THE's Weekly eBlast
April 23, 2017
Principal Message
We are so incredibly proud of our 5th graders and their teachers. We got great news this week regarding the first administration of 5th Grade Reading and Math Assessments. We scored 91% in Reading and 97% in Math. Congratulations Tigers!
We are also so proud of our Multicultural Day Student Speakers and our NEISD Special Olympic Students. They all did amazing job showcasing their talents this week. Way to go boys and girls!
This week, we will be collecting March of Dimes donations for the 4 day week. Mrs. Sensat, Counselor, came up with a creative way to encourage us to donate our loose change for a wonderful cause. Who will be dressing like a baby?
See below for the details:
There will be decorated jars in the front office every morning with baby pictures of Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Campos and Mrs. Staples. Put your loose change or any amount of money you want in the jar of your choice. The baby with the most money raised will dress like a baby for the Fiesta parade on Thursday, April 27th.
As we begin to wrap of the last 6 weeks of school, please take time to check out your child's library and cafeteria accounts to clear any balances.
Thank you for your support and We hope that you had a wonderful weekend.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Library Corner
Upcoming Events
April 24-April 27 - Who will have to dress like a baby? Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Campos, or Mrs. Staples- March of Dimes Donations
April 25th- Volunteer Appreciation Brunch 9-10
April 27th- 1st Grade Fiesta Float Parade, 2nd Grade Fairy Tale Bowl 8am-9am
April 28th- Battle of the Flowers Holiday
May 12th- 4th Grade Battle of the Books, Qualifying ROund for District Battle
May 18th- 5th Grade Battle of the Books, 8am-9am
May 22nd- 4th Grade DISTRICT Battle of the Books, Redland Elementary, 5pm-8pm
May 26th- 3rd Grade Battle of the Books, 8am-9am
Mexican Culture by Sabrina Garcia-Saenz
France Culture by Max Crites
Chihuahua Culture by Pragathi Sankar and Ana Sofia Flores
Indian Culture by Ishanvi Shukla
Powton Culture by Hannah Underwood
Ethiopian Culture by Leul Benyam and Mackenzie Holliday
3rd Grade Pencilmania was a success!
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Harris have made it possible for Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Campos to take on Dr. Gottardy! We hope you will come out to see us play!
PTA News
Save the date – Tuesday, May 2nd – 6:30 pm - Our next PTA general meeting including THE 1st Grade Performance!
2017 THE Teacher Appreciation Week May 1st-5th
The Tuscany Heights Elementary PTA is asking all of our students and families to help us show our AWESOME teachers and staff how much we appreciate them during the week of May 1st! Visit the T.H.E. PTA website at for some fun ways that our students, no matter what grade, can participate in this fun week for our amazing teachers! Backpack flyers will be coming home soon. Also, be sure to check out the faculty “favorites” pages available at
School Supplies for 2017-18: Save Time & Money by ordering your child's 2017-2018 school supplies through EPI. You can start ordering now through July 10, 2017. Supplies will be delivered to your child's classroom at our Meet the Teacher Nights in August.
Click on the link below and when prompted enter the code below for our school.
enter the TUS005
Want to get involved? With the election of our new PTA officers, we are filling PTA board chair positions for 2017-18. If you would like more information or have any questions about any of the volunteer opportunities, please don’t hesitate to ask. Alana Harris, our incoming president, or I would be happy to visit with you.
Mandy Howland, PTA President
Warmer weather = Overflowing Lost and Found
Parents, as the weather warms up we find lots of sweaters and jackets around the school with no name on them – they end up in lost and found and it is OVERflowing! Help us out by checking closets and then sending your students on a mission to find what is lost and bring it home! ALL items will be donated to the NEISD Clothes Closet at the end of the semester.
5th grade students – 5th grade spirit is popping up all over campus. Don’t forget to show off your 5th grade spirit shirt on WILD Wednesday!
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website
Run for the Heights Website
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link