Spartan News
November 2024

Lagos Elementary School December 2024
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Closing out 2024
Spartan families,
I can hardly believe that December is here. This semester your children have grown in many ways and they are not the same little ones you dropped off in August. What a journey!
This month we will all be busy with lots of activities and family events. Please take a look at the campus calendar below to keep up with what is happening at school.
Here is a gentle reminder that if you need to change the way your child goes home, please call the office by 2:00 so we can notify the teacher. All changes must go through the office. Remember that teachers have their conference periods only one time a day. This makes checking email and text messages challenging because they are directly supervising students. Deviations from our campus system may result in miscommunication and the teacher/child not getting the correct message. Help us keep communication clear and correct. Call before 2:00.
Please note that we have early out at 11:30 on Friday, December 20. Please be on time to pick up your children. It is a long winter break so make sure you look at the calendar! Students return to school on Jan 8th.
Wishing everyone a December full of family, friends and great memories,
Ms. Parker
I am blessed to hear so many nice things about our campus and our staff. But, the teachers and staff need to hear it too! Here is your opportunity to tell them how amazing you think they are!
Take a moment to fill out this form and tell us who you want to thank or give a shout out. We will take your comments and turn them into a nice certificate to post on the teacher's door! What a nice surprise for a teacher!
Thank you for taking time to make someone feel special.
Thank you so much for joining us for Thanksgiving lunch! It was an amazing day and the students were so happy to see so many friendly family faces. It was also impressive to see how our families worked together to share seating spaces so everyone could have a seat. What a positive and fun day!
Appreciative of your suppport,
Ms Parker
Need Volunteers!
Please consider supporting our students and staff! Connect with Ms Steele, our parent liaison, to hear about how you can volunteer on campus!
Opportunities to help:
- be a crossing guard at arrival and dismissal
- unload cars and greet students in the morning
- with supervision in the cafeteria
- with game time on the stage in the cafeteria
- tutor students in basic math, reading and learning letters /sounds
- teachers during science lab times
- in the office to greet and check in parents on awards days
- in our library
Monthly Fire Drill
Dear Manor ISD Caregiver,
The week of Dec 9-13, your child’s campus will participate in a safety drill. In the event of an actual emergency situation, caregivers will be notified. Please ensure that your contact information is updated in Skyward Family Access.
Manor ISD participates in the following drills throughout the year as part of our ongoing student safety initiatives.
Fire drill/evacuation
If you have any questions, contact the Manor ISD Police Department via phone at 512-278-4398 or email at
This month we will practice a fire drill and a secure event.
Front doors open at 7:00
Please remember that the front doors do not open until 7:00. Unfortunately, we do not have enough staff members to open the front doors any earlier. This means that no one is watching children left outside by themselves and as the temperature drop into the 30s and 40s, this may be uncomfortable.
Remember that almost everyone has access to our school buses so students can stay warm and be supervised until they come in to eat breakfast.
If you are interested in volunteering to supervise and be responsible for children who are left unattended before 7:00, please contact the front office so we can show you where to apply to be a volunteer. We happily welcome your support!
Dear Families,
We are excited to have you join us for our upcoming workshops and explore a variety of topics! Please remember to bring your ID for check-in at the front office to receive your visitor pass.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!
- The Whole Child, Family Engagement Department
Queridas familias,
¡Estamos emocionados de que se unan a nosotros en nuestros próximos talleres y exploren una variedad de temas! Recuerde traer su identificación para registrarse en la oficina principal y recibir su pase de visitante.
¡Gracias y esperamos verlos!
- The Whole Child, Family Engagement Department
Spartan Events
- Dec 4: PTA Elections, 5:15 - 6:00
- Dec 6:
- Saul Paul Assemblies (Kinder - 5th) after lunch
- Dress with Holiday Hats and Headbands
- Wear the color of your grade level
- Dec 9: Coffee with the Principal, 3:15
- Dec 12: Winter Concert & Academic Night! 5:30 - 7:00
- Dec 13: Dress like a Grinch or with Grinch things
- Dec 16-19: Math and ELA 9-week assessments / 3-5th grades
- Deb 18: 5th grade Field Trip
- Dec 19: Winter Party Day, 2:00 - 2:50 Food, Fun, Parties
- Dec 20:
- Early out at 11:30, Please pick up on time :)
- Dress in PJs / Polar Express Day
- Dec 23 - Jan 3: Winter Break
- Jan 6: Staff PD day
- Jan 7: Teacher planning day
- Jan 8: Students return
Coffee with the Principal
Just a friendly reminder...
Come join us for the next Coffee with the Principal on
Monday, December 9 at 3:15.
Topics will include an update on PTA and a glance at the activities of the upcoming semester.
A Spanish translator will be in attendance.
Stay Connected to the great things happening at Lagos!
Call the office & leave a message, 512-278-4360
Use your Talking Points App
Location: 11817 Murchison Street Manor, TX 78653
Phone: (512) 278-4360
Lagos Calendar
MISD Calendar