoenixes back on campus last week. Thank you for playing a key role in making it a successful start for our students. As a reminder, last week, students attended the Common Area during their scheduled college classes. Starting this week, they should report directly to the building listed in their HelloTCC account. Please take a moment to read Mrs. Gardner's section below and review the TCC NE Campus map for more details.
If your CA student qualifies for Section 504 or has an IEP, we encourage you to join Mrs. Heaton and the TCC Northeast Student Accessibility and Resource Office this Tuesday for an informational meeting on accommodations in higher education. Further details are available in Mrs. Heaton's section below.
Finally, we’re excited to kick off our annual Club Crawl this week! It’s important to us that every student finds a club or organization where they can build friendships and foster a sense of community. Whether it's eSports, UIL Academics, Crochet Club, Weight Lifting Club, or another group, there’s something for everyone at Collegiate Academy!
Looking forward to Week 2 of High School classes and Week 1 of College Courses!
All In, All Together,
Mrs. Jackson
Student Expectations
At Collegiate Academy, we are so grateful to have the opportunity for our high school students to walk to TCC and participate in college classes! A couple of reminders about expectations regarding where students are allowed to be:
Freshmen and Sophomores - You are ONLY allowed at TCC when you have a class on campus or when you are with a Collegiate Academy teacher attending a TCC event (i.e International Festival, etc.)
Upperclassmen in Study Hall - You must have permission from a CA staff member to go to TCC if you want to go when you don’t have a TCC class. If granted permission to be at TCC, you must sign out on the sign-out sheet.
Upperclassmen with Independent Studies - You are allowed to go to TCC during Independent Studies. You are not allowed to leave TCC. The only exception to this is if you have lunch during third period; in this case, you may leave TCC for lunch.
Seniors in Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) - You are allowed to leave TCC. You must attend all your high school and college classes.
If you have any questions about OFSDP or Independent Study, please reach out to Mrs. Heaton at jessica.heaton@gcisd.net.
TCC Textbook Information
Students need to ensure they have ordered their textbooks for the fall course you are enrolled in as soon as possible. The deadline is August 23, 2024.
It is advised that students taking Connect classes order the digital option when available to avoid waiting for their order to be shipped from the South Campus Bookstore to the Northeast Campus Bookstore.
Students will not go to any other TCC campus to pick up their book. Books will be sent to pick up at TCC Northeast. You will receive information from the TCC Northeast Bookstore about when and where to pick up your textbooks.
If you have any textbook related questions please reach out to jessica.heaton@gcisd.net
High School Schedules Update
9th and 10th grade Students
Please check your high school schedule to make sure you are in the right classes and no blanks on your schedule. If there are any issues please email daina.gardner@gcisd.net.
9th grade classes
English 1
World Geography
Algebra I or Algebra 2
Biology or Chemistry
Practical Writing
EDUC 1300 (Fall)
Pathways (Spring)
DRAM 1301 or KINE 1164
10th grade classes
English 2
World History
Algebra 2 or Geometry
11th and 12th grade Students
Check TCC and Skyward to make sure your schedules match. If there is an issue email daina.gardner@gcisd.net.
TCC Schedules
Students will log into their HelloTCC account to see their college schedule. Students need to know which building and room so they are prepared for classes starting Monday Aug 19th. Below are screenshots to help students if needed.
Click My TCC Track on the top left.
SAR Information Parent Meeting - August 20th
We'd like to extend an invitation to all of our families and students with 504 and IEP accommodations to attend an information night we are hosting on Tuesday, August 20th from 6:00-7pm at Collegiate Academy. The TCC SAR (Student Accessibility Resources) office will share information regarding how to apply for accommodations and what accommodations ARE and ARE NOT available at the college level. Please reach out to Jessica Heaton with any 504/IEP questions.
Thank you!
Seniors Invited to Take Photos at MPS August 21st
Attention senior parents! On Wednesday, August 21, GCISD Athletics is opening Mustang Panther Stadium for families to take senior pictures from 6-8 p.m. Guests will have access to the turf and bleachers only. Bring your own camera or photographer and capture special moments with your senior!
Annual CA Club Crawl - August 22nd
The annual CA Club Crawl will take place during lunches on Thursday, August 22. All 2023-2024 club leads/presidents must create a poster (no QR codes, please!) to advertise and promote their club. See the poster above for the timeline of Club Crawl and when Clubs start.
All freshmen and sophomores must be in a club, which means that during Club Crawl they will scan a QR code posted throughout the hallway to complete a Club Interest Form which ranks students top-3 choices of clubs. If they are unable to scan the QR code, or if they do not have a phone, they’ll be able to fill it on their laptops during Friday’s English I or English II class.
If you are interested in creating a club for the 2024-2025 school year, please contact Mr. Geer at aaron.geer@gcisd.net with the name of your club and a short summary of why you’d like to create this club.
The safety and security of our Phoenixes is a top priority at Collegiate Academy. We have the good fortune of having the support of TCC Police and SWAT if, heaven forbid, we would every need it.
