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Wilder E-News November #54
![Wilder E-News November #54](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/2876/thumb-3e737810cb8b8fc7dd3b35a78cd094e5.jpeg)
Wilder E-News #54 November 27, 2024
From the Principal's Pen
Time to Give Thanks and Plan
The true blessings of Thanksgiving are the people we love and the time we share together. Last Friday was a perfect example of this as we opened the doors for our annual Thanksgiving meal. I was absolutely moved by the number of visitors who took time out of their busy schedules to celebrate with our Wildcats. By the smiles on everyone’s faces and the laughter heard throughout the cafe, a good time was clearly had by all.
On Friday, several visitors asked about the updates they have seen around the building. We have been collaborating with JCPS’s Material Productions Department to update signage and decor for our building, including the new wrap of our cafeteria windows. Thanks to the shared efforts of our PTA, families will soon be greeted by a new electronic sign in the front of the school. This will allow us another opportunity to communicate with our families and provide up to date information. In addition, it adds to the ascetics of our beautiful campus.
Earlier this month, we honored our Wilder Top Cats. These are our Wildcats who scored proficient or distinguished on the Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) that was administered at the conclusion of last school year. The results of this assessment guide us in developing goals for the 2025 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). For the last three years, we have seen strong gains in both reading and math on the KSA. These successes didn't happen by chance. Our staff put intentional plans in place and remained dedicated to the implementation of their goals as outlined in last year’s CSIP. Using the results of the KSA, our staff will begin to update our plan to create both long-term and short-term goals that seek to address improvement in reading, math, writing, and our school culture. Over the next month, the staff will be working to develop strategies and activities to reach these new goals. I will be sharing our final CSIP plan with you in a future e-News.
If you have any questions or are interested in providing feedback on our CSIP, please let me know by emailing me at Bill.Perkins@jefferson.kyschools.us. Thanks again and I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Bill Perkins, Principal
Standards-Based Grading and Viewing Your Child's Grades in Parent Portal
Understanding Standards-Based Grading
Over the last year and a half, Wilder has slowly begun to shift from traditional grading methods to a system called Standards-Based Grading (SBG). This approach is designed to provide clearer, more meaningful feedback on student progress. Here’s what you need to know about standards-based grading and why it’s becoming our new way to assess learning.
What Is Standards-Based Grading?
Standards-Based Grading focuses on measuring students' proficiency in specific skills or concepts outlined in educational standards. Instead of receiving a single overall grade for a subject, students are assessed on their progress toward mastering individual standards, such as "solving multi-step equations" in math or "analyzing themes in literature" in English.
For now, grades will be recorded in Infinite Campus on the scale below and then translated into your traditional report card format. We anticipate the report card changing soon to reflect the District’s rollover to SBG.
4 (Exceeds the Standard): The student demonstrates advanced understanding and application.
3 (Meets the Standard): The student has mastered the standard.
2 (Approaching the Standard): The student is making progress but hasn’t fully met the standard yet.
1 (Beginning): The student needs significant support to meet the standard.
Why the Change?
Traditional grading systems often combine multiple factors—such as test scores, homework completion, participation, and effort—into a single grade. This can make it difficult to pinpoint what a student knows and where they need support. For example, a student might earn an A in math, but it might not be clear whether they excel at problem-solving or if they simply complete all assignments on time.
Standards-Based Grading provides more specific feedback, allowing teachers, students, and families to understand strengths and areas for improvement. It emphasizes learning and growth over the accumulation of points.
Key Benefits of Standards-Based Grading
Clarity in Learning Goals: Parents and students can see exactly what skills and knowledge are being evaluated.
Focus on Mastery: Students are encouraged to focus on mastering skills rather than just earning grades.
Equity: Grades reflect learning rather than external factors like access to resources for extra credit projects.
Support for Growth: Students receive ongoing feedback and opportunities to improve without being penalized for initial struggles.
What Does This Mean for Students?
Students are evaluated based on their progress throughout the learning process. If a student initially struggles with a concept but later demonstrates mastery, their grade will reflect their current understanding rather than their earlier challenges. This approach helps students view mistakes as part of learning and encourages perseverance.
How Can Parents and Guardians Support Their Children?
Understand the Standards: Familiarize yourself with the learning standards for your child’s grade level. Teachers and schools often provide resources or guides.
Focus on Feedback: Pay attention to teacher comments and the specific standards your child is working on. This information is more actionable than a single letter grade.
Encourage a Growth Mindset: Remind your child that it’s okay to make mistakes as long as they continue to work toward improvement.
Stay Engaged: Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher to understand your child’s progress and any additional support they may need. Learn to access your child’s Parent Portal by clicking here to track their progress toward mastery.
Final Thoughts
Standards-Based Grading represents a shift in how we measure student success. By focusing on learning and growth, it empowers students to take ownership of their education and helps you better support your child’s academic journey. This will be a slow deliberate process and you will start to see changes in how we communicate progress and achievement. If you have questions about how SBG is being implemented at Wilder, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or school administrators. Together, we can ensure every student has the tools they need to succeed.
