York Middle School May Newsletter
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
Greetings YMS Parent(s):
It is hard to believe we have only a few short weeks left of this school year. The students and teachers have been working extremely hard to make this 4th quarter our BEST QUARTER! We are finishing our NSCAS (used to be called NeSA) assessments and we are confident students are giving their very best effort and that is all we ask at YMS.
Some great things will be happening at YMS in May to close out an excellent year.
--May 2nd is our YMS talent show at 7:00 pm. Please come and see some very talented students.
-May 3rd in the morning will be our Main Thing Day. Students will learn about many different day-to-day topics that should be the “Main Thing” students learn but often don’t. Topics could include- how to make change, knot tying, general first aid, how to change a tire, how to write a check, how to tie a tie, how to fill out a job application, yoga, how to write a thank you note, budgeting, and more.
-On May 3rd in the afternoon over 30 careers will be shared with our students as they take part in the YMS Career Fair. We have electricians, meteorologists, engineers, plumbers, website designers, doctors, lawyers, agriculture, and teachers just to name a few.
-May 16th is our annual Almost Anything Goes Day (AAGD).
-On May 17th at 11 am we will have our 8th Grade Recognition in the YMS Gym.
I am very excited to watch our talented students perform and learn at these excellent events. Hopefully, you can come out and see for yourself just how talented our students are.
In my opinion, we have the ‘Best Middle School in Nebraska’. This is a place where the adults work hard for kids and kids work hard to learn. This school promotes individual growth and celebrates the “quirkiness” of students as they grow physically, emotionally, socially, and academically.
Thank you, parents, for trusting YMS with your child’s education. Best of luck to our 8th-grade students as they transition to YHS and WELCOME our new YMS 5th-grade students from YES.
We had a fantastic year and we are going to have an even better next year!
Kenny Loosvelt
Report Cards
At the end of the year we will be mailing out Report Cards they will have all 4 quarters on them. You can still access grades on the parent portal on Infinite Campus. Please direct any specific grading questions to the classroom teacher. You can access the Infinite Campus parent portal using the directions below:
·Visit https://necloud1.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/york.jsp
· Log in with the proper username/password (contact YMS to reset password if needed)
· You may be asked to verify your device as trustworthy for security purposes.
· Select your student.
· Click the three horizontal lines on the upper left hand corner.
· You will be able to access Grades, Schedules, Attendance Records, Fees, and Documents. (Quarters 1-4 can be found under Documents)
Our Schedule for May
May 2- YMS Talent Show @YHS Theatre- 7PM
May 3- YMS Career Day
May 7- YMS Band Spring Concert @YHS Theatre- 6PM
May 11- 7/8 COED State Track @Gothenburg- 9AM
May 16- annual Almost Anything Goes Day (AAGD)
May 17- 8th Grade Recognition @YMS Gym- 11AM
🎉LAST DAY OF SCHOOL MAY 17- Noon Dismissal
End Of The Year Reminders
Overdue Library Books and All Fees Due- May 10
Chromebook Check In- May 14 & 15
Parents please have your son/daughter check on their lunch balance and school fees. Any positive lunch balances will carry over to the new year. Help us make sure all overdue library books are turned in and late fees are paid. Some fines can be costly, please see to it, that all Chromebooks are returned.
🎶Music Notes🎵
Auditions for the 2024-2025 York High School Dukes & Duchesses and Chamber Singers are coming up. You don't want to miss out on the opportunity.
Who: Attention all 8th graders! Any student who will attend YHS during the 24-25 school year and is interested in being in the varsity choir (Chamber singers) and show choir (Dukes & Duchesses).
Where: Auditions will take place in the YHS choir room. Auditions only take 5 minutes! Look for a sign-up sheet and choose the time that works best for you.
How: Come ready to sing Amazing Grace or My Country Tis of Thee, as well as a song of your choice (verse and chorus) that showcases your voice and range. You will sing this a cappella.
When: Tuesday, May 14 and Wednesday, May 15, after school. Sign-up sheets will be available at each school. You will only need to come for your time.