We encourage parents and students to download the Alertus app to get up-to-date information about any emergencies on campus. Alertus allows authorized dispatchers to quickly send emergency notification alerts to faculty, staff, students, or personnel via Android or iOS tablets or smartphones.
To sign up, use any email address and our organization and pin codes below.
Organization Code: TCCD
Pin Code: 8911
TWU College Visit - August 29th
45 juniors and seniors are invited to attend a tour of Texas Woman's University on Thursday, August 29th, from 2:00 - 3:15 PM. Transportation to and from the college visit will be provided.
Please fill out the form to indicate your interest.
If you are a parent or guardian interested and available to chaperone, please email Mr. Geer at aaron.geer@gcisd.net . You must complete this volunteer background check and be approved in order to attend as a chaperone.
About TWU:
Texas Woman's University is a public coeducational university in Denton, Texas, with two health science center-focused campuses in Dallas and Houston. While TWU has been fully co-educational since 1994, it is the largest state-supported university primarily for women in the United States.
Attention Student Drivers
Parking Sticker - Extended Deadline
For safety and security reasons, this school year all student drivers must register any vehicles parked on campus. This is a quick and easy process. Simply, complete the Vehicle Permit Registration form no later than Friday, August 23, 2024. In return, you will receive a parking permit to put in your car at no cost to you. After filling out the form, please pick up your permit in the Collegiate Academy front office during your study hall or between 9am - 3pm. Student drivers should park on the east side of the building in the white-striped spaces; yellow spaces are reserved for CA faculty. Students with unregistered vehicles will face disciplinary consequences. Please contact our Assistant Principal, Jessica Heaton, with any questions. Thank you.
Please contact our Assistant Principal, Jessica Heaton, with any questions. Thank you.
Meet Mr. Plotkowski
Hello CA! I am so excited to be joining the CA family. My name is Travis Plotkowski and I am the new Social Studies teacher for US and World History. This will be my 7th year in education with prior stops at Saginaw, Carrollton Creekview and Corsicana coaching football, track, and powerlifting. I am looking forward to a great year and can’t wait to hit the ground running on Monday!
Class of 2026
Juniors, if you are interested in running for an elected Class Council position, you are invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday, August 21, from 11:00-11:15 with Mr. Geer in Coach Indelicato’s room. This meeting will introduce you to the next steps in running for an elected position. See you there!
UIL Soccer
Welcome back Soccer players! As we begin our 2nd week of school, it's important to get our Rank One documents completed as soon as possible. Please click HERE to begin the Rank One process.
Hard copy physical forms were distributed on Wednesday, 8/14 during 6th period. You will need to get your physical check in order to play. All Rank One requirements must be completed by Friday, August 23rd, in order to remain in 6th period Athletics.
If you have any questions please reach out to joseph.indelicato@gcisd.net or travis.brown@gcisd.net
Texas House Bill 114
Effective 9/1/2023, Texas House Bill 114 requires a student to be placed in the DAEP if the student possesses, uses, or is under the influence of, or sells, gives, or delivers marijuana, THC, or an e-cigarette to another person within 300 feet of school property or at a school-related event. The District encourages all families to talk with their students regarding the dangers associated with vaping or drug usage and to discuss the implications of this new law with your children, emphasizing the importance of adhering to school policies and laws for their own welfare and for the betterment of the school community as a whole.
Spanish version:
Proyecto de Ley 114 del Senado de Texas
Efectivo el 1 de septiembre de 2023, el Proyecto de Ley 114 del Senado de Texas requiere que un estudiante sea ubicado en el DAEP si el estudiante posee, usa, o está bajo la influencia de, o vende, da, o distribuye marihuana, THC, o un cigarrillo electrónico a otra persona a menos de 300 pies de la propiedad de la escuela o en un evento relacionado con la escuela. El Distrito urge a todas las familias a hablar con sus estudiantes sobre los peligros asociados con el uso de cigarillos electrónicos o drogas y discutir las implicaciones de esta nueva ley con sus hijos, haciendo énfasis en la importancia de adherirse a las políticas escolares y a las leyes para su propio bienestar y para el mejoramiento de toda la comunidad escolar.
Senior Smore
Senior’s please check out the Senior Smore! This will be updated monthly and then weekly as we get closer and closer to graduation! If you have any questions about Senior Events please reach out to Daina Gardner (daina.Gardner@gcisd.net).
School Policy Update for 2024-2025: Dress Code
Parents, we ask for your partnership in reminding your student of the updated dress code expectations and solutions that will be implemented for students not in compliance.
Upcoming Dates/Events
August 19th - First Day of TCC Classes
August 20th - SAR Informational Meeting 6:00pm to 7:00pm @CA
August 22nd - Annual CA Club Crawl
August 28th - Spirit Squad Applications Deadline
August 29th - TWU College Visit
August 30th - Pep Rally / Spirit Squad Tryouts / NHS Applications Due
September 2nd - No School (Student & Teacher Holiday)
September 13th - Senior Portraits @ CA
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
Website: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Domain/2203
Location: 828 W Harwood Rd, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
Phone: 817-515-6775
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grapevine-Colleyville-ISD-Collegiate-Academy
Twitter: @GCCA_PHX