Week Ahead
April 28th- May 4th
This Week On the Ridge
This week our 3rd grade students celebrated their writing unit of Traditional Tales with showcasing their own twists on the familiar stories. Students learned about setting, theme, and characteristics to develop their own versions. Thank you to all of the staff and parents who came to read their stories.
Cyber Safety
Last week students in grades 4-6 had a cyber safety presentation from the District Attorney's Office. I've attached a resource from the DA's office for you to review. Hopefully, this can open up a dialogue between you and your child around how these are used and your expectations around their use. We've also included the presentations that were shared with grade 4 and grades 5 & 6 respectively.
Peace Poetry Winners
Congratulations to poets Kiara Minihan and Rihanna Pereira for their winning entries to the annual Voices for Peace poetry contest sponsored by the Cape Cod Veterans for Peace organization. Click below to read the winning entries from our students.
Kiara Minihan: Voices of Peace Poetry Contest Winner
Join the Band
Is your child interested in picking up an instrument, trying a new one, or continuing with their current instrument next year? If so, please check out the attachment from Mr. John Williams, our Instrumental Music teacher.
Family Fun Night
Community Event
Mark Your Calendar
4/29- Gr. 4, Waquoit Bay 9:30-1:30 Black, Natale, Guerra
5/1- Gr. 4, Waquoit Bay 9:30-1:30 Collins/Neske
5/3- Gr. 4, Waquoit Bay 9:30-1:30 Bartleman, Ricciardi, Dunlavey
5/7- Gr. 6, Lifetouch panorama picture 10-11
5/13-5/14 Gr. 3 & 5 MCAS Math
5/16-5/17 Gr. 4 & 6 MCAS Math
5/17- Community Day/Career Day Career Day
5/20-5/21 Gr. 5 MCAS Science
5/28- Gr. 5, Waquoit Bay 9:30-1:30 Hunt, Jacobson
5/29- Gr. 5, Waquoit Bay 9:30-1:30 Freeman, Greer, Mills
5/29- Oak Ridge Band Concert, MPR 7pm
5/30- Gr. 5 Waquoit Bay 9;30-1:30 Handrahan, Wesp
5/31- Gr. 5 Waquoit Bay 9:30-1:30 Bechard/Skirvan
6/7- Field Day! Rain date Monday, June 10th