W.E.stchester Weekly

News from the Principal
Greetings WE Families,
Last Friday our students and staff kicked off our school-wide Community Circles. We come together twice a month for a student-led circle in which we sing, laugh, and highlight the great work of students and staff. The first Circle of the month is for students and staff only so the students can be prepared to speak in front of the group. The second Circle is typically the last Friday of the month and we invite parents and community members to join us. We are excited to have you join us next Friday, August 30th. Plan to come to the auditorium at 8:20 AM. We will wrap up by 8:50. This is a sweet and joyful way to start your Friday.
We have wrapped up our Fall Universal Screening window. The students completed the STAR Assessments and our 1st and 2nd Graders completed the assessments for the Georgia Numeracy Project. These assessments provide teachers with beginning academic progress so they can make instructional decisions within the classroom. You will receive student reports in your child’s Thursday Communication Folder in early September. Parent Conferences will be scheduled after Fall Break.
Calendar Reminders
Wednesday, August 28th - 12:50 PM Early Release
Thursday, August 29th - 6:00 PM Curriculum Night
Friday, August 30th - 8:20 AM Community Circle
Monday, September 2nd - Labor Day: No School
From your grateful principal,
Christine Knox
Calendar of Events
School Lunch Policy Please be sure to maintain a positive lunch balance for your child. This will help us avoid any unexpected lunch changes for students. Check your Parent Portal frequently to make sure your child has adequate funds for the cafeteria. You may also find the Parent Portal App (Apple or Android) to be more convenient.
1st Grade CogAT Testing Starts September 4
From September 4-6, all 1st-grade students will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). Unlike traditional achievement tests, which measure how well a student has learned the curriculum, the CogAT assesses a child’s ability to reason abstractly and recognize patterns and relationships in the world around them. Teachers can use CogAT scores to better understand a child’s pattern of strengths and weaknesses. Our school district also uses CogAT scores to identify academically-gifted students.
Media Center News
Room Parent Communication Opt-Out
PTA News
Our wonderful PTA still has openings for committee members. Please help out at our little school by volunteering, we promise you will have fun!
Battle of the Bands
Help Your School Win a $1000 Music Grant!
Attend DEF's Battle of the Bands, a family-friendly community concert, and you could help your school win a $1000 music grant! Head to the Legacy Park lawn on Friday, Sept. 6 from 5-9 p.m. for a fun evening of live music, yummy food, and community! Four CSD bands will be bringing the tunes – you BYOB (bring your own blanket) and your school spirit! The school with the largest percentage of representation will win the music grant for their school... along with a trophy and bragging rights, of course! We’ll have food vendors and sweet treats to supplement your picnic. Adults are $10 and KIDS ARE FREE! Buy tickets here.
*If cost is an issue, please email Drew@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.
Reminders from Last Week
Visit past newsletters for answers to your questions🤗
Westchester Elementary School
Who to Contact: Please see who the best contact is for your questions for a quicker response.
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Westchester
Location: 758 Scott Boulevard, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westchesterelementarycsd