Multilingual Learner News by Rachel Segretto
Upon returning from Winter Break in January 2025, all students who are Multilingual Learners in the state of Kentucky who qualify for the English Language Development (ELD, formerly ESL) Program will take the annual ACCESS test. This is an assessment that gives students an opportunity to show their proficiency in Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing in English. Students in grades 1-5 will take the test on their Chromebooks, and it will administered over several days. Kindergarteners will take the test one-on-one with Ms. Segretto. You can find more information in several languages here: More information in many languages. Students do not need to study for the test, but they can click here to practice: ACCESS Test Practice
The WIDA ACCESS score range is 1-6. Their performance on this test will determine their eligibility for English Language Development services next year. Most students move up one point each year. Once a student achieves a composite score of 4.5 or higher, the student will exit ML status and be exited from the ELD (formerly ESL) program. The results of the test will not be available until late May. The results will be mailed to your home.
If you have any questions regarding ACCESS, please feel free to contact Ms. Bosco (Cabrina.bosco@jefferson.kyschools.us ) or Ms. Segretto (rachel.segretto3@jefferson.kyschools.us)or through the Talking Points app.
NTI for Short-Term Inclement Weather
It's that time of year again! As we move into the winter months, we want to make sure we are prepared for a NTI (Nontraditional Instruction) day due to inclement weather. Please see Wilder's NTI Plan for more information about expectations. In the event this occurs, devices and chargers will be sent home with your children. If your child has a device at school you, the parent/guardian, have signed the JCPS Everyone:1 Device Usage Agreement stating that you will store our Wilder Chromebooks and chargers in a safe place and use them properly - please continue to adhere to this commitment. If you have your own device at home and do NOT wish your child's Chromebook/charger to come home in the event of NTI, simply let your child's teacher know, in writing, and we will keep the device at school. We had a great deal of chargers lost last winter - please help us to take care of our chargers and return them intact. Thank you!
Family Resource Center by Katie Wilkinson
This is a friendly reminder from our Family Resource Center that we're here to support you throughout the school year. Whether you need assistance with resources or any other help, we're just a call or email away. As we reach the midpoint of the year, we want to check in and remind you that the FRC is always happy to assist you in any way we can.
Please don't hesitate to ask!
Special thanks to VOLTA and Lyndon Christian Church for the Thanksgiving baskets. We are very grateful for our community partners and their support of our school!
Music News From Mrs. Wooten
Kindergarten and First Grade families - Save the Date!
Our K/1 Musical will be Tuesday, February 11, 2025. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will be in our gym.
More information will be sent home in your child's folder next month.
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades are doing a unit on Bar Basics. They are learning how to play the xylophones, metallophones and glockenspiels correctly using simple nursery rhyme songs.
3rd, 4th and 5th Grade families: Recorders have returned! 3rd/4th students should still have recorders from last year. 3rd grade recorders will be going home before Winter Break! Do you still know how to play "Hot Cross Buns?"
From the STEM Lab by Mrs. Arnspiger
Our STEM lab has become quite the collaboration station! I am so proud of our students for working together to solve problems this fall. The technologies created in October were quite impressive. We will continue to work through the engineering design process to solve problems together. Please ask your child about his/her challenge requirements, constraints, and materials available for use. See what we’re up to this month:
This round in STEM:
K - Turkey Trouble: Design & Create a Hideout for Turkey
1st - Bear Snores On: Design & Create a Hibernation Station
2nd - The Scarecrow: Design & Create a Scarecrow
3rd - How to Catch a Turkey: Design & Create a Maze
4th - Balloons Over Broadway: Design & Create a Parade Float
(4th will then add a Sphero robot to their floats and program them to move down the parade route.)
5th - How to Catch a Turkey: Design & Create a Maze
(This group did not get to participate in this one in 3rd year!)
Occasionally, you may see a letter come home asking for supply/recycled item donations. Thank you to those who have donated items to the STEM lab this year - YOU ARE AMAZING! We appreciate your support. 🙂
Art News from Mrs. Knabel
I wanted to thank everyone who supported our student artists by participating in the Art To Remember fundraiser. We reached our fundraising goal and will be using the profits to support our school wide clay units in the spring.
If you missed our original order deadline, you can still place a late order for our fundraiser @ https://arttoremember.com/
All orders that were placed prior to 11/13 and chose to ship to school, orders will arrive and be sent home with students December 9th-13th.
