Cougar Connection 👋🏽
February 3, 2025
This week at Mann!!!! 🍎
✔️Tuesday: RCT from 9:30-10:00 AM
✔️Tuesday: Triple P Parents Workshop from 8:30-10:30 AM
✔️Tuesday: 8th Graders Panoramic Picture in the Field from 9:00-10:00 AM
✔️Tuesday: 8th Graders Cap and Gown Pictures during PE
✔️Wednesday: Home Visits from 9:30-10:45 AM
✔️Wednesday: Office meeting from 10:00-10:30 AM
✔️Wednesday: English Classes for Parents from 10:00-12:00 PM in the Family Cougar Center
✔️Wednesday: 5+ Tardy Reflection from 1:18-1:40 in your P6 classroom
✔️Wednesday: PD from 1:45-3:35 PM
✔️Wednesday: ILT from 1:30-2:25 PM
✔️Thursday: Budget Meeting from 9:30-10:30 AM
✔️Friday: Birch Aquarium Educational Visit in Science Classrooms
✔️Friday: Admin Meeting from 10:30-12:00 PM
Bingo Day!!!
Valentine's Day Bingo Game! On February 13th at lunch in room 301 there will be a Valentine's Day Bingo Game! It is free to play and there will be small snacks for sale. Winners get cute valentines they can keep for themselves or give to a someone special!
Summer School!!!
-Summer School and Extended School Year Registration 2025-26
-Effective Monday, January 27, 2025, until Friday, March 30, 2025, by 4:00 PM the summer registration for Summer School and ESY programs for students will begin in PowerSchool.
ELPAC in February!!!
Our multilingual learners will begin the speaking portion of the ELPAC in February! A friendly high five, a word of encouragement, or a simple 'You've got this!' can go a long way in supporting them during this high-stakes assessment. Thank you for helping create a positive and uplifting testing environment!
Know Your Rights Red Cards
In the United States, all individuals - regardless of immigration status - have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The Immigration Legal Resource Center (ILRC) provides Red Cards, a helpful tool designed to empower people to assert their rights and defend themselves in various situations, such as when ICE agents visit their homes.
The cards are easy to use and provide clear guidance on what to say (or not to say) in such scenarios. Making these available to the families and individuals we work with can help foster a sense of security and confidence.
If you'd like to learn more or print your own Red Cards for distribution, visit the ILRC website at: https://www.ilrc.org/red-cards-tarjetas-rojas
8th Graders!!!!
Listen up 8th Graders!! We have 2 special photography events coming up to celebrate your promotion day! The first event is an 8th-grade group picture. You will be taking a panoramic picture with the entire 8th-grade class of 2025! This will take place next Tuesday, February 4th during period 1. In the second event, you will be taking cap and gown pictures to commemorate this significant milestone! The cap and gown pictures will take place on the same day, February 4th, during your PE period. Cap and gowns will be provided for you. The yearbook will include both the panoramic group picture and cap and gown pictures, so this is another reason to buy it! Additionally, you will receive order forms in your English class to purchase these pictures. Simply bring your order form and cash/check on picture day.
Women's Rights Workshops for Middle Schoolers!
Hello SDUSD middle school principals and vice-principals!
I am Annie Lawrence, a junior at University City High School and a Girl Scout Ambassador. I am writing to ask for your help completing my Gold Award project.
For my project, I chose to focus on women’s rights. I have always been passionate about the history of women’s rights, and educating myself on the discrimination women still face in the United States and internationally.
For the first part of my project, I made a website to educate younger girls about historic women’s rights movements and the women who came before them. I was lucky enough to get to partner with the Women’s Museum of California, one of the few museums in the U.S. dedicated solely to women’s history, as well as various professors and women’s advocacy organizations across the country.
The second part of my project is where I need your help. Over the next few months, I will be conducting 10 FREE!!! workshops for middle schoolers, across the county, to learn about women’s rights. I am hoping that you are able to share the information for my workshops (below) with your schools in an email home so that your students can participate!
