Tonasket School District
Weekly Update ~ 9/13/2019
"Focused on Learning and Linking Learning to Life"
Be Positive, Be Grateful, Be Involved
Show Up and Do the Work
No matter what anyone says, just show up and do the work.
If they praise you, show up and do the work.
If they criticize you, show up and do the work.
If no one even notices you, just show up and do the work.
Just keep showing up, doing the work, and leading the way.
Lead with passion.
Fuel up with optimism.
Have faith.
Power up with love.
Maintain hope.
Be stubborn.
Fight the good fight.
Refuse to give up.
Ignore the critics.
Believe in the impossible.
Show up.
Do the work.
You’ll be glad you did.
-Jon Gordon (Excerpt from The Power of Positive Leadership)
Capital Project Update
Powerful Teaching and Learning
On Wed. we had our first early release of the year. Teachers in each building worked on analyzing student data and working on their respective school improvement plans.
The administrative team started our book study on Brene’ Brown’s Dare to Lead. We discussed the ten behaviors and cultural issues that leaders identified as getting in the way of organizations across the world.
At Thursdays SAC (Superintendent Advisory Committee) meeting in Wenatchee we discussed self-care, new student discipline rules, and legislative impacts. The goal of this group of regional superintendents is Equity and Excellence for Every Child, and I am the regional president this year. I started the meeting with a presentation similar to the one I gave at the all staff meeting. It was interesting to see how well the topics of Being Positive, Being Grateful and Being Involved resonate with our colleagues throughout the region.
College, Career, Life Readiness
Creative and Innovative
TEA and PSE Updates
- The PSE union ratified the contract at their meeting this week. The school board will vote on the contract at the Sept. 25 meeting. A big thanks to all who helped us get to this point.
- THS had two students campaigning for the 2020 Okanogan County Fair Queen, Whitney Wilson and Julie Dellinger. Whitney was crowned Fair Queen and Julie the runner up. Congratulations and thank you for representing our community so well!
What Every Employee Needs to Know - Reminders
Superintendent Steve McCullough
Location: 35 DO Hwy 20 E
Phone: 509-486-2126