The Bobcat Brief
October 18, 2024
Upcoming Events
Friday, October 18: Report Cards Go Home
Monday, October 21: National School Bus Safety Week Begins & Boosterthon Kick-off (Students Only)
Tuesday- Wednesday, October 22-23: (2nd grade only) IOWA Assessment
Wednesday, October 23: Math Benchmark Testing (3rd-5th)
Thursday, October 24: Read and Treat, 5:30-6:30pm
Friday, October 25: College Colors Day + Leadership Job Applications Due
Monday, October 28 - Friday, November 1: Red Ribbon Week/Drug-Free America Week
- Monday, October 28: Wear Red to Kick-off Red Ribbon Week
- Tuesday, October 29: Making Smart Choices From Head to Toe, Hats and Socks Day
- Wednesday, October 30: Making Positive Choices is Jean-ius, Jeans Day
- Thursday, October 31: Boosterthon, Class Spirt Shirt/Class Choice (comfortable running clothes)
- Friday, November 1: Team Up Against Negative Choices, Support Your Favorite Sports Team
Thursday, October 31: Boosterthon Events, Families Welcome
- 8am-9am: PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade
- 9:15am-10:15am: 2nd and 3rd Grade
- 10:30am-11:30am: 4th and 5th Grade
Annual Read and Treat
Our annual Read and Treat will take place on Thursday, October 24, from 5:30-6:30. This event is free to our families. Our Premier Sponsor this year is Beaufort Massage & Bodywork. Siblings are welcome to attend. We ask that scary costumes are not worn as this may scare our younger students. See if you can spot any costumes of book characters.
Attendance Concerns
Tardy: We are seeing an increasing number of students that are tardy to school. We ask that those families that are chronically late, please consider utilizing bus transportation to allow students to be in class and ready to learn by 7:45 a.m. Students that are dropped off in the car rider line and do not make it to class before the end of announcements are required to go to the office for a tardy pass.
Absences: Students that have 3 or more consecutive unexcused absences are considered truant by state law and will receive a truancy referral. Students that have a total of 5 nonconsecutive unexcused absences are also considered truant by state law and will receive a truancy referral.
Chronically Absent by state law refers to the total number of absences, regardless of whether they are excused or unexcused. Students that have missed a total of 5 days this year are already considered chronically absent by the state.
We have an overwhelming number of students that fall into the chronic absenteeism category already. Mr. Holmes, our the school social worker, and administration will be reaching out to families that have students chronically absent next week to schedule meetings to address attendance concerns. Our goal is to provide assistance to families that may be in need of our help.
As a school, we do not want to promote perfect attendance as we firmly believe that children should stay home when they are sick. However, we want to incentivize families/students to come to school when they are not ill and arrive on time daily. This sets students on a path of success. Therefore, we have put two incentives in place to promote students being in school.
1. Each classroom that has 100% of students on time each month will receive a small reward. (Students with excused tardies for doctor's appointments (medical note required) will not count against this percentage.)
2. Each classroom that has 100% of students with no unexcused absences will also receive a reward.
For more information on attendance guidelines and how to submit excuses via email, please review the attached presentation in Bright Arrow.
Student Leadership Jobs
The due date for applications for the Coosa leadership jobs has been extended to Friday, October 25th. Please encourage your student(s) to apply for a leadership job and turn the form in to their teacher or Mr. Cruikshank by Friday of next week.
Unity Day
This week we celebrated Unity Day, the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. On Wednesday, we encouraged our students to wear orange as a symbol of kindness. Also, during morning meetings this week, students participated in creating a kindness mural to be displayed in the hallway. This month, classroom guidance lessons with Mrs. Bossak will focus on bullying, ways to report it, trusted adults, and problem-solving strategies. Check out these students from Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Barnwell's kindergarten class adding to our hallway mural.
Happening in the Hallways
We love to see the beautiful artwork and school work that our teachers display throughout our hallways. Take a look at some of the festive artwork found this week. These pieces were either created in Art class with Mrs. Halopoff or in the individual classrooms.
Mrs. Whitaker's Kindergarten Class
Ms. Thoms' 2nd Grade Class
Mrs. Turner's 4th Grade Class
Lighthouse Academic Honor Roll Recognition & South Carolina Report Card for Coosa
- On Tuesday, Coosa received the Lighthouse Academic Honor Roll recognition. This is the 5th consecutive year we have received this honor for academic excellence.