I know you may have heard that I emailed teachers already, but after emailing over 100 people, I still have 0 sign ups and am truly hoping you can help me spread the word!
Below is the link to the page on my website that you can share in an email to parents if you choose to share my project with your school (the link should take them right to the workshop page). Everything that they need to know about the workshops and signing up is there, but if they come back with any questions, please feel free to let them know that they can contact me (womensrightsga@icloud.com).
Thank you so much for your consideration!
Annie Lawrence
Students, buy your yearbook today! Last day to purchase one is March 28th. $30 for softcover and $35 for hardcover. Use the QR link on the slide & the yearbook ID code to purchase it. All students who purchase a yearbook will be eligible to attend a yearbook signing party at the end of the year! Snacks and drinks will be provided! Gift cards will be raffled!
Students Safety!!!
Several students have mentioned fear of deportation to me this week, and I think it would be helpful for them to know the district's policy regarding ICE so that they aren't afraid of coming to school under the new admin.
"The district reaffirmed policies to not assist ICE in enforcing federal immigration laws and not allow access to district facilities without a warrant. "Politics will be politics outside of the classroom, but inside of the classroom, our children should be safe," said Dr. Fabiola Bagula, the district's interim superintendent."
Student PSA Poster Contest!!!!
Students in Kindergarten through high school are encouraged to create a Public Service
Announcement (PSA) video or poster to help raise awareness about mental health and substance
prevention, while inspiring their peers to make positive, healthy decisions.
Chocolate Sales!!!!
Chocolate Sales -- 8th Graders: It's time to sell chocolate! Please stop by Mr. Leboffe's room to check out your box to sell. Everyone else: Please bring your dollar bills, buy some chocolate, and support our 8th grade class!
Garden Club 🌺🌻🌼🌷🌱🪴🪷
Garden Club Monday 3:30-4 Room 301
Thrift Store 👔👕👖🧣🧤🧥🧦👗👚👜👡👢👒
Thrift Store open Wed & Thurs at lunch!
English Classes for Parents at Mann/Clases de Inglés para padres en Mann!
Reading In the Garden by Family Engagement Committee!!😀😍🌺🌻🌸🪴
Read! Read!!📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📖📖📖📖📖Read!!!!
Thank you, Ms. Pauline, Ms. Alex, and Ms. Viri (parents), for helping run Reading in the Garden!!! All students are invited to come every Thursday during lunchtime, bring their books, foo, and friends!!!
Buy your Yearbook online!!!!
Cell Phone Policy Presentation!!!!Please read and review it with your student!
Volunteers at Mann Survey!!!!
Parents/Guardians!! We need your help completing the survey for volunteering opportunities at Mann!
Meet your Administrators 😍
Picture Day!!!! Buy your student's picture online!
Finance Office Hours and PE uniform!!!!
Purchase the PE clothes or ask for PE clothes assistance in the Finance Office!
Please read below for the office hours!
Finance Office Hours on Regular Days
Finance office Hours on Minimun Days
New Bell Schedule
Pick up and Drop off your Student!
Physical Education (PE) Department Policy
Physical Education (PE) Department Policy
ALL students are required daily to dress for PE and fully participate in all activities unless they are medically exempted or have 504 or IEP modifications. Students should be fully dressed and on their PE numbers within the first 10 minutes of class. All students’ belongings should be left in a locked locker for the duration of the PE class. It is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver to complete the PE uniform assistance form to request support in providing their student with a uniform if they are not able to provide one. Access will be provided for completion of the form should it be necessary. Parents/Caregivers will be contacted immediately if students show up not dressed for PE.
Meet your Counselors!!!
What's New in the Building
Student Wellness Center A-1 ☺️
Family Cougar Center
Back-to-School Resources
Hero App!!
Parents and students have access to their own Hero portal to monitor students point balances and view Hero behavior history using the Hero by Schoolmint App.