The Eagle Expo
Art City Elementary
Art City News and Information
Thank you: It is quite surreal to be writing my last school newsletter. I've written more than I can count over the last 11 years! A common theme among them is always a thank you to parents, PTA, students and staff for their roles in the lives of kids and in my life. I have loved my time at Art City. I have loved being a principal, teacher, coach and mentor throughout my career. Each job I have had in education has helped me grow and learn. I am grateful for the challenges and the huge rewards! I will miss seeing and interacting with the kids each day. They are magical and can make the worst days turn into the best days in seconds! I will miss my interactions and friendships with staff. Boy, are the staff at this school just amazing. I just love them! I will miss talking with and working with parents. We have some amazing parents in our community, and I am so happy to know them! BUT, I look forward to Grandma Days, grocery shopping in the middle of the day, no alarms, lunch out whenever I want, naps and shorts and t-shirts on a weekday! :)
Above all - I wish the students at Art City Elementary the very best and I hope they always remember to be kind to one another!
-All my love - Mrs. Muirbrook
Full Day Kindergarten: Beginning next school year there is a full day kindergarten option for all students! This is a wonderful opportunity for students. We have found that our students who have participated in full day kindergarten make great academic growth. Students are able to adjust quickly to a full day schedule. They are pretty tired those first few weeks, but after that they do just fine. A technician is with the kindergarten students at all times during lunch time. They take the students to the cafeteria, stay with them at their lunch table, take them outside and stay outside with them. When the lunch bell rings the technicians will take students back to their classrooms. Next year we will have two technicians to accommodate 2 full day kindergarten classes.
If you would like your child to attend all day kindergarten and did not select that option on the enrollment document, you can call the office and Mrs. Bailey can change that for you. You can also call the office with any questions or concerns you may have. We will be happy to answer any questions. We hope you will consider full day kindergarten. It is really a great opportunity and one that the students and teachers really enjoy and find very beneficial.
Lost and Found: Please check the lost and found. We have many, many items and we would love for them to find their way home! Any items left after school is out will be donated the first week of June.
If I can ever be of any help, please don't hesitate to call the school 801-489-2820 or email me at
18: Last day of pre-school and kindergarten
22: 5th Grade Celebration 1:00-2:00
23: Field Day - PM prepare to be wet
25: Stand Strong Assembly 9:00 AM
25: Last day of school (lunch served at 10:25) - Dismissal at noon
PTA News
Contact Us
Natalie Bailey - Secretary
Location: 121 North 900 East, Springville, UT, USA
Phone: 801-489-2820