Week of Monday, October 7 - Friday, October 11, 2024
Dear Families,
As we end the second week of October, I’m excited to share some important updates and highlight a few upcoming events. It’s been a wonderful start to the month, and our students are fully immersed in their learning—demonstrating growth and enthusiasm each day.
Things to look forward to this month at Swift River:
STEM Week: October 21-25
STEM Week is designed to inspire and ignite your child's curiosity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math—four areas that shape our future and offer limitless possibilities. Throughout the week, teachers will encourage critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork. Whether it's building bridges, coding, exploring chemical reactions, or discovering how things work, STEM Week is all about making learning an adventure!
Other Upcoming Events:
- Halloween Festivities: We’ll also be celebrating Halloween at school with some fun and safe activities. More details about costumes and classroom fun will be coming your way soon.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in making this school year a success. We’re looking forward to an exciting and enriching second half of October!
Warm regards,
Magda Harrison
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein
🍕 Weekly Lunch Menu
Ms. Hancock's Second Grade Class
Ms. Hancock's class had a field trip to Austin Farms. This fall trip allows students to learn about the changing seasons and how farms adapt throughout the year. From harvesting crops to preparing for winter, students will discover the natural cycles that farmers follow and how this connects to what they’ve been learning in the classroom. Students even had the chance to bring home a pumpkin.
Mrs. Mazzaferro's First Grade Class
Mrs. Mazzaferro's class introduced a new and engaging way for our first graders to learn about alphabetical order—through fun and interactive puzzles! Alphabetical order is an important early literacy skill that helps children organize words and understand how things like dictionaries, word lists, and even class libraries work. By learning alphabetical order, our students will develop stronger reading and organizational skills.
Ms. Holmes Third Grade Class
In Ms. Holmes class this week, they had a yarn-ball greeting. They discussed how we are all connected to each other because we are all in the same classroom. We are here to help each other out and be there for each other. We talked about how we all belong and are an important part of each others' lives.
Mrs. Whitney's First Grade Class
You might be wondering why we have butterflies in our first-grade classrooms. The answer is simple: it’s part of a hands-on learning experience that teaches students about life cycles, science, and the world around them in a fun and engaging way! Mrs. Whitney's class released their friend Marshmallow outside, releasing her on a butterfly bush in the garden.
🙌 Weekly Shout-Outs
We are excited to announce that this year we have welcomed social worker interns to our school community! These interns will be working closely with students, staff, and families to provide additional support, guidance, and resources. Here’s a little more about what their role will be and how they can support our students.
Who Are Our Social Worker Interns?
Our social worker interns are graduate students who are completing their fieldwork under the supervision of licensed social workers and school staff. They have been specially trained in child development, emotional and social support, and family engagement. Throughout the school year, they will be gaining hands-on experience working with our students and learning the ins and outs of school-based social work.
Smith College Masters Program Interns
Ms Kim or "Kimpossible" (as some friends at Swift River Elementary call her) grew up in rural Pennsylvania not much different than Belchertown. Some of her favorite activities is Wacky Wednesday Recess and Lunch Bunch social skills learning.
Madelaine, who goes by Laine at the schools, is a social work intern from Smith College. She recently graduated from UMass Amherst with a degree in psychology and has grown up in Eastern Massachusetts. She hopes to pursue a career helping people of all ages live fulfilling and happy lives.
The Entire Team
đź—“ Coming Up!
Monday, 10/14 No School - Holiday
Wednesday, 10/30 Trunk-or-Treat (5:30-7 p.m.)
Thursday, 10/31 Halloween at SRE
Tuesday, 11/5 No School for Students/Full Day Staff Professional Development
Wednesday, 11/6 Gr 3 Veterans Day Ceremony @ BHS (9:45 a.m.)
Monday, 11/11 No School - Veterans Day
đź’ˇ Reminders
Students go outside each day for 30 minutes of recess. With the weather becoming increasingly chilly and windy, it is important that students have coats, pants, and proper foot attire.
Please remember that all dismissals from the office should happen by 2:30 p.m. After 2:30 p.m, all dismissals should take place through the daily carline.
Principal: Magda Harrison
Assistant Principal: Ivy Peritz-Smith
Main Office: 413-323-0471 or 413-323-0472
Absentee/Tardy Line: 413-323-0455 (Available 24 Hours)
Website: www.belchertownps.org
Location: 57 State Street Belchertown, MA 01007