September 4, 2024
Hero of the Month - August
Kindergarten - Tucker, Layne, Grace, Aria, Julia, DJ
1st grade - Nora, Ashlyn, Amina, Carys, Zakary
2nd grade - Ahmadu, Tia, Ka'Nyla, Ivy, Emmy, Dax, Ronald
3rd grade - Isabel, Mia, Alston, Corey, Sam, Cayson
4th grade - SirKameron, Elle, Gabby, Makayla, Mavei, Austin, Leen, Olivia
Student Handbook Reminders
Dress code- We encourage a respectful and focused learning environment, we kindly remind parents to ensure that students wear appropriate clothing to school. Please make sure shirts are long enough to cover your students midriff.
Phones and Smartwatches: Per our policy, PERSONAL COMMUNICATION DEVICES (BP 5136), electronic devices can be used before or after school, but during the school hours any student with a cell phone out or smartwatch on will be asked by a teacher or administrator to turn it off and put it into their backpack.
Sign up to Volunteer this Year
We are super excited to announce that the volunteer form has become electronic across all schools in PLSD. This means that the paper forms that have been used in the past will no longer be used to sign up to be a volunteer. You can easily sign up to be a volunteer right now by using the QR code below or the link provided. If you have been a volunteer in the past, you must sign up again. Volunteer approvals are only good for the school year in which you signed up.
Here is the link to sign up:
September is Attendance Awareness Month! – Stay in the Game to Get in the Game
We are excited to announce that Pickerington Local Schools is partnering with The Stay in the Game! Attendance Network, in collaboration with the Cleveland Browns and Columbus Crew, to launch an exciting new initiative – "Stay in the Game! Keep Learning Every Day!" Dedicated to improving student attendance.
September is Attendance Awareness Month, and we know that consistent daily attendance is critical to our students' academic and social success. Missing a school day here and there may seem small, but absences add up quickly! For example:
Missing just two days a month adds up to 20 days a year.
That's 30 hours of math and 60 hours of reading and writing missed over the school year.
These absences can add up to more than one full year of missed school by graduation!
That's why we are committed to uncovering and addressing the barriers that may prevent your child from attending school every day. Together, we can build a school-going culture that ensures our students are prepared for success in every way.
To further encourage daily attendance, Pickerington Local Schools Athletics will award one free ticket to any fall sporting event (except the North vs. Central Football game) to each student with perfect attendance during September. Additionally, students will be recognized at a North or Central Football Game.
Parents, you'll also learn tips and strategies to make school attendance a priority at home.
Every day counts. Let's work together to ensure our students thrive in positive learning environments!
Counselor's Corner
Start with Hello teaches youth how to minimize social isolation, empathize with others. and create a more inclusive and connected school community. Students will receive morning meeting lessons and we will also have a spirit week!
Character Strong - Respect
For the month of September our students will be focusing on Responsibility! Responsibility is taking action and understanding the impact of our choices.
Conversation starters for your family!
- Can you share or show what it means to be responsible?
- How can we help each other practice being more responsible?
Instructional Coach
Reading Tips
On October 23 and 24th, our 3rd grade students will be taking their Fall OST (Ohio State Test). Check out this link from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Development (ODEW) to learn more about this state test.
Math Tips
How can playing board games help children with math? Check out this link to find out how board games can help with math skills.
PTO News
It's time to show your school spirit, Sycamore Creek! Our Back-To-School Spirit Wear Sale has begun, and it starts with 30% off the entire site! Check out our fresh new designs today!
*Orders placed through the website below will be shipped directly to your home*
We are entering our last week of our PTO Membership drive. If you’re interested in joining the PTO, please return the form sent home with your student with payment by September 13th, or complete the online form at the link below:
Remember to make sure to follow us on our Facebook page “Sycamore Creek Elementary PTO” to stay up to date on what we are up to.
Get ready to ignite the future! Our Apex Fundraiser kicks off on September 9, and this year's theme is "Apex Future"! Not only are we raising funds for our school, but our students will also be diving into leadership habits essential for becoming Future Leaders! Stay tuned for updates on how you can support our cause and empower the next generation of leaders!
Information About Latchkey
Event Flyers
Calendar of upcoming dates
Sept 9th - 19th - APEX
Sept. 15th - Dot Day
Sept 16th - 20th - Start with Hello Week
Sept. 17th - Picture Day
Sept 28th - Welcome Back Party