- Additionally, the South Carolina report card was released on Tuesday. Coosa, once again, received the rating of EXCELLENT. To find additional information about our report card, please visit this website: https://screportcards.com/overview/?q=eT0yMDI0JnQ9RSZzaWQ9MDcwMTAyNQ
Benchmark Testing (3rd-5th Grades)
Beaufort County School District has created Benchmark Assessments that students will take 3x a year. The assessment data will be utilized to guide classroom instruction. No official results will go home with students.
We are EXCITED that our LARGEST fundraiser of the year starts Monday, but donations can be collected now. Boosterthon is an AWESOME fundraiser that not only supports our school but focuses on character development for our students. An ADDED bonus this year---We receive 100% of ALL payments by check, cash, or through our online OSP system. Please consider donating through these avenues as it will yield a larger profit for Coosa. Families are more than welcome to donate through the Boosterthon link as well.
Typically, students run approximately 35+ laps at the event. We have created two links if you, a friend, or family member would like to make flat donations in the amounts of $35 or $70. Be sure to notate the student's name in the description section, if using the OSP links below. If it asks for a student ID, put a phone number in this section.
The Coosa Bobcat Splash n Dash and Color Run fundraiser (aka Boosterthon) begins MONDAY! Weβre looking forward to having fun and building community together to reach our fundraising goals.
Get an overview of our fundraiser by clicking HERE!
Here is the Key Information to help you during the fundraiser:
π΅Fundraising Goal: $36,000
πFundraising Item: Providing opportunities that extend student experiences to include onsite field trips, artists in residence, and author visits. We will also utilize a portion of funds to support our Project Based learning/STEM programs and student/teacher incentives.
πKickoff Date: 10/21/2024
πEvent Date: 10/31/2024
One way to donate is through MyBooster.com
How to Get Started on MyBooster.com:
- Click βSign Upβ
- Enter your School Name
- Enter your Information
- VERY IMPORTANT! Once you sign up, get started by sharing via Facebook, email and text!
Tips for Success:
- Set a goal for how much to raise and make a plan with your student on how to get there.
- Share, share, share using our easy online tools!
- Make sure to thank everyone that supported you after you reach your goal.
Thank you for helping make our fundraiser a success!
Coosa's Annual Career Fair - We Need Volunteers!
Coosa Career Event will take place this year on Friday, November 15th, 2024, from 8:00-10:00am.
- Please consider participating in our highly anticipated annual event! Each year, our amazing community and family members gather for a few hours to share information about their diverse variety of careers with our students. Through this interactive experience, our students have shared newly sparked interests and a window into future possibilities they had not considered previously!
- Each volunteer is provided table space to display any hands-on items/materials/photos, etc., pertaining to their careers.
- All grade levels will participate in the event.
- If interested or have any questions, please contact Nicole Bossak at Nicole.bossak@beaufort.k12.sc.us or 843-322-6123.
Gifted and Talented Screening for Grades 3-5
Do you feel you have a student who would qualify as Gifted and Talented in Arts? BCSD students who are identified as Gifted and Talented in Arts will have many opportunities provided to them, including both school and districtwide activities. This identification will follow the student through Middle and High School.
- Screenings are open to all students grades 3-5 who are interested and are referred by an adult. The form can be completed from September 23βNovember 25. Screenings will take place on a date to be decided between January 21 β February 13.
- If you are interested and would like the Related Arts teachers to fill out the form, please reach out to the appropriate teacher. Parents/guardians may also fill out the form on behalf of their child.
- Please contact Mrs. Smith (Music) or Mrs. Halopoff (Art) at Rachel.Smith@beaufort.k12.sc.us and Meredith.Halopoff@beaufort.k12.sc.us with any questions you may have about this process.
- Gift and Talented Screening Referral Form β https://form.jotform.com/242283246216150
- GT Audition Materials - https://tinyurl.com/GTAuditionMaterials
Passport Project Cultural Day
Be sure to check out the video below of our first Passport Project Cultural Day!
Coosa's Business Partners - Thank You!
If you are interested in partnering with Coosa, you can find more information on our website: https://ces.beaufortschools.net/about-us/business-partners
Bobcat Champion
- Randall and Marci Mann
- Harris Pillow Supply
Bobcat Gold
Bobcat Silver
Bobcat Bronze
- The Lane Family
- Erica Sanchez/Jolly Family
- Sea Island Animal Hospital
Bobcat Parent/Family Supporter/Advocate
- The Beulah-Fields Family
- The Muth Family
- The Vaughan Family