What to expect: You will fill out an audition form just before your audition. You will bring the form into your audition, and sing your songs for Mrs. Fraser. She will ask you some questions and then you'll be done! The list of who has made each group will be posted at the end of the school day on Thursday, May 16.
What is Dukes & Duchesses: D & D is a competitive show choir that does choreography, sings all kinds of music including popular, a cappella, and much more!
What is Chamber Singers: This group is an auditioned vocal choir at the high school. This group sings many types of challenging and fun choral music in many styles and genres.
Middle School Talent Show!
The middle school talent show is Thursday, May 2 at 7pm in the YHS theater
All choir students will be singing at this event, as well as a number of students doing small acts. Our Emcees have been working hard to create an enjoyable performance for everyone. You won't want to miss it!
The month of May is our last push to prepare for our final concert and start prepping for next year! Our final concert will be Tuesday, May 7th at the High School Theater at 6:00 PM. The High School Band will follow at 7:00 PM. Stay up to date on YMS Band News by joining the York Band Boosters on Facebook. Search "York Band Boosters" on Facebook.
📋A Note from the Nurse.....
Summer break is almost here! As this school year ends, there are a few details to keep in mind regarding the coming year, and a to-do list that you can work on:
Students entering 7th grade are required by the State of Nebraska to meet specific immunization requirements and to have a physical completed by a physician, a physician assistant or an advanced practice registered nurse within 6 months prior to the first day of school. Please refer to the immunization information included in this newsletter and on the school website. It is recommended that you schedule the physical appointment and begin the process of updating immunizations within the next few weeks as they are required for 7th grade students to begin the school year.
Students that are going to participate in YMS athletic programs will need to have a record of a sports physical completed after May 1st, 2024 and prior to the start of practice for the sport. In addition to this, other required information includes: NSAA consent form, medical clearance form, and a health history form. The YMS office has packets available for pick up with the forms listed.
Students transferring to YMS from another state are required by the State of Nebraska to have a physical and an eye exam completed within 6 months of entry, or a signed waiver. These students also need to meet the immunization requirements for the grade they are entering. Please refer to the immunization information included in this newsletter and on the school website.
If your child has asthma, severe allergies, diabetes, seizures or other health concerns, please provide current information and action plans to the school health office by the first week of August for review. Forms and action plans regarding the above concerns are available through the health office and some of the forms can be found on the school website. Medical information needs to be updated at the beginning of each school year.
If your student has been diagnosed with asthma or a severe allergy and is going to carry an inhaler or EpiPen, a completed action plan is still needed and must include a physician signature on the asthma/allergy action plan stating that the student may carry and self administer.
If your student has a prescribed EpiPen, an EpiPen is to be provided by you for the student to be kept at school or to carry with them at all times.
**No noon/afternoon medication will be administered on the last day of school**
**If your student has a prescription medication or an over the counter medication remaining in the school health office, please plan to come to the school office to pick the medication up prior to May 28, 2024. Medication needs to be picked up by an adult. Any remaining medication will be disposed of after that date.**
💉Required Immunizations for 7th -12th grade:
- 3 doses of DTaP, DTP, DT, or TD vaccine, one given on or after the 4th birthday
- 3 doses of Polio vaccine
- 3 doses of pediatric Hepatitis B vaccine, or 2 doses of adolescent vaccine if student is 11-15 years of age
- 2 doses of MMR or MMRV vaccine, given on or after 12 months of age, separated by at least one month
- 2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or MMRV given on or after 12 months of age. If your child has had varicella (chickenpox), they do not need any varicella vaccines. Written documentation must be provided (including month and year) of varicella disease from the parent/guardian or health care provider.
- 1 dose of Tdap, received prior to time of entry into 7th grade
For more information on Nebraska immunization regulations.
Email: kenny.loosvelt@yorkdukes.org
Website: www.yorkpublic.org
Location: 1730 N Delaware Ave York, NE 68467
Phone: (402)362-6655 option 1