Mrs. Cannon, Wilder's Mental Health Practitioner
I hope everyone is having a great school year. I know this can be a busy time as we hustle and bustle into the approaching holiday season. As we approach Thanksgiving and Winter Break, we know these holidays can bring excitement, joy, and a break from routine. However, it’s also important to recognize that this time of year can come with some unique challenges for some children. Big gatherings, changes in routine, or the hustle and bustle of the season can sometimes feel overwhelming. If your child seems stressed, anxious, or just a bit out of sorts, know that you are not alone and there are many ways to support them:
Check-in- ask how they are doing, how they are feeling about the upcoming events, and just let them know that you are always there to listen to them and be a support for them. When a child knows they can speak with you, that can be a huge comfort for them.
Keep some routine: familiar mealtimes, consistent bedtimes or quiet moments, maybe create a schedule of daily activities with your child- just something to give some normalcy to their day because holidays can be times of unpredictability.
Create a break space: If the gatherings become too much, offer your child a quiet spot where they can rest and recharge.
Offer choices: Allow your child to have some say in activities or meals, even small decisions. This can help them feel empowered, a part of the decision making process, and help them learn how to plan, and it can help them feel more comfortable.
Model self-care: Show them that even adults get stressed, but use this as an opportunity to help them learn healthy ways to deal with stress. Teach them skills such as: deep breathing, taking a walk, doing yoga or some form of exercise, take a movement break, play a game together, or watch a movie together. Show them that it’s okay to take a break, if possible, from the things that can be overwhelming.
Manage expectations: Remind your child (and yourself) that it’s okay if everything does not go as planned or perfect. Being together is what is most important.
I hope these suggestions bring a bit of calm and comfort to your holiday season, as well as help you know I am always here and ready to be of help and support to your family. Here’s to making meaningful memories, one moment at a time. If you need anything, please reach out to me by email at deeann.cannon@jefferson.kyschools.us or by phone at 502-576-7492. Wishing you a warm and supportive season!
News from Mrs. Mateja in the Library
Want to give your kids gifts that give back to Wilder? Try the new Literati school store. Students are coming home with a "Winter Gift Wonderland" catalog on Monday, November 25 or click here to shop. This is something new we are trying and if successful, we will send the Literati catalogs home throughout the school year. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
News from Mrs. Meyer in the Gym
The Kids' Heart Challenge will officially begin on January 17th, but students can start early by registering online. Mrs. Meyer is so excited about the new DUCKS that will be the thank you gifts this year! Sign up early and encourage your students to ask family to sponsor them. Click here for more information about the event.
Mark Your Calendar
Make sure you check out the NEW Wilder webpage for upcoming events.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Veterans Day
We had the most fun celebrating Veterans Day. Thank you all for sending in your family and friends who are serving or have served. The veterans had nothing but kind things to say about our Wilder community and asked that we invite them back next year. We positive feedback from the school's staff and students, too. We are grateful to our community partners, Heine Brothers Coffee who donated coffee we offered when our guests arrived, and River House Restaurant and Raw Bar for their generous donation of a three-course lunch for our guests.
Winter Parties
It's almost time for the next round of class parties! They are scheduled for Friday, December 20th and will begin after lunch. Please watch for information from your students' teachers and room parents with exact times, items needed for the parties, and opportunities to volunteer as a helper. Please note if you plan to attend: send your name, name of the teacher, and the time for your party to Mrs. Frederick at charlotte.frederick@jefferson.kyschools.us by Tuesday, December 17; and please be mindful where you park so you are not blocking the carpool line or bus circle.
Wilder Staff Favorites
Speaking of the holidays...if you'd like gift ideas for our awesome Wilder staff members, please check out the Wilder Staff's Favorites List. When you scroll to the second page, you can select a grade or department to see the names of each staff member. You'll learn their favorite foods and treats, restaurants, scents, stores, and loads of other favorites--removing all guess work, and maybe inspiring new ideas!
Board Meeting Locations
When we started the school year, we considered and implemented a number of ideas with the goal of driving up meeting attendance. One of those was rotating the location of the meetings between Wilder's library and the public library in Lyndon. Because we have seen evidence of better attendance at our school library, all future PTA board meetings for the remainder of the school year will be held at school. Please make that note on your family calendars we sent out in August.
Join the Fun!
Please join the PTA by following this link. It's $5 for membership (annual renewal needed) which stays with the PTA and contributes to the many free, family-fun events we plan throughout the school year. These funds also support our students, faculty and staff in the classrooms and all around our gorgeous campus. In addition, you'll get the newsletters with detailed information about upcoming events and the opportunity to volunteer- -the gift of more time with your Wildcat.
SBDM Council Members: Jess Metzmeier (parent), Anne Frye (parent), Bill Perkins (principal), Zerina Kicic (teacher), Melissa Thompson (teacher), and Tina McCorkle (teacher)
Our Council met on Wednesday, November 13th and discussed the following agenda items:
- Budget needs assessment and current budget
- CSIP Phase III - Goal Setting
- 2nd reading of policies for Make-Up work and Homework
- Review of Classroom Assessment policy
Our next meeting will be December 11th at 2:30 pm. in the